How to call doc to any SDK from my application?
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I have downloaded doc2any sdk in trial version it doesn't have any exe. I have doc2any dll file.
Please let me know how to use dll in this case I want to in corporate it into my web/desktop application.
doc2any sdk is contain following examples,
you can compile and run these examples and check them how to work, these examples are call doc2any.dll internally.
You can also refer to a C# example at below, this C# example does call "pdfshell.dll" to convert documents, "pdfshell.dll" then call to doc2any.dll internally,
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
[DllImport(@"pdfshell.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint DocToAnyRunCmd([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string strCmdLine);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strCmd;
strCmd = "-$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C:\\example.doc C:\\example.pdf";
uint nRet = DocToAnyRunCmd(strCmd);
I am not able to convert pdf,html,mhtml, xls images(jpg,bmp) into desired tiff 300X300 dpi black and white LZW compression. But with same command i can convert doc,rtf and txt,docx,ppt format.
I have open office installed on my computer and Visual studio 2008.
Please tell me how can i do that with Any Doc doc2any sdk.
I also tried using docprint sdk. With docprint i m unable to convert doc,docx,rtf, txt ppt (ms office document) but it was able to convert pdf,html etc with same command. Also it gives me message of tries left and i have very few tries left and i m still testing it .
Doc2any.exe can't convert PDF, HTML, MHTML files to TIFF files, you need following products to convert from PDF, HTML, MHTML files to TIFF files,
You can use PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF files to image files,
You can use HTMLPrint to Any Converter product to convert HTML and MHTML files to TIFF files,
however, doc2any.exe is able to convert XLS files to TIFF files without any problem if your system has MS Excel application installed, if your system hasn't MS Excel application installed, the conversion will failed.
docPrint SDK product is depend on MS Office application to convert DOC, DOCX, RTF, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, etc. office documents to PDF and TIFF files, if your system hasn't MS Office installed, docPrint SDK will fail.
However, docPrint SDK product is able to convert HTML, MHTML PDF files to TIFF files without MS Office application installed.