DOC to Any Converter

How to call doc to any SDK from my application?

Thanks for your prompt reply.
I have downloaded doc2any sdk in trial version it doesn't have any exe. I have doc2any dll file.
Please let me know how to use dll in this case I want to in corporate it into my web/desktop application.

doc2any sdk is contain following examples,


you can compile and run these examples and check them how to work, these examples are call doc2any.dll internally.

You can also refer to a C# example at below, this C# example does call "pdfshell.dll" to convert documents, "pdfshell.dll" then call to doc2any.dll internally,

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

[DllImport(@"pdfshell.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint DocToAnyRunCmd([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string strCmdLine);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strCmd;
strCmd = "-$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C:\\example.doc C:\\example.pdf";
uint nRet = DocToAnyRunCmd(strCmd);
I am not able to convert pdf,html,mhtml, xls images(jpg,bmp) into desired tiff 300X300 dpi black and white LZW compression. But with same command i can convert doc,rtf and txt,docx,ppt format.

I have open office installed on my computer and Visual studio 2008.

Please tell me how can i do that with Any Doc doc2any sdk.

I also tried using docprint sdk. With docprint i m unable to convert doc,docx,rtf, txt ppt (ms office document) but it was able to convert pdf,html etc with same command. Also it gives me message of tries left and i have very few tries left and i m still testing it .
Doc2any.exe can't convert PDF, HTML, MHTML files to TIFF files, you need following products to convert from PDF, HTML, MHTML files to TIFF files,

You can use PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF files to image files,

You can use HTMLPrint to Any Converter product to convert HTML and MHTML files to TIFF files,

however, doc2any.exe is able to convert XLS files to TIFF files without any problem if your system has MS Excel application installed, if your system hasn't MS Excel application installed, the conversion will failed.

docPrint SDK product is depend on MS Office application to convert DOC, DOCX, RTF, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, etc. office documents to PDF and TIFF files, if your system hasn't MS Office installed, docPrint SDK will fail.

However, docPrint SDK product is able to convert HTML, MHTML PDF files to TIFF files without MS Office application installed.



DOC to Any Converter

How to convert doc to ps by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

Click on start menu, choose the run column and click it, you’ll see a dialogue window,input the character “cmd” and confirm, thus DOS widow is unfolded.

Because we need convert doc to ps, doc document must be prepared, similarly the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter prepared which is downloaded in the site of or 

The following is our operation, I suppose the software has been downloaded in the D disk of the computer and the doc document been founded on the desktop of the computer, then to convert doc to ps, I first drag the icon of the software into DOS window,  DOS window will display the characters that are: D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe, it indicates the operation is right, this is the first for the conversion of doc to ps.

Next drag the icon of the doc document twice, the second time need a little alteration that substitute ps for doc. That’s all the progress of doc to ps.

Below is the illustration, you can compare them with your operation.

How to convert doc to ps by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

The first drag for doc to ps

How to convert doc to ps by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

The second and the third drag for doc to ps, notice the difference marked by a red circle.

How to convert doc to ps by VeryDOC DOC to any converter? 

The success, look at the picture marked with red color

PDF to Word Converter

Difference between RTF and DOC


When run the VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter, Users often call to ask what the difference between RTF and DOC is. In this article. I would like to answer this question.

Difference between RTF and DOC

As you can see in the above screenshot, there are two output formats: MS Word Document (*.DOC) and Rich Text Format (*.RTF). Both RTF format and DOC format are developed by Microsoft for Word. RTF is a format older than DOC. Nowadays, DOC format is more popular than RTF format. However RTF is still being used by some people for its advantages. The differences between both the formats are as follows:

Firstly, a DOC file carries more formatting than RTF. The options RTF can provide are simple and limited. It can just support format like italics, types, font sizes, and boldface, while DOC can support users to format their documents in any ways they want.

Secondly, Microsoft has stopped developing RTF, but it never stop improving DOC. More recent versions of Microsoft Office can not be saved in RTF any longer, while the brand-new incarnation of the DOC is the DOCX.

Thirdly, RTF files are much smaller than DOC files. Due to the great number of formatting you could keep in DOC files, the amount of data is great. However, the size of RTF files is very small.

Fourthly, since RTF files are encoded as text files, you can open an RTF file with any text editor, while you can neither encode nor view information of DOC files if you don’t have the correct application.

Fifthly, RTF is less safe than DOC, because you can encrypt the DOC files.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert doc to eps by VeryDOC to any converter?

Open your computer and enter DOS window, drag the icon of the software of VeryDOC to any converter into DOS window, which downloaded from the address, here take care of the icon route, when downloaded and remained in a disk, during the drag, you’d better do it from the resource management of the computer, in order to avoid some non-recognition. Then in turn drag the icon of doc file and eps file into DOS window, the latter operation you can repeat the former, then substitute eps for doc. Below is the illustration to indicate the key way for doc to eps.

How to convert doc to eps by VeryDOC to any converter?

This indicates the software is downloaded and remained in D disk of the computer, and on the left the doc document has been founded.

 How to convert doc to eps by VeryDOC to any converter?

This indicates the drag from the store in D disk into DOS window.

This step operates right for doc to eps, the left is easy to do, believe you have understood.

PDF to Word Converter

How can I change PDF files to PowerPoint documents?

There are various ways to change PDF files to PowerPoint documents. In this article, I would like to introduce three common methods to change PDF files to PowerPoint documents without buying any PDF to PowerPoint Converter.

Method 1:Insert  PDF into PowerPoint.

Here let me take Ms PowerPoint 2007 as an example:

Step 1: Run PowerPoint and go to the slide you want to import PDF file.

Step 2: Click on the “Insert” drop-down menu and select “Object”.

Step 3: Once an interface appears,  click the button on the left of “Create new” and choose object type to “Adobe Acrobat Document”.

Step 4: Again, a new interface will appear. Please select the PDF file with the content you want to convert from PDF to PowerPoint and open this file, then, copy what you want on the original PDF file and paste to the PowerPoint slide.

Method 2:Via taking a Snapshot

Step 1: Open the PDF via Adobe Reader, click on the “edit” drop-down menu, and select the “take a Snapshot” option.

Step 2: Left-click and hold to choose the content you want change from the PDF file to the PowerPoint document.

Step 3: Paste the PDF content from the original PDF file to the PowerPoint document. However, you cannot edit but just resize this snapshot, because the snapshot is not text but image.

Method 3:If you have a PDF to Word converter already, you can use it to help you to convert PDF to PowerPoint, retaining font, imagines, text, etc. of the original file. Taking VeryDOC PDF to Word as an example, I have  introduced how tochange PDF to PPT with the help of VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter  before, so I won’t discuss how to use it here. If you are interested in how to do it,  please go to the website at to read the following article:Can I use your PDF to Word Converter to convert from PDF files to PowerPoint documents?

However, if you have a large amount of PDF files to convert to PPT documents,  I strongly recommend you to try VeryPDF PDF to PPT Converter,which is a real professional tool which  can help you convert PDF to PowerPoint fast and accurately. You can download it at