PowerPoint Converter

Can your software create Windows EMF files from PowerPoint documents?

When you need to convert ppt to emf,you can use VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0.

EMF is short for Enhanced MetaFile.It is used in printing industry and associated with windows system.The advantage of emf is keeping the accuracy of images,which can save occupied bandwidth using small emf on the internet.

1.Open the VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 and add a ppt into it.

2.Output format should be chosen as emf then starting converting.

3. Create a new folder to save all the emf files.

4.A few seconds later,the job will be finished and you can see all the emf files appearing in the new folder you’ve just created.

Can your software create Windows EMF files from PowerPoint documents?

By converting ppt to emf, you can get the files you want fast.Convenient but not wasting time.

PowerPoint Converter

How do I convert PowerPoint to Postscript by your software?

We should know what is postscript at first.Now postscript is widely used in many organization such as publishers,schools,companies all around the world.It is a kind of page description language with the extension name .ps or .eps.If you want to convert ppt to postscript,you can use VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0.

You should download the VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 on https://www.verydoc.com/powerpoint-converter.html or https://www.verydoc.com/verydoc_pptconverter.exe and run it.

Then choose postscript format top right and start to convert ppt to postscript.You also need choose a right path to save the postscript.

With the help of GSview, you can see a new postscript.You also can zoom in and zoom out the current page of the postscript.Location can be done freely here.

How do I convert PowerPoint to Postscript by your software?

It is so easy to convert ppt to postscript when using VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0

DOC to Any Converter

When I convert xls to pdf is there a quicker way to enter DOS window?

Yes, there is. Using VeryDOC DOC to any converter must enter DOS window first, all the later operations follow it then. But usually the course is not very convenient, on the contrary is very trivial. Next I guide you to a path by which the entering DOS system becomes easier.

Before that, let’s do the operation as same as the usual way. Recall it and that is what click the start menu, choose the “run”column on the right, as a new window pops,input the “cmd” command and confirm. Obviously the process is trivial and when many files need to be converted intermittently it must be annoyed you. By the new method, I can remain the shortcut after the first entrance, we can store it in the start menu or in the desktop, store anyplace you like, for the sake of convenience suppose it’s stored in the start meun, the illustration is below

When I convert xls to pdf is there a quicker way to enter DOS window?

the red line is the direction for the purpose, after you click the fourth red circle that is “Pin to Start menu” the start menu will add the column right away, it’s like this:

When I convert xls to pdf is there a quicker way to enter DOS window?

look at the red circle, so afterwards you can easily pass start menu and find the DOS system, and continue your further operation for the conversion of xls to pdf.

PDF to Vector Converter

What is the difference between raster PDF file and vector PDF file?

When it comes to the difference between raster PDF file and vector PDF file,we may easily know the point is the difference between “raster and vector”.So how do we make “raster and vector” clear seems important.We will talk about it in detail in the next paragraphs.

The date structure based on raster model means dividing space into regular grid,we call it grid cell.We give these cells values to indicate geographic entity.This structure signifies discrete value of the element in the two dimensional surface.Every cell represents one kind of value.The length of a cell side decides the precision of the raster data.

While the vector draws instructions by means of geometric points,lines,faces and their combination to indicate the space distribution of the geographic entity.

Through the description of the above,we can see that raster structure is simple and convenient for spatial analysis,but its data volume is huge,and projection transformation seems complicated.To the contrary,vector structure has compact form,low redundancy rate,and it is convenient for net and searching analysis,can reveal image with high quality and accuracy.Of course the vector data structure is hard to operate compared with raster structure.

At last,let’ get to the point,vector PDF files normally are saved or printed directly from the original CAD/drawing package and graphical details stay sharp and crisp when doomed.While raster PDF files are created from scans,screenshots or bitmap images,and its graphical  details become jagged or blurry when zoomed.

DOC to Any Converter

Are the same between xls to bmp and xls to pdf?

The conversions of xls to bmp and xls to pdf are exactly alike, both are completed under DOS window, through writing their route kept in computer when they have been downloaded or founded, in detail that is as follows

1. Open DOS window, when the cursor flickers this is the begging.

2. In turn input the route of the conversion software, the xls format image and the bmp format image, don’t forget basic operation when a route was written such as forget to press “space key”and other knowledge related to computer operation. The bmp route can be replaced by xls route with a little alteration, namely substitute bmp for xls.

Then press “enter key”, the result comes out. Here I take an example for xls to bmp, as the way you can convert xls to png. But do you know what bmp is and what pdf? This refers to many theoretical knowledge of computer which have little association with users, just having the overview that is enough for us. bmp format is applied in a very vast area, nearly all the operating system support it, its defect that occupies a large amount of disk space. pdf format its upmost advantage is stable and can remain former layout. In fact we needn’t distinguish them, only look at their image there is record to tell them from others. Some software companies in order to compete, defeat other companies and control market share produce some file formats designed by them, difference perhaps just the name.