PDF to Vector Converter

After I convert my PDF file to Postscript file, how can I view the resultant PS file?

When we talk about this topic,we can’t help thinking out what is postscript,and how do we use it.ps is the acronym of postscript.ps is developed by Adobe company and is a programmable printer control language(PCL).The so-called “PostScript” printer we usually see is the printer supports “PostScript” language.

.ps file means it has been processed by “PostScript” language,it can be directly printed out.

The most important use is to describe  graph in a device-independent way.So it can be printed out at any print.And it also can be used to sketch on computer screen and other device,the ps file will be displayed on the screen.

So it is popular among the net,GostScript is one of its interpreters.

Next we can use “pdf2vec_cmd” carry out our conversion.One thing should be remembered is that we should install a “GostScript”.Example(result):

After I convert my PDF file to Postscript file, how can I view the resultant PS file?

After we do the conversion,we will see a file with extension .ps,open the file we will get the destination,here we go.

DOC to Any Converter

Are all the conversion of xls to any other format similar?

Very exactly. But there is a strange phenomenon related to the series conversion, when you convert xle to any other format one by one, you will find in which the flash format is very strange, it must be created by VeryDOC DOC to any converter at last, otherwise other formats impending will affect it that has been created and make it disappear, the reason as yet I haven’t understood, so if you need convert xls to many other file formats, remember to convert the xls to flash at last.

Are all the conversion of xls to any other format similar?

I have tried, all the operation for every conversion from xls to any other format is the same. If you convert xls more one time  to a same objective format, the result will not changed, if you not only convert xls to an objective format, but also convert doc to the objective format, the result will be two objective formats, with their same image, but the name.

Are all the conversion of xls to any other format similar?

PDF to Vector Converter

How can I convert German PDF file to German EMF file?

The point that using VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter must enter DOS window first of all, for the later operations follow it then. But usually the procedure is not that simple, on the contrary is very trivial. Next I show you to a way by which the entering DOS system becomes easier.So our conversion  from German PDF file to German EMF file may seem not that hard. 

Before that, there are some operations we should do.That is :first: click the start menu, choose the “run”column on the right, so a  window appear,then input  “cmd”  and press “enter”. Obviously this procedure is trivial and when many files need to be converted intermittently they may annoy you. The new idea, we can remain the shortcut after our first entrance, we can store it in the start menu or in the desktop.On the grounds of convenience suppose it’s stored in the start meun, the illustration is below:

How can I convert German PDF file to German EMF file?

Now we can carry out the conversion easily.Just make sure the source file is German PDF file that you input.Then,check the result from where you the source file lie,they must be in the same file.

PowerPoint Converter

Can I get WMF files from PowerPoint presentation by your software

WMF is short for Windows Metafile which is a kind of image file format in windows defined by Microsoft Corp.

Before you perform converting ppt to wmf, please load the software VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 to you computer.

1.Run VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 and click”add” to add a ppt file so that you can perform your conversion.

2.Select the wmf format in the output format frame which can give you the option to convert the added ppt to other formats such as swf,emf,gif etc.

3.Click “convert” and name a new file then click “save”.Then it starts to convert ppt to wmf.

4.A new window appears a few seconds later and ppt to wmf has been done.

PDF to Vector Converter

How can I convert Japanese PDF file to Japanese EMF file?

As the name suggests,converting Japanese PDF file to Japanese EMF file.Then first we must have a Japanese PDF file.You may have one or you can download one.The most important thing is you must have a VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter.Then let’s do it.

Tip:the downloading website:



Next extract this file and a file folder will be emerge. Open it and find the file “pdf2vec.exe” which is what you need.

Then we enter DOS environment for our software is run in DOS environment.

Yeah,what we should do now is  input some commands step by step.But you must not forget when you input a complete command,you have to press “space” button to tell computer you have completed a input.The commands you should input are as follows:

How can I convert Japanese PDF file to Japanese EMF file?

Now the whole conversion is over.You may press “enter” to check the details.And you can find you target file from your root file which you have input once.