DOC to Any Converter

doc to pdf conversion

VeryDOC DOC to any converter is a handy software to save your time and energy when you convert doc to pdf. It makes operation easy for even a novice to understand its basics in a course of minutes. The program is compatible with all Windows platforms (including Vista and 7), and it integrates into Windows easily. The converter permits you to convert doc to pdf and so on.

It  strictly preserves all document properties, so don’t worry about the content lost or changed, its transformation is as fast a process as it is simple.

Go to DOS window, if you haven’t yet learned to go to DOS window, you can enter this website of and search for it, in which the operation for DOS window is explained. Next I go on the conversion of doc to pdf, prepare a doc document that doesn’t matter whose content is empty or not and the having downloaded software, here suppose the software kept in D disk of your computer. Orderly, input the route of the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, the route of doc document and the route of the pdf document, because the pdf document is our object, its route you can’t find directly according to the shortcut, instead, we can input the route of doc document once more only with an alteration, that means substitute pdf for doc, for their routes are nearly the same except this. For convenience you can drag the icons into DOS window instead of writing them.

Do as the method told you will get the desired result soon.

PowerPoint Converter

Can I add hyperlinks on PPT with this ppt to flash converter?

When we create a new ppt,we may use hyperlink to connect from one slide to another slide in the same presentation.or to a slide in another presentation, an e-mail address, a Web page, or a file.We can create a hyperlink from text or from an object, such as a picture, graph, shape.

But how to create a hyperlink?

  1. Select the text or the object that you want to use as a hyperlink.
  2. Right click the object you’ve just selected and click hyperlink or click hyperlink on the insert tab, in the links group.
  3. In the popping window,you can link the pictures,articles,etc by looking in your computer.You also can link a web address which you can input in “address”. 
  4. Click “OK” and save the ppt.
  5. Open VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 and add the ppt and convert the ppt to flash swf.

At last we will see that in the new flash,the hyperlink is still available.So the answer to this topic is “YES!”

DOC to Any Converter

The best way for converting doc to pdf through VeryDOC DOC to any converter

Turn on your computer and enter DOS window, drag the icon of the software into DOS window, which downloaded from the site, here mind the icon route, when downloaded and kept in a disk, during the drag, you’d better do it from a regular way, in order to avoid some non-recognition. Then in turn drag the icon of doc file and pdf file into DOS window, the latter operation you can repeat the former, then substitute pdf for doc. Below is the illustration to indicate the key way for doc to pdf ( I suppose the software has been downloaded in the D disk of the computer and the doc document been founded on the desktop of the computer ).

The best way for converting doc to pdf through VeryDOC DOC to any converter

This indicates the software is downloaded and remained in D disk of the computer, and on the left the doc document has been founded.

The best way for converting doc to pdf through VeryDOC DOC to any converter

This indicates the drag from the store in D disk into DOS window.

This step operates right for doc to pdf, the left is easy to do, believe you have understood.

PowerPoint Converter

When converting ppt to flash,the movie in it can be converted?

Now we can test with the software VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 about this ppt to flash.

1.Open a ppt file and find a movie in avi or wmv format in your disk.If you are not familiar to the computer and don’t know where to find a movie,you can do it under the help of dos.

2.Click “start”—“run” , input “cmd” in it and enter.

When converting ppt to flash,the movie in it can be converted?

For example,you want to insert a movie in avi form,you should input the command  dir *.avi/s/b,then click Enter button.

When converting ppt to flash,the movie in it can be converted?

The system itself will help you find out all the avi form movies.You can open one of it through the path.

3.Insert the movie into ppt and save it.

4.Run VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 and add the ppt you’ve just finished into it.Choose flash swf format in the output format frame and start to convert.

At last, we can see a static flash which can not move.In other words,we can say the movie in avi format in ppt is not supported in the new resultant flash from ppt to flash.

PowerPoint Converter

Can sound files be directly attached to the flash slides?

The answer is “yes!” VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 enables users to attach almost all formats files when converting ppt to flash,of course including sound files. You can insert sound file like mp3.wma.midi forms.Even you can record your own voice and insert it. After conversion, you can listen or see all of them.More features as follows.

Sound files

1. Support sounds for animation effects, support WAV, MP3, etc. formats.

2.Support sounds for slide transitions, support WAV, MP3, etc. formats.

3.Support music for slide.

4.Retain slide timing and sound effects

After conversion from ppt to flash,you can control the volume of the sound and you also can turn it off if you don’t like it by the control bar bellow.

Can sound files be directly attached to the flash slides?