DOC to Any Converter

Who can tell me how to download the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, I convert rtf to pdf, this is the website of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, when you enter, your computer will pop a window, as its indication confirm and go to next,when downloading finished, it will display a image like this:

Who can tell me how to download the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, I convert rtf to pdf

then double click it, another image appears

Who can tell me how to download the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, I convert rtf to pdf

find the image marked by the red circle and click it ,then another page pops, find the desktop on the right and double click and confirm.

Who can tell me how to download the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, I convert rtf to pdf     Who can tell me how to download the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, I convert rtf to pdf    Who can tell me how to download the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, I convert rtf to pdf

then on your desktop, a “doc2any” file appears

Who can tell me how to download the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter, I convert rtf to pdf   

with this, you may finish your task of rtf to pdf.

DOC to Any Converter

Can you know how to batch convert doc, xls and ppt to pdf?

In use of VeryDOC DOC to any converter you can convert doc, xls, ppt and the like to pdf under DOS window successively. Download the software in the site of or then open the software file marked by the red circle.

Can you know how to batch convert doc, xls and ppt to pdf?  

Now we convert doc to pdf first

Step1: go to DOS window

Step2: drag the icon of “doc2any.exe”into DOS window

Can you know how to batch convert doc, xls and ppt to pdf?

step3: drag the icon of “doc”into DOS window

Can you know how to batch convert doc, xls and ppt to pdf?

step4: repeat step3, and with a little alteration that substitute pdf for doc

Can you know how to batch convert doc, xls and ppt to pdf?

then press “Enter”, this is OK.

Can you know how to batch convert doc, xls and ppt to pdf?

after that, you can continue convert xls to pdf, and ppt to pdf, the method is the same with above.

DOC to Any Converter

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

We know the conversion at least require two condition, one is the conversion software, the other is the converted file. In operation when you have downloaded the DOC to any converter in the site of or   it contains the converted file.

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

there are six format files marked by the red circle in advance, so if we want to convert rtf to pdf, it becomes very handy, the detail as follows

step1: go to DOS

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

step2: drag the icon of doc2any.exe into DOS window

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?               Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

step3: drag the icon of example.rtf into DOS window

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?           Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

step4: repeat step3, and correct a little, that substitute pdf for rtf

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?          Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

then press the “Enter”

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

DOC to Any Converter

How to delete them when I have converted docx to jpg successfully?

For docx to jpg fulfilled, there are a amount of jpg files left, deletion is troublesome and sometimes leads to mistake, because those useful files locate there too. Here I tell how to delete them quickly and  safe. Below is the case

How to delete them when I have converted docx to jpg successfully?

if you want to delete them all, click example000 jpg and meanwhile press “Shift + example052 jpg”,then from the example000 jpg to example052 jpg, these files turn blue.

How to delete them when I have converted docx to jpg successfully?

then you press “Delete”, a tip pops and continue to press the “yes”, then these selected files disappear

How to delete them when I have converted docx to jpg successfully?   How to delete them when I have converted docx to jpg successfully?

If there are more files you want to delete, hold the “shift” unreleased meanwhile choose the file continuously.

DOC to Any Converter

Have you tried to convert docx to jpg?

By VeryDOC DOC to any converter convert docx to jpg is very wonderful, because it can convert a docx file to 224 jpg files one time and one moment, so when you need lots of jpg files, this software spares much trouble and time for you. The steps are below:

step1, download the software of VeryDOC DOC to any converter in the site of or 

step2, go to DOS window

step3, drag the icon of  DOC to any convert software into DOS window, DOS window will display a string of command automatically.

Have you tried to convert docx to jpg?   

step4, drag the icon of docx file into DOS window, DOS window will display a string of command automatically again.

Have you tried to convert docx to jpg?

step5, repeat step4, and substitute jpg for docx, it is marked by the red circle.

Have you tried to convert docx to jpg?

then press the “Enter”key, the result comes out. It’s really grand.

Have you tried to convert docx to jpg?   Have you tried to convert docx to jpg?