PDF Compressor

Is it possible with your ‘VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line’ tool to configure it to watch a folder and automatically compress the .pdf when arrives in the folder?

Hello there,

Is it possible with your 'VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line' tool to configure it to watch a folder and automatically compress the .pdf when arrives in the folder? Do you have a solution to do also OCR for the pdf?

Many thanks for your answer!

Best regards,

Is it possible with your 'VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line' tool to configure it to watch a folder and automatically compress the .pdf when arrives in the folder?
VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line can be found from following web page,


>>Is it possible with your 'VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line' tool to configure it to watch a folder and automatically compress the .pdf when arrives in the folder?

Yes, you can write a .bat file to watch a folder, when a PDF file be placed into this folder, this PDF file will be compressed automatically, I have attached a sample .bat file at below.

You can use following .bat command to monitor D:\temp\ folder, if you place a PDF file into D:\temp\ folder, this .bat file will compress it and output PDF file to D:\out folder, you can modify the input and output folders by yourself,

echo Compress PDF file...
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do D:\VeryPDF\pdfcompressor.exe -ci jpg -cidown -cidownres 50 -gi jpg -gidown -gidownres 50 -mi fax -midown -midownres 50 "%F" "D:\out\%~nF.pdf"
ping -n 5
goto retry

>>Do you have a solution to do also OCR for the pdf?

Yes, you can use following products to convert scanned TIFF or PDF files to OCRed PDF files,

Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line,

PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line,

VeryPDF OCR to Any Converter Command Line,


DOC to Any Converter

doc2any Command Line and SDK Supported Document Formats

Document formats supported by doc2any Converter Service

DOC to Any Converter Command Line and SDK Home Page,

Legacy formats
DOC – Legacy Word document
DOT – Legacy Word templates
RTF – Rich Text Format
– OpenOffice document

OOXML formats
DOCX – Word document
DOCS – Word document
DOCM – Word macro-enabled document
DOTX – Word template
DOTM – Word macro-enabled template
DOCB – Word binary document introduced in Microsoft Office 2007

Legacy formats
XLS – Legacy Excel worksheet
XLT – Legacy Excel templates
XLM – Excel macro
CSV – Excel format
ODC – OpenOffice document

OOXML formats
XLSX – Excel workbook
XLSM – Excel macro-enabled workbook; same as xlsx but may contain macros and scripts
XLTX – Excel template
XLTM – Excel macro-enabled template; same as xltx but may contain macros and scripts

Other formats
XLSB – Excel binary worksheet (BIFF12)
XLW – Excel workspace; previously known as "workbook"

Legacy formats
PPT – Legacy PowerPoint presentation
POT – Legacy PowerPoint template
PPS – Legacy PowerPoint slideshow
ODP –OpenOffice document

OOXML formats
PPTX – PowerPoint presentation
PPTM – PowerPoint macro-enabled presentation
POTX – PowerPoint template
POTM – PowerPoint macro-enabled template
PPAM – PowerPoint add-In
PPSX – PowerPoint slideshow
PPSM – PowerPoint macro-enabled slideshow
SLDX – PowerPoint slide
SLDM – PowerPoint macro-enabled slide

Text Based Formats

Visio formats
.vsd, .vsdm, .vsdx [.vsdm and .vsdx require Visio >= 2013]

Publisher formats

Also following image formats are supported:

Outlook formats
.msg, .vcf, .ics

Project formats
.mpp [requires Project >= 2010]

See Also:



DOC to Any Converter

How to set the "Timeout" feature in "doc2any.exe" executable?

We are using "Doc to any convertor" 4 licenses. We are using ASP.Net/C# application to call "doc2any.exe" executable file.

We are looking for following help:
1) How to set the "Timeout" feature in "doc2any.exe" executable?
2) How to catch the exception from "doc2any.exe" executable?
3) How to kill the particular conversion process (which is running on "doc2any.exe" executable)? On exception, the entire conversion is getting stopped. So the next conversion from the queue is not happening.

This is very CRITICAL issues, as we got stuck and our conversion is failing big time.

Below is the sample code:

Process lsProcess = new Process();
lsProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
lsProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
lsProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
lsProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
lsProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "D:\doc2any\doc2any_service\docPrint_client.exe";
string lsDOC2AnyExePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOC2Any"].ToString();
lsProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = " nowait D:\doc2any\doc2any.exe -$ LICENSEKEY \\\e$\BOTTOM.PPTX \\\e$\BOTTOM.PDF"


How to set the "Timeout" feature in "doc2any.exe" executable?

We have created a new version of doc2any.exe to you today, please download the new version from following URL,


The new version of doc2any.exe is support "-killoffice" and "-timeoutkillself" parameters, you can use these parameters to kill MS Office and itself after timeout,

-killoffice <int> : Kill or not kill MS Office instances before conversion
-timeoutkillself <int> : specify a timeout to avoid hanging doc2any process, in millisecond

You can run following command line to kill MS Office (WINWORD.EXE, POWERPNT.EXE, EXCEL.EXE) and doc2any.exe process itself after timeout,

doc2any.exe -killoffice 1 -timeoutkillself 60000 "D:\downloads\password_test.docx" "D:\downloads\password_test.pdf"


DOC to Any Converter

How to convert from XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PDF, TXT, CSV, FLV formats to Flash SWF files?

Hello Support,

We have come across your product while we were searching for solution to convert office documents to .SWF. We tried with free demo and planning to buy few server licenses. Before we go ahead, we have some questions. Can you please get back to us asap with the answers?

1) We are looking following Formats to convert into .SWF,

Sr.No Format Yes /No
1 Xls
2 Xlsx
3 Doc
4 Docx
5 Ppt
6 Pptx
7 Pps
8 Pdf
9 Txt
10 Csv
11 Flv

2) What product will be appropriate for us in above mention case? Is there any single product which cover all above mention formats? If yes, please share the documentation or user manual for that.

3) What are the license fee for two servers?

4) What is the Gold support? it is specific to any product or multiple product?

5) We want to run as Separate process on server? Is it possible to do that using command line arguments with multiple instance running for conversion (multiple user logged into Website and going for conversion)?

6) What is the system requirements RAM and Processor requirements?

7) We tried with .doc to any converter to convert few .pptx file but facing some issue with .swf rendering. Please find the attached .pptx and converted .swf files.

8) Can you please guide us how to handle custom or third party fonts?

9) What is the processing time once we buy the licenses?

>> 2) What product will be appropriate for us in above mention case? Is there any single product which cover all above mention formats? If yes, please share the documentation or user manual for that.

Our DOC to Any Converter Command Line has this function, please download it from following web page to try,


>> 3) What are the license fee for two servers?

The cost is USD$295*2=USD590, you can purchase it from our website directly,


>> 4) What is the Gold support ? it is specific to any product or multiple product?

Please look at details about gold support from following web page,


It is for all products which you purchased from us.

>> 5) We want to run as Separate process on server?. Is it possible to do that using command line arguments with multiple instance running for conversion (multiple user logged into Website and going for conversion)?

Yes, you can.

>> 6) What is the system requirements RAM and Processor requirements?

No any special requirements.

>> 7) We tried with .doc to any converter to convert few .pptx file but facing some issue with .swf rendering. Please find the attached .pptx and converted .swf files.

We will check your PPTX file shortly, thanks for your patience.

>> 8) Can you please guide us how to handle custom or third party fonts?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line does embed third party fonts into SWF file automatically.

>> 9) What is the processing time once we buy the licenses?

After you purchase the software, you will get your license key immediately.


I have used doc-to-any converter to convert from .pptx--> .pdf --> .swf.

when we are doing this we are getting following error.

NOTICE processing PDF page 1 (720x540:0:0) (move:0:0)
NOTICE File contains tiled patterns
NOTICE File contains pbm pictures
ERROR ID Table overflow
ERROR This file is too complex to render- SWF only supports 65536 shapes at once

how to check total shapes in pdf and how to compress if it goes beyond this?

Hello Support,

We tried with .csv to .pdf conversion. but somehow it is not working. can you guys share the code with us to convert .csv file using doc to any converter.

We are planning to buy this in another 1 hour. if you can reply before this it will help us to take the decision.

Our DOC to Any Converter Command Line is not support CSV format yet, we are planning release a new version to support following functions within three business days,

1. Support CSV as input format,
2. Please send to us sample PPTX file, we will solve following problem to you,

NOTICE processing PDF page 1 (720x540:0:0) (move:0:0)
NOTICE File contains tiled patterns
NOTICE File contains pbm pictures
ERROR ID Table overflow
ERROR This file is too complex to render- SWF only supports 65536 shapes at once

We hoping this solution will okay to you, please feel free to let us know if you have any question on this matter.

Thanks for your excellent support,

I am looking for following in my doc to any converter. Sooner is better as I have hard deadline by Monday morning US Time.

1) Following file supports.
a. .CSV
b. .GIF
c. .PNG
e. .FLV

2) Also we are planning to convert all this office files to pdf and then pdf to .swf. can you share code for converting this?

>>1) Following file supports.
>>a. .CSV
>>b. .GIF
>>c. .PNG
>>d. .JPEG/JPG
>>e. .FLV

Thanks for your message, we have created a new version to you, please download new version from following URL,


The new version does convert .CSV, .GIF, .PNG, .JPEG/JPG formats to PDF files properly.

But it is not support .FLV format as input format.

>>2) Also we are planning to convert all this office files to pdf and then pdf to .swf. can you share code for converting this?

You can use doc2any.exe to convert office files to PDF files first,

doc2any.exe D:\test.doc D:\out.pdf

and then use PDF to Flash Converter Command Line to convert from PDF file to SWF file,


for example,

pdftoflash.exe D:\in.pdf D:\out.swf

Hello Support,

Thanks for your help. It worked for .csv and images files.

I am facing this issue on my production server. I am having 4 licenses and we are running this on 4 servers. We are still planning to buy few more licenses. I am having following questions for converter.

1) We are getting following error when running office document. Please find the attached Image for the same and .pptx file.

* We have disabled the protected view settings and other settings mentions in the your forum. But still I am getting this message and then stops creating content conversion.

How to convert from XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PDF, TXT, CSV, FLV formats to Flash SWF files?

* Also .pps files are not working.

>>1) We are getting following error when running office document. Please find the attached Image for the same and .pptx file.
>>* We have disabled the protected view settings and other settings mentions in the your forum. But still I am getting this message and then stops creating content conversion.

Fixed this problem in the new version.

>>* Also .pps files are not working.

Supported .pps format in the new version.

Please download a new version from following URL,


also, the new version is support CSV and other new formats, please refer to release notes from following web page,




DOC to Any Converter

Support new document formats (dot, csv, dotx, dotm, xlsb, pot, pps, ppsm, etc.) in the new version of doc2any SDK software

>>1. Doc2any has always return error description if any conversion exception has generated regardless of error source (doc2any, Office, 7z or so). The service has not hang in any circumstances.

Thanks for your message, you can add "-checkpwd" option to skip password protected DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, etc. office documents, this will avoid hang problem, for example,

doc2any.exe -checkpwd "D:\downloads\password_test.docx" "D:\downloads\password_test.pdf"

>>2. Doc2any has to handle all Office applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) user interactive/security messages not to hang the conversion process. Currently the issue exist with Potentially Dangers External Links.

Thanks for your message, this problem is because DCOM permission problem, it has been fixed by your colleague.

We have release a new version of doc2any SDK today, please download new version from following web page,


The new version is support following formats,

Required Features:

1. Support following input file formats:


* doc – Legacy Word document
* dot – Legacy Word templates


* docx – Word document
* docm – Word macro-enabled document
* dotx – Word template
* dotm – Word macro-enabled template
* docb – Word binary document introduced in Microsoft Office 2007


* xls – Legacy Excel worksheet
* xlt – Legacy Excel templates
* xlm – Excel macro


* xlsx – Excel workbook
* xlsm – Excel macro-enabled workbook; same as xlsx but may contain macros and scripts
* xltx – Excel template
* xltm – Excel macro-enabled template; same as xltx but may contain macros and scripts

Other formats

* xlsb – Excel binary worksheet (BIFF12)
* xlw – Excel workspace; previously known as "workbook"


* ppt – Legacy PowerPoint presentation
* pot – Legacy PowerPoint template
* pps – Legacy PowerPoint slideshow


* pptx – PowerPoint presentation
* pptm – PowerPoint macro-enabled presentation
* potx – PowerPoint template
* potm – PowerPoint macro-enabled template
* ppam – PowerPoint add-In
* ppsx – PowerPoint slideshow
* ppsm – PowerPoint macro-enabled slideshow
* sldx – PowerPoint slide
* sldm – PowerPoint macro-enabled slide


Such as CSV, OML, XML, YAML…

Also following image formats have to be supported:
JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, PSD, BMP, SVG (any additional are desired)

>>2. Internal doc2any support via command parameters fit to page width all the columns applied to all sheets in XL workbook.

Yes, have supported this function by "-fitpageforoffice" parameter, for example,

doc2any.exe -printerpaper 3000x3000pt -useoffice 1 -useprinter example.xls _example_1.pdf

doc2any.exe -printerpaper 612x792pt -fitpageforoffice -useoffice 1 -useprinter example.xls _example_2.pdf

doc2any.exe -printerpaper 612x792pt -fitpageforoffice -useoffice 1 -useprinter example.xlsb _example_xlsb_2.pdf

You can use "-printerpaper 612x792pt -fitpageforoffice" options to scale Excel contents to fit to Letter paper size.