PDF to Word Converter

How can I maintain original Layout in the converted Word document?

When you use the VeryDOC PDF, if you find after the converting, the original layout has been changed, you need this little notice. Let's have a detail check for this software.


Please see the menu on the right top part of this software, you have two options: a, you can keep its original layout b, if in the pdf files, there are some pictures and you do not need them, word part is your aim then choose it. All that you need to do is just clicking the little circle.

PDF to Word Converter

How to use VeryDOC PDF to Word converter to convert PDF files to Word documents?

Nowadays our life has been effected by PDF format not only in academic study but also in other aspects of life. It is just like a beauty, you can see her but touching is unreachable. VeryDOC PDF can help to achieve your dream. If you want to convert the PDF files to other available forms, like Word document, please follow the steps.
First have a visit to VeryDOC PDF by this link. https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html
After installing it, a interface shows like this screenshot.


First click the Add PFD flies or just drag it into the blanks to  choose the file you want be converted. If you want to covert more, just drag all of them into the blanks. You can choose the out options on the right part of it according to your needs. Kindly reminder:Rich Text Format is smaller than the DOC files. Then click the " Convert" button,  the will be created. A word document will bounce to the screen, then you have got this beauty and edit it as you wish.

DOC to Any Converter

You can convert rtf to pdf without MS word installed

Generally, format conversion need an additional software’s support except the appropriate conversion software.

For example, pdf format file need a certain software’s support to read, such as Adobe Reader otherwise there is some mistake in the opening, that is you can’t look up the content in the pdf file. As to rtf, many reader software support it even a new computer with its default, thus it spares trouble for installing a specific reader to open rtf file, but it doesn’t mean we can convert rtf to pdf easily alike by any converting software, some of them still need install another reader software to support the conversion such as MS word software, perhaps the reason is the converting software only recognize MS word in the course of the conversion, as far as I know converting rtf to pdf without  MS word installed is “DOC to any converter” software.

The process of operation of rtf to pdf is very easy when DOC to Any converter has been installed, next is the detail:

First: open a DOS window

You can convert rtf to pdf without MS word installed

Secondly: in the converting software’s folder find out the executive file and rtf file, in turn drag their icons into DOS window

You can convert rtf to pdf without MS word installed 

You can convert rtf to pdf without MS word installed

the turn is “doc2any.exe”first, “example.rtf”second

Thirdly: drag the rtf file into DOS window again with a little alteration that replace rtf with pdf, then press “Enter”key , it’s finished.

You can convert rtf to pdf without MS word installed

pay attention to the red rectangle

You can convert rtf to pdf without MS word installed

this is the result after press “Enter”key

You can convert rtf to pdf without MS word installed

the pdf file comes out

The downloading address is  www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip

PDF to Vector Converter

To newcomers about bursting PDF file to single page SWF files

You can convert PDF  into many pages or single page SWF files as you wish. With the help of VeryDOC PDF, it is as easy as reading ABC.  With this one tool in hand, others can be saved.

First clickTo newcomers about bursting PDF file to single page SWF files  and input cmd as the screenshot showsclip_image002. The following is inputting the formulaTo newcomers about bursting PDF file to single page SWF filesas this picture shows. The formula is made up of four units. ( a.

`H7_2}%I_DKHO[T$83LL%$7  b.-swfburst c.the PHD file you want to be burst  d. your aim SWF files  In this step,do not forget to change the file name to swf. Kindly reminder: Please hit SPACE BAR  between each unit.

DOC to Any Converter

A misunderstanding about converting doc to jpg and ppt to jpg by use of DOC to any converter

Download the converter of DOC to Any Converter first at https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_sdk.zip it’s a compressed file.

All the conversion with the software must run in DOS window,so first step open a DOS window, then drag the icon of “doc2any.exe” and the icon of “doc” into DOS window, these icons are contained in the software file in advance when the software has been installed. At last drag the icon of “jpg” into DOS window, because jpg file is not available, drag the doc file into DOS window instead and substitute jpg for doc, afterwards press “Enter”key the result comes out. The method of ppt to jpg is the same, here I omit.

At the begging I thought the effect of doc to jpg is different from ppt to jpg, mainly in the quantity of the jpg files, the former is much, the latter is only one, so  I thought if I need many jpg files, and with doc file available, by use of DOC to any converter I can get the benefit.

A misunderstanding about converting doc to jpg and ppt to jpg by use of DOC to any converter

this is converting doc to jpg, there are six jpg files

A misunderstanding about converting doc to jpg and ppt to jpg by use of DOC to any converter

this is converting ppt to jpg, there is only one jpg file in the folder

In fact the reason I misunderstand at the beginning, because there are six pages in the doc file, compared one page in ppt, so the quantity is different.