PDF to Word Converter

All the converted PDF files to the Word document can be editable or not?

If you use the software VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter, maybe you can not reach your target. Not all the converted files can be editable after the converting by VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter. Only one kind of data can not be edited- Scanned Document. But as the updating of VeryDOC PDF, we can edit the scanned documents in a short future. Please pay attention to VeryDOC PDF.

During the process  of making PDF, if some of scanned elements were added into the original PDF, it will be different for us to convert to the editable Word document. I  will show you by examples.  If you scan pages of  a book to a PDF file then you want to convert it to editable word document, it is unreachable by VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter.  The “editable” is not absolute. You can edit the converted files like pictures, such as adjusting the size, color and so on. You can add them into other files like in ppt.

But if in your PDF files, no scanned elements,VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter product is very useful tool to convert the PDF files to the Word document. After converting, you can edit the PDF files like word documents.

DOC to Any Converter

How do I convert Word document to EPS file?

Converting word document to eps file means converting doc to eps. The process is very easy by use of DOC to any converter. First please download the software in the website of www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip

Then open a DOS window, and from the software folder that exists when the “DOC to any converter”has been installed, drag two icons into the command line of DOS window in turn, the two icons are “doc2any.exe”and “example.doc”, and don’t forget press the “space” key among these three drags, the third drag you can repeat the second with replacing its “doc” with “eps”. Then press “Enter” key, the result comes out. Below is the illustration.

How do I convert Word document to EPS file?

after find the two files drag them in DOS window, look at the illustration below:

                               How do I convert Word document to EPS file?

Then repeat to drag “example.doc”in DOS window at the same time with a little alteration that is to replace “doc” with “eps”,look at the illustration below:

How do I convert Word document to EPS file?

Then you can find the eps format file in the software folder.

PDF to Word Converter

I want to convert PDF file to MS Word DOCX format, how can make it?

“I know a tool which has this function.” That is VeryDOC  PDF to Word Converter and you can get it from here.https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html

After downing and entering the interface of this software, you will see on the menu list that there is such a function button.

未命名 What you need to do is just click this command then you will get the MS Word DOC format form PDF file. Then open DOC file in MS Word 2007 or Word 2010, then you can save to DOCX format.

PDF to Word Converter

Can I convert multiple PDF files to a single Word document?

“Yes, I can help you to finish converting by this following way.” We need  a tool - VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter  form this link. https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html

First downloading this software and enter the interface. You will see this kind of blanks.


Drag all the files you wan to be converted to the blanks but one in each line in each draging  or you can click the “Add the PDF Files”many times. Then choose the options on the menu list and convert it you will get the plenty of Word documents from your PDF files.