Get page count from PCL files
We were evaluating your Spool File Page Counter SDK for purchase.
However, the product did not correctly handle the number of copies in these spool files.
Is this going to be fixed?
Please refer to following log information, if you have any question for these information, please feel free to let us know,
C:\>E:\ps-and-pcl-info-sdk\bin\vc_test.exe D:\temp\SPLErrors\00036_PCL63_1pg_2co.SPL
Page 1 is [Color]
Statistics: bwPageCount=0, colorPageCount=1
File = 'D:\temp\SPLErrors\00036_PCL63_1pg_2co.SPL'
Return Value = TRUE
bIsRenderToPDF = 1
bwPageCount = 0
colorPageCount = 1
copyCount = 1
PageWidht = 2159
PageHeight = 2794
PaperSizeName = 'eLetterPaper'
C:\>E:\ps-and-pcl-info-sdk\bin\vc_test.exe D:\temp\SPLErrors\00004_PCL63_4pg_2cpy.SPL
at invalid PCL6!
Page 1 is [ BW]
Page 2 is [ BW]
Statistics: bwPageCount=2, colorPageCount=0
File = 'D:\temp\SPLErrors\00004_PCL63_4pg_2cpy.SPL'
Return Value = FALSE
bIsRenderToPDF = 1
bwPageCount = 2
colorPageCount = 0
copyCount = 1
PageWidht = 2159
PageHeight = 2794
PaperSizeName = 'eLetterPaper'