PostScript to Image Converter

How to use PS to Image Converter on x64 system





call COM-EXE-uninstall.bat
call COM-DLL-uninstall.bat
copy /y cimage.dll %WINDIR%\system32\
copy /y ps2imgcom.dll %WINDIR%\system32\
copy /y ps2imgsdk.dll %WINDIR%\system32\
regsvr32 %WINDIR%\system32\ps2imgcom.dll        error



call COM-EXE-uninstall.bat
call COM-DLL-uninstall.bat
copy /y cimage.dll c:\windows\syswow64\
copy /y ps2imgcom.dll c:\windows\syswow64\
copy /y ps2imgsdk.dll c:\windows\syswow64\
c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\ps2imgcom.dll





About Install Issues.

1. Use original BAT file. NG

Unpack, Run "bin\COM-DLL-install.bat"
Display dialog as below;
Module "C:\Windows\system32\ps2imgcom.dll" retrieve failed.
Error Dialog

Check installed PATH those binary file,
Check Binary file or related DLL files.
Speciyed Module is not found.

call COM-EXE-uninstall.bat
call COM-DLL-uninstall.bat
copy /y cimage.dll %WINDIR%\system32\
copy /y ps2imgcom.dll %WINDIR%\system32\
copy /y ps2imgsdk.dll %WINDIR%\system32\
regsvr32 %WINDIR%\system32\ps2imgcom.dll       <<< Error Occurred

bin\COM-DLL-install.bat; copy & regsvr32 running from c:\Windows\system32\ <<< 64bit Env.

2. Use customized BAT file. Well Work

locate c:\Windows\syswow64\ <<< 32bit Env.

<<COM-DLL-install.bat>> Customized
call COM-EXE-uninstall.bat
call COM-DLL-uninstall.bat
copy /y cimage.dll c:\windows\syswow64\
copy /y ps2imgcom.dll c:\windows\syswow64\
copy /y ps2imgsdk.dll c:\windows\syswow64\
c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\ps2imgcom.dl
<<< Well work this

Our Questions:

1. Why well work on 32bit env. and, Why not well work on 64bit it.
2. Fail install on 64bit env, is DLL module 64bit native?
3. May I have native module(bat and DLL) Files.


>>Our Questions                       
>>1. Why well work on 32bit env. and, Why not well work on 64bit it.

Thanks for your detailed information, yes, on the 64bit system, you need copy all DLL files to syswow64 folder instead of system32 folder, you need also use 32bit version of regsvr32.exe to register the ps2imgcom.dll library, because ps2imgcom.dll is a 32bit DLL Library, you can't register it by 64bit version of regsvr32.exe application.

>>2. Fail install on 64bit env, is DLL module 64bit native?                   

ps2imgcom.dll is a 32bit DLL Library, but you can call it from 32bit EXE application on x64 system without any problem.

>>3. May I have native module(bat and DLL) Files.                   

You can use ps2imgcom.exe to instead of ps2imgcom.dll, ps2imgcom.exe is a COM interface, it can be called from both 32bit and 64bit applications, you can register it by following command line in your system,

ps2imgcom.exe /regserver

after you registered it, you can call ps2imgcom.exe COM by following sample code,

Private Sub TestPS2ImageCOM_Click()

    Dim PS2ImageObj As Object
    Dim nRet As Long
    Set PS2ImageObj = CreateObject("PS2Image.PS2ImageClass")
    nRet = PS2ImageObj.com_VeryPDFPSToImageConverter("C:\", "C:\out.png",
        0, 200, 200, 32773, False, -1, -1, 100, 24, False, "", "", 1)
    Set PS2ImageObj = Nothing

    MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub


PDF to Flash Converter

pdf to swf is crash when merge 100+ SWF files into one SWF file

Software error while converting pdf to swf.
pdf to swf is crash when merge 100+ SWF files into one SWF file

pdf to swf is crash when merge 100+ SWF files into one SWF file

I have tried the following command line in my system just now, everything is fine,

pdftoflash.exe D:\temp\sample.pdf D:\temp\sample.swf

Can you work fine with above command line in your system?


I have tried again as your suggestion but it still failed.
It's crashed when "combine all SWF files into SWF file" process.
pdf to swf is crash when merge 100+ SWF files into one SWF file


We have created a new version of PDF to Flash Converter to you just now, please download the new version from following URL, we hoping the new version will work better for you,


DOC to Any Converter

Where to download doc2any application?

I came to download this file and it says the download has expired even though it should last for a year and we ordered it in june this year?
Thanks for your message, you can download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter from following web page,

Hi thanks for your response,

Our product uses doc2any on our server and for this we have a single server license.  However as part of our development processes we have a series of unit tests which I run on my development machine before each update is released.  As part of these tests the doc2any converter is called to convert a file.  It is just a test that clarifies the rest of the code is still working however now that the 130 conversions allowed on the trial have been used my tests now fail as the doc2any converter just directs my browser to the webpage.

Is it OK to register our server license on my machine or will this stop the server from working? (We can not afford to take a risk on this, the server must continue to function as is) Is there a better way around this issue?
Do I need a separate license for my machine? If so is there a cheaper one for test or development environments?

Yes, you can register doc2any.exe on your PC for test purpose, please refer to the the definition of server license,

Server License: It can be run on one server/computer with any number of users, it is licensed by per production server/computer (you needn't pay for development/test and backup servers), you will need to purchase a server license for each production server/computer you wish to run Server License on. Server License can be run Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server etc. server systems. After you purchased a server license for a server, all users on this server will able to use this product without any restrictions.


PCL, PS, PDF Page Counter

Count page number in PCL files, page count

Both of those files are 2 copies. It is plainly visible. Your software reports 1 copy.

Is this going to be fixed?


@PJL JOB NAME="Microsoft Word - Installation instructions for VAM.doc"
@PJL SET JOBATTR="JobAcct4=20050929140146"
@PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX="0400040101020D101001153230303530393239313930313436"
) HP-PCL XL;3;0;Comment PCL-XL JetReady generator


When I build your VC++ Example with VS2008, it works. I get the following with the attached spool file:


When I build your VC++ Example with VS2010. The attached spool file will GPF the program. It says that is an Invalid PCL6, but it isn’t.


I get similar results with the CntPC program. However, this program will return the result, but leaves the program in an unstable state. Any subsequent call will hang the system.

I can’t debug the issues in ReadInfo.dll. You said you’d fix the program in 24-48 hours. I don’t make of habit of buying software with known defects, but I’m taking you at your word.


We have fixed this problem in the latest version of Spool Page Count SDK product, please download the latest version of Spool Page Count SDK product from our website to try again.


DOC to Any Converter

Help with a Doc2Any.exe problem


We currently use doc to any in one of our server apps to convert files into the docx format before saving them.  We have been using this for a while but as our frequency of file conversions rise we have noticed that the winword.exe process keeps recreating itself and staying open.

If you watch the processes while our app is running you can see the winword.exe process start and end within a second or so (I presume while doc2any converts the file) but now we have noticed that sometimes it does not close the process and the next time doc2any runs a new process is used leaving the old one hanging.  It is not uncommon for me to look at the server now and see 20 or more winword.exe processes doing nothing but hogging CPU resources.

I have used the following code to call the doc2any.exe

Process proc = new Process();
                proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\\doc2any.exe";
                string strArguments = "";
                strArguments += " D:\\temp\\verydoc.doc D:\\temp\\out.docx";
                proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @strArguments;

I've even tried putting a wait timeout in the proc.WaitForExit() command but that hasn’t helped.

Have you seen this before?  Do you have any suggestions?  Any help would be appreciated,

You can use "-killoffice 1" parameter to kill MS Office instances after conversion be finished completely, if you use this parameter, you can't run several instances of MS Word, or MS Excel or MS PowerPoint application at same time, please notice this matter,

For example,

doc2any.exe -killoffice 1 C:\verydoc.doc C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe -killoffice 1 C:\verydoc.doc C:\out.docx