PDF to Word Converter

How can I convert PDF file to HTML file? can I convert PDF file to RTF first, and save to HTML file from MS Word?

The answer to all your questions is “yes”. And you can convert PDF file to more formats. But you need the helper-PDF to Word Converter. It was researched and developed by VeryDOC PDF who devoted itself to the software development.

With the help of PDF to Word Converter, you can reach all you aims about the PDF file converting. Let’s see the software itself. Snap1

  • “a,b” I marked in the picture are two ways of adding pdf file to the software. The menus in yellow color are about the output file content and format. Since our aim is to convert the pdf file to other form file, let’s see the second one carefully. It has two options: 1.MS Word Document (doc) 2.Rich Text Formats(RTF).Seeing here, i guess you have gotten one answer about “can I convert PDF file to RTF first?” After adding files and choose your options then you can convert them.  A few seconds later, you can get a word document, it will bounce to your face and at the status of “ opening”. As you chose the (RTF) from, the word document is a  RTF one. Seeing from the picture, we can know that you can change the 3.rtf to many forms. Then i guess you have gotten all your answers form this picture.
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  • This is the link of this  software. https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html You can have a try of it or you can buy it from this link. If you visit the website, you will find more function of PDF to Word Converter.
PDF to Word Converter

Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters?

Yes, the VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter supports Korea characters. Maybe you are not too familiar with software. Please allow me to say one word or two about the function about it. It will be helpful for your future use. The more you know, the more advantageous you will feel.
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? NO Text Boxes around text. Simply Free Flow text for smooth editing;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Support selected pages conversion;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Support Page ranges (all, from to, individual pages);
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Convert PDF documents to word formats, Fast, Accurate, Free Trial;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Batch conversion of multiple PDF documents to word files;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Support English, French, German, Italian and other languages;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Retain original page layout;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Do NOT need Adobe Acrobat or free Acrobat Reader software;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Support all Windows platforms, Win9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Support conversion from encrypted PDF files and password protected documents;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Support drag and drop of files;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Convert entire document or only a specific page range;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Free upgrade in the future for registered users;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Convert PDF files into Microsoft Word and RTF formats;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Converted files can be automatically loaded immediately after conversion complete;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Create full layout Word document and text only Word document;
Is your PDF to Word Converter support Korea characters? Convert user password and owner password protected PDF files to Word documents directly;

Not only it supports Korea characters but also it nearly supports all the languages. In another word, this is software is a file form  converter. It doesn’t have the language barrier. But i have one thing need to be mentioned. It does have messy code once in a while after converted. But the problem not lie in the software but the word version. Now I can show you by example.

If you do not how to get and run this software, please refer to this website. https://www.verydoc.com/blog/is-your-pdf-to-word-converter-support-arabic-and-cyrillic-characters-if-yes-please-show-me-an-example-if-not-please-show-me-an-example-too.html

I downloaded a pdf file in Korea and converted by VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter.Then I get the word document in Korea . Please have a check and compare them, you will know it can make convertion easily and accurately.


The link to get this software and  know more about it here. https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html

PDF to Word Converter

After I convert my PDF file to Word document, how can I add the header and footer in MS Word application?

To tackle this problem, i need explain one thing to you that after converting the PDF file, it has been altered to word document. If you know how to add header and footer in the MS word, it will be very easy to accept the way i will show to you.

Maybe we can review the way to add header and footer in the MS word. Illustrating is a good way to show it.

  • Header and footer information different  from one file to another. How to add it is depending on how many elements do you want to include in your files: such as,document title, chapter titles, page number, number of pages, date of creation, creator, date last saved, filename, or pathname. By knowing one method you will know all. So our aim is adding header and footer, others can be ignored.


  1. Please View menu and select “Header and Footer”. The Header and Footer window opens and the body text fades to gray that means  document can not be edited. The Header and Footer appear at the top and bottom of each page of the document.
  2. Please drag the mouse to the Header box at the top of any page and then in the Footer box at the bottom of any page. Please type the information you want be shown in the header and shooter. Then it will be shown on each page.
  3. Click the “#” button in the Header and Footer menu list to insert the current page number.
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  5. It is not hard to find the “ Date and Time” .Just click buttons to Insert current date and time in the Header and Footer. Meanwhile we can inset the author, company.
  6. If you click “++ button”, it will add the whole number of the document. That means if this document has 6 pages, when you click “++ button”, it will show 6 in the header or shooter.
  7. It still have many other menus, you can add it in the header and shooter as you wish.

Then it will know how to add header and shooter in the converted pdf document. As with the help of VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter, once converted, it changes to word document. You can edit it like MS Word document.

PDF to Word Converter

Is your PDF to Word Converter support Arabic and Cyrillic characters? if yes, please show me an example, if not, please show me an example too.

The answer is “yes”.PDF to Word Converter does support Arabic and Cyrillic characters. You asked this question, may you are not familiar with this software PDF to Word Converter. I will say one word or two about it. PDF to Word Converter is a solid converter to convert PDF file to doc (rtf) file readable by Microsoft office. During conversion, all files (including text, image, table and etc) are export to a newly produced word document. Moreover, the output files keep the same quality with the original files, you can edit the created Word document easily. And it dose support  English, French, German, Italian and other languages; Let alone Arabic and Cyrillic characters.

Then i will show you by examples. I downloaded a pdf file in Arabic character and name it “arabic.fdf”. Arabic is a name applied to the descendants of the classic Arabic language. Meanwhile it is not widely used in the world. If PDF to Word Converter can support Arabic language, maybe we can know that other rare language is a piece of cake for it.


Then we need to put this file into the software. I will show you by pictures. Put the pdf file on the table and drag it into the blanks or you can add it by clicking the “Add PDF File”. If you like, you can follow the steps I have marked in the screenshot to choose the menu options. “1” is about the output content: whether you want to keep its original layout or discard the pictures in it. “2” is about the output formats: whether you want to save it in “doc” or “rtf”. “3” is about the page range: it means you can choose the exact page you want to be converted. “4” is a particular function: If the source document has password, when you convert, you need to put it in the forth step. Then if all the prepared job has been done, we can click “convert”.


At last a word document in Arabic bounced to my face. “Bouncing” means that all the coverting process is made automatically. Now please see my success.  As i can not read Arabic character, we marked part of English word by pink circle in it.  After converting, I still can find the English word in it. So PDF to Word Converter is a trouble shooter for you to tackle this problem.


Now i will give you the link to get this useful software. https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html

PDF to Word Converter

My PDF file has a pretty picture, I want reuse this picture in MS Word, how to do?

If you want to  use a PDF file picture in your MS Word, maybe VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter can help you.

Now i will show you how to make it step by step.

  • At first we need to download this software from here. https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html
  • By clicking you will see the website of VeryDOC PDF, like this.
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  • If you really need it, i guess you have to buy it. Or else you can have a try and choose “free download”.
  • Then if you buy it you will enter the interface of this software, like this.
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  • You have two ways to add files. As the picture shows: a drag it to the blanks  b:By clicking  “Add PDF File”.
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  • Then please pay more attention to menu list, especially the “Output Layout” As you need the pretty picture in pdf file, you  have to choose this one “ Original Layout”. And as you only need the picture, please choose the page which the picture is in. It will shorten the converting time. Maybe you can get the picture in two seconds.
  • “tset.pdf” which I had chosen has a lot of pictures in it. I will show you the picture in the pdf file and the one in the converted word document. By comparing, i guess you have gotten the answer.
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  • Not only reusing the original picture in the pdf but also you can edit it in the MS word as you wish.