PDF to Word Converter

Can I convert a PDF file in French to a word document with VeryPDF PDF To Word?

Yes, with the help of VeryPDF PDF To Word Converter v2.0,you can convert the PDF file in France to a word document.

  When a file is converted to PDF, it loses its meaning. Why I said like that? On the surface all the information is there, and to your eyes it looks exactly the same, actually if do not have the corresponding knowledge to the PDF file, you can not understand it. You are blind to this PDF file. Say you are a Chinese and you do not understand France, you will feel blind to this PDF file. This forms the heart of the challenge faced when attempting to convert PDF files back to formats like DOC, then VeryPDF PDF To Word was born. This software will more helpful to share the international information resources and tackle the language barrier. If you combine it with a useful translation tools, this software could be used as PDF translator.

This article will tell you how to tackle PDF language barrier?

  • Download it here:https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html  Please save this “verydoc_pdf2word.exe” file and let it run in your PC. The icon is like this. 1
  • Take a PDF file in France for example. I named it “French.pdf”.


  • Add “French.pdf”to PDF To Word Converter. Two ways of adding files are available. Adding files by draging or clicking function button.


  • Choose the menu options on the menu list. By choosing you can keep its original layout or discard all the pictures in the PDF file. Also you can decide it to be kept in doc or rtf.


  • Choose the page range. Convert all the pages, click the first one. Convert part of it, please choose page range from Pn to Pm. Say you want to convert it from P5 to P10, choose as the picture shows.


  • If your source file has no password, please ignore this menu option.


  • Click the “convert” button and name the new word file and do not forget to save it. You’d better name it the same as the PDF file for your future searching.


  • It only takes a few seconds to finish the converting. The process during the converting is shown like this following picture.Then the word document shows up automatically.



By this way you can convert the PDF file to word document. This software not only supports French but also German, Italian and many other languages. It still has many other functions, please read the usage carefully, it will be helpful for your future use. https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html

PDF to Word Converter

How do I convert a Simplified Chinese PDF file to Simplified Chinese Word document?

Your question could be understood like this: you need to convert pdf file to word document meanwhile your pdf file is in Simplified Chinese. I know a software can convert pdf file to word document and it supports all kinds of languages. Maybe you can have a try.

  This software is VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter v2.0 which was researched by VeryDOC whose products  make up a family of file conversion tools, enabling both end users and developers to batch convert content to a number of industry-standard vector, raster and text formats. VeryDOC also offers custom engineering services to tailor a conversion solution to meet customers’ unique requirements. They are  used by some of the world's finest companies for a wide variety of applications across many industries.

At first you have to download it from this link https://www.verydoc.com/index.html  and entered the software interface like figure 1 shows. I have marked the menu list in blue, you can choose it as you needs. After adding your files and choose your options then you can convert it.  A few seconds later, you can get a word document, it will bounce to your face and at the status of “ opening” like figure 3. Please see the detail operation in figure 2. Drag the file to the blanks and choose your options then convert it.




Now maybe you have know how to convert pdf to word document and believe that VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter v2.0 can make it for you.

PDF to Word Converter

I have a PDF file, I want to edit it, can I convert it to Word first? Then convert modified Word document to PDF file again?

“Yes, you can reach those aims but as far as I know you need  tools to help you. One software I have used and feel that it is good for me.-VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter It can convert the pdf to word then you can edit it in the word document. Then modified Word document can c0nvert to pdf file by this software-Document Printer v5.0. This one has been used by my friends and it is quite helpful. You can download it from here. http://www.verypdf.com/artprint/index.html#dl.

 VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter was researched by VeryDOC who is  aim to make a family of file conversion tools products, then enable both end users and developers to batch convert content to a number of industry-standard vector, raster and text formats. VeryDOC also offers custom engineering services to tailor a conversion solution to meet customers unique requirements. Their software is used by some of the world's finest companies for a wide variety of applications across many industries.

At first let’s see the  VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter’s function. It can convert pdf file to word document easily. I will show you by examples. Figure 1 is the interface of this software. I have marked the function menus in blue and noted how to use part of them.


Then allow me show you how I use it. Maybe you can have your own ways. I draged the file to the blanks and it showed like the following picture. If you are confused, please have a look of the note. They are maybe helpful.


After I chose the menus and converted it. A word document bounced to the screen in the open status.The content of the word document is the same with the pdf file. Then I guess I used it successfully. Please see my success in figure 3. Then please have a check the file name. It is the same with the pdf file. Nothing was changed but the file format. You can edit it in the word document like figure 3.


I guess we have made the first convertion. If you want to converted the modified word document to pdf file again, Maybe you have to learn this one Document Printer v5.0 yourself. It was heard that it is also easy to use.

PDF to Word Converter

Can I convert your PDF file to Word first, and convert to Excel at later?

  “Yes, you can convert pdf file to word document then reuse it in the Excel later.” But maybe you need a tool to help finish the task. It is VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter software which was developed by VeryDOC PDF. VeryDOC PDF is  professional PDF Converter, PDF Writer, PDF Creator, PDF Editor, HTML Converter, Postscript Converter, AutoCAD DWG Converter, as well as PCL Converter, etc.

As to one of software VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter has such function that it can covert pdf file to word document. It is known to all that the word document is editable. Compared the word document, the converted one has the same function. If you know how to put the word document information in the Excel then you can make the convert one in the Excel easily.

At first, we should have a visit to it and then I will show you how to use it step by step. https://www.verydoc.com/index.html This is the download link. You can choose to have a trail or buy it. If you want to use it, I guess you need to buy it. After downloading successfully, you will see the software interface, like the “figure 1”. I have marked the function button in blue. You can choose the output content, formats and the converted page in the menu list.


Then let’s the detail manipulation of the software. You can drag the pdf file to the blanks or click the button “Add PDF File” to add. Then the “Remove” went gray and you can click “Remove All” If you want to rechoose files. After choosing the menu then you can “Convert” it.


Maybe it will take a few second to convert then a word document will bounce to the screen in the open status.Then you can choose to  edit it in the word document or in the  Excel document. Take the read book for example, I can put it in the Excel and adjust the size or the position.


The VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter software can convert pdf to word first then you can reuse it in the Excel document.

PDF to Word Converter

Why we need PDF to Word Converter?

In our daily life, we meet FDF file here an there.  Meanwhile almost every computer has some kinds of software which can read PDF files. Why is pdf file is so popular? Let’s think about its superiorities.

  • Everyone can read PDF files as long as they have free PDF Reader and PDF Readers are easy to get such as Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader. It is known to all that PDF format can keep file in integrity, no matter what kind of applications you used but it can show the same file in different working system.
  • It is very safe. You can set up the password for the pdf file and others can edit it in the pdf file. The owner of a PDF file can set restrictions of copying or printing. Even if an opening password is very useful.  The only situation to copy it is that you know the password.
  • It can be widely used that means no matter which country are you in, you can take it and save it. It is an international standard for long-term archival storage.Under the international  standard, companies are guaranteed to view their document in the same  environment and reproduce it  in exactly the same way in the following years. That’s why so many financial, government, educational organizations choose PDF format.

But the superiorities are just the barriers for the user who want to reuse it and copy it. Then in order to solve this matter, VeryDOC PDF  spent many years to research and develop a software which can overcome the barriers. Then VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter  was born.

Then let’s see how can this software tackle those matters? Maybe we should know the functions of it.
Why we need PDF to Word Converter? NO Text Boxes around text. Simply Free Flow text for smooth editing and support selected pages conversion and support Page ranges (all, from to, individual pages) meanwhile it can guarantee high quality of output file;
Why we need PDF to Word Converter? Convert PDF documents to word formats, Fast, Accurate, Free Trial in Batches. And it supports English, French, German, Italian and other languages ,  PDF1.6 format and conversion from encrypted PDF files and password protected documents;
Why we need PDF to Word Converter? Convert entire document or only a specific page range; It can do free upgrading  in the future for registered users;
Why we need PDF to Word Converter? Convert PDF files into Microsoft Word and RTF formats automatically. If the source document has a password, by this software you can convert it too.

  We not only need to see the precious information but also we need to reuse it and then convert it to ours. With the help of VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter  , you can get the useful information resources and reuse it.  So I bet you need PDF to Word Convert.