PDF to Word Converter

How can I convert a PDF file in Norwegian to MS Word document?

  Norwegian is one of the working languages of the Nordic Council and spoken primarily in Norway.In 2010 86.5% of the pupils in the primary and lower secondary schools in Norway receive education in Bokmål, while 13.0% receive education in Nynorsk. And as the PDF file formats are taken and used in the world wide. So we also meet the PDF file including some Norwegian  character. If we do not have Norwegian  knowledge background then we feel blind to the PDF file.

 How should we solve the language barrier meeting in the PDF file? I will convert the PDF file to word first then copy the Norwegian to translation tools to get the meaning. According to my experience, VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter is very helpful in the convertion from PDF file to word.

Then please allow me to show you my way of using VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter  to translate the Norwegian.

  •  Downloading this software here:https://www.verydoc.com/index.html
  • Add your file to PDF to Word Converter . Take a PDF file including Norwegian character for example, name it as “Norwegian.pdf”.


  • Add your file to PDF to Word Converter, if you have many PDF files need to be converted, please drag all of them to it. Meanwhile please rank the priority level of you converted PDF file, in the end the PDF file will be converted one by one. As a matter of fact, the interval is just a few seconds. It will not  let you wait. I will add“Norwegian.pdf” to it.


  • Please choose the menu options on the menu box as you wish.


  • Then it is converting time. Once you click the “Convert” button, you will see the “save as”dialog box. Please name it and save the converted PDF file as a new word document. I named it the same as source file. As it will not be mistaken with other word documents.


  • Wait 4 seconds, I see a word document bounce to the screen in the open status. It has the same content with PDF file.


  • Now I can copy the Norwegian to free translation tool to get its meaning.
PDF to Word Converter

What are reconstruction modes in your PDF To word application? Which mode should I choose when I convert?

Thanks for your support, If you want to know the reconstruction mood about VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter, we’d better know from the interface of this software. As to which mode should you choose depending on your requirement for the newly produced word document.


  • It has two menu options about the output file formats. “Output Options” is about the newly produced word document content. If you want to keep its original images, pictures, graphic, text and layout, please choose “Original Layout”. If you want to discard all the pictures and images, please choose “Text Only”. As to the “Output Formats”, you  have two choices here: keep it in doc or keep it in rtf. 

     What is the difference between doc and rtf? The Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification provides a format for text and graphics interchange that can be used with different output devices, operating environments, and operating systems. RTF uses the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), PC-8, Macintosh, or IBM PC character set to control the representation and formatting of a document, both on the screen and in print. With the RTF Specification, documents created under different operating systems and with different software applications can be transferred between those operating systems and applications. The DOC format is native to Microsoft Office Word, but other word processors, such as Open Office.org Writer, IBM Lotus Symphony, Google Docs, Apple Pages and Abi Word, can create and read .doc files, although with some limitations.

  In a word, rtf files can be read by different word processors, so if you want to send a document to someone and you don't know which word processor they use,it's easiest to send it as an .rtf file. Most word processors can open RTF whereas they cannot
convert DOC format. Sometimes certain features are not converted well but usually the result is usable with relatively minor touch-ups to the formatting. Sometimes the result is not good with complex documents.

The best way is that having a try by yourself  and compare the two formats then you will know which one do you need.

PDF to Word Converter

Can I delete graphics or pictures when I convert PDF files to MS Word?

With the help of VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter v2.0, I can delete graphics or pictures when converting the PDF files to MS word.

People routinely need to create PDF  from Microsoft office for archiving, distribution or some other purpose in daily work. Meanwhile, they also need to convert PDF files back into editable and searchable formats.If you want to convert PDF to word without Adobe Acrobat reader installed in your PC and also want to get ride of the pictures in PDF files, please have a try of this converting software-VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter.

Then let’s see how to delete graphics or pictures during the converting process.

  • As we need the PDF to Word Converter  to finish the converting process, downloading this software is the most important part. Here is the link:https://www.verydoc.com/index.html
  • Add your file to PDF to Word Converter.If you have many files need to be converted, you can drag all of them to the blanks.It converts the PDF file one by one form the first to last,so when you drag them to the blanks , please rank the them priority. Take PDF files for example.


  • When you choose the menus, please choose “Text Only”.Then in the converted PDF file, all the graphics or pictures would disappear. You can choose the “Output formats” as doc or rtf. It is up to you. If you just want to convert some pages of the PDF file,just click the “Select Range”filed  and type the page number to be converted. If your source file has password and you have legal right to open it, please input the password, then it would be converted smoothly.


PDF to Word Converter

Can I convert only the text content of PDF files into MS word document?

  If you convert your PDF file to word by VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter, only converting the text is reachable.

  VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter can convert only the text content of PDF files but whether the text could be edited depending on your original document and how it was created.Generally speaking you will be able to edit any converted PDF that was created electronically and published using software, the exception is that your PDF was scanned from a paper document,in this case most converters will consider this to be no different from a photograph, even if the text has been converted but it can not be edited.  The aim of converting the PDF file to word is to reuse it, so I point it out here to remind you of this exceptional case.

Now let’s see how to keep only text content by VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter?

  • During the converting process, PDF to Word Converter plays the leading role. Please remember how and where to get it.  https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html  This is the downloading interface link. You also can buy it directly here. https://www.regnow.com/checkout/cart/view 
  • Take PDF file with picture for example. Name this PDF file to “example.pdf”. I will get ride if this picture when the new word document generated.


  • Then add this file to PDF to Word Converter.


  • See this menu option, once choose it the converted PDF file will discard all the pictures in the new word document. It states its function clearly. This software was customized to satisfy many kinds of requests, you still can choose to keep its original layout. Say you have PDF file which is full of pictures, but you only need the text part then the “Text Only”will play great important role. It will shorten the converting time. Meanwhile it is quite convenient to find the converted part.


  • Whether the converted PDF file is kept in doc or rtf, you can decide by this menu option.


  • Choose the converted page rage here.Say you want to convert from P4 to P8, please choose like the picture shows.


  • Please do not be nervous for the encrypted PDF files or password protected documents. If you have legal right to see it, please input the password here then it would be converted smoothly.


  • Last step to finish the converting process. “Convert” it and name the new file then do not forget to save it.


Please see the word file.


PDF to Word Converter

Can I convert multiple PDF files into MS Word one time?

If you convert your PDF file to word by VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter v2.0, I can promise you that converting PDF files in batch is reachable.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format and it was created by Adobe to make document printing and taking more easily and conveniently. But as PDF file can not be edited, this nature brings a big trouble for intermedia exchange. Such as you can exchange information from word to PowerPoint but you can not exchange information from PDF file to word. If there is a software can convert the PDF files to word in batch, that would be really a trouble shooter for PDF files. VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter v2.0 is such one which can export text, image, table and etc to a newly produced word document.  If you add multiple PDF file, it will produce word documents in a time keeping the same quality with the original files.

The detail operation steps as follows:

  • First of all, downloading VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter here:https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-word.html
  • Please read the PDF to Word Converter Features carefully.
  • After downloading it successfully, you will enter the interface of this software. Then you can add PDF files as many as you wish. Two ways for you to choose files.a, you can add files by draging: say you put the PDF file on the desktop then simply drag it to the blanks. b,you can add files by clicking “Add PDF File” button: say your PDF file is in a folder belonging to Disk C, you have to open the folder then choose it to add in PDF to Word Converter .  Once the blanks are full, you will find the glide bar turn green, you can drag it to endless long to add more PDF files. 
  • Meanwhile if you find adding some PDF file by mistake, you can click that one then “Remove” it. If you want to remove all the files you have added, directly click “Remove All”.


  • Please choose menu options on the menus boxes as you required for your word document.
  • If you choose the page range, all the PDF file will be converted from Pn to Pm as you have selected in the menu box. Say you select from P4 to P8, all the PDF file will be converted from P4 to P8.


  • When you convert the PDF file in batch, the “PDF Password” is useless, please let it be.
  • Now you can “Convert”  it. After clicking “Convert”, a new dialog box will bounce to the screen. Please choose the folder to save the new word documents. Say if you want to keep the documents on the desktop, please choose it then click “OK” button.


  • If your source files have more that 100 pages, you have to wait for a few minutes to finish the converting.  Then the word files will show up one by one in the open status and are kept in the folder you have chosen.