DOC to Any Converter, PCL to PDF and Image Converter

RTF to PCL, and PCL to PDF Conversions

Here is the RTF file.  Our work flow is this:  RTF to PCL, then PCL to PDF, and the PDF file must be searchable, and able to copy/paste text out of it.  So, it would be better if you start with the RTF only, because I have been told that this is the reason why our PDF's are not searchable, because the process of converting the RTF to PCL was insufficient.

Let me know what you think.

We suggest you may use our doc2any.exe to convert from RTF file to PDF file directly, you will able to get searchable PDF file easily from RTF file.

doc2any.exe can be downloaded from following web page,

you can run following command line to convert from RTF file to searchable PDF file,

doc2any.exe C:\test.rtf C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe -useprinter 1 -useoffice C:\test.rtf C:\out.pdf

I am able to convert from RTF to PDF, but I have to have a PCL file.  This acts as our "snap shot" or historical document, from which we have to create or PDF from.  If not, I would have to save off the RTF file to do the conversion from.  We have millions of documents and it's not an option to go back and create/store the RTF's since we would have to create the RTF, and then it would be a  "snap shot" of right now, with potentially different data, and not from say 2 years ago.  I've tried to convert from RTF to PCL, but it just spits out the usage, options, examples and no error messages and returns me to the prompt.  When I try to convert from PCL to PDF, I get the following error:

C:\Users\Downloads\doc2any_cmd\doc2any_cmd>doc2any randy.pcl -debug randy3.pdf Check license information...
You have 295 time to evaluate this product, you may purchase a full version from
Check utility functions...
Start the conversion...
C:\Users\Downloads\doc2any_cmd\doc2any_cmd\randy.pcl ==> C:\Users\Downloads\doc2any_cmd\doc2any_cmd\randy3.pdf
Try convert document continue (1)...
Try convert document continue (2)...
Conversion time = 0ms
C:\Users\Downloads\doc2any_cmd\doc2any_cmd\randy.pcl ==> C:\Users\Downloads\doc2any_cmd\doc2any_cmd\randy3.pdf, result=ERROR TickCount = 0ms(0.00s), Result = 0

I assume that I probably just have to have the right usage switches, etc. for each of these to work properly, but there aren't many examples to show what I need.

So, our work flow must be:


Thank you very much for your time.
>>So, our work flow must be:
>>RTF to PCL

Thanks for your message, you can use our DOC to Any Converter to convert from RTF file to PCL file,

doc2any -debug randy.rtf randy3.pdf

>>PCL to PDF

You can then use our PCL to PDF Converter to convert from PCL file to PDF flie,

pcltool.exe test.pcl out.pdf

if you can't convert PCL file to searchable PDF file, please email to us your sample PCL file in question, after we checked your PCL file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.

NO PCL to PDF conversion works, with the same reason I've explained below.  Same for RTF to PCL.

Here is my sample RTF file.  I need to be able to convert these file types to PCL, and then a different process to convert PCL to PDF which needs to be searchable.

Thank you,
You can use DOC to Any Converter to convert this RTF file to PCL file,

doc2any.exe -useoffice 1 "D:\temp\Preliminary Rpt-2006_000103178635514.rtf" "D:\temp\Preliminary Rpt-2006_000103178635514.pcl"

"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" "D:\temp\Preliminary Rpt-2006_000103178635514.pcl" "D:\temp\Preliminary Rpt-2006_000103178635514.pdf"

Please download the converted PCL and PDF files from following URL,


it seems there has a paper size problem in converted PDF file, we will research this problem shortly, we will let you know soon as we have any finding on this problem.


PDF Compressor

Img2PDF OCR with PDF Compression

Is there a jpg compression possible on the PDF output file (I used image2pdf_cmd3.50_ocr).

If I convert an TIF image with the demo version, and the original TIF file is about 19Mb the PDF file is also 19Mb. And this was only an image scanned with gray scale and 300 dpi, with only 13 pages.
I have to make PDF files with over 100 pages each, but the file is to large than, it needs to be smaller for acceptance.
You can use image2pdf_cmd3.50_ocr to convert your TIFF file to PDF file first, and use VeryDOC PDF Compressor to compress the PDF file again, PDF Compressor can be downloaded from following web page,

you can run following command lines to compress your PDF file smaller,

pdfcompressor.exe -jbig2 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfcompressor.exe -jbig2 -jpx C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfcompressor.exe -jpx -jpxquality 1 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfcompressor.exe -jpx -jpxquality 0.5 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfcompressor.exe -jpx -jpxquality 10 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

pdfcompressor.exe -ci jpg -cidown -cidownres 50 -gi jpg -gidown -gidownres 50 -mi fax -midown -midownres 50 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf


PDF to Image Converter

pdf2img conversion to grayscale faxable TIFF

Hi, we are using your pdf2img command line utility and we have a problem when we specify grayscale when converting from pdf to tif. When we fax the tif it does not come out (we just get a black bar on top). I noticed when using tiffinfo against the file that the resolution is not correct.

This is our syntax to convert:

C:\>c:\pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe -multipage -gray -compress 3 -xres 204 -yres 196 -w 1728 -h 2156 c:\temp\img-X24120122-0001.pdf c:\temp\graytest.tif

This is the information about the tif:

Subfile Type: multi-page document (2 = 0x2)
Image Width: 1728 Image Length: 2156
Resolution: 96, 96 pixels/inch                                                   ====WRONG!
Bits/Sample: 1
Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4
Photometric Interpretation: min-is-white
FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
Samples/Pixel: 1
Rows/Strip: 2156
Planar Configuration: single image plane
Page Number: 0-1
PageName: Page 1

The resolution should be 204x196 as specified in our command. Please tell us if this can be fixed. Thank you.
I also noticed that the compression scheme is also wrong-

Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4

When it should be :  Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 3

Please let me know if this can be fixed. Thank you.
PDF to Image Converter does support following comparession formats,

-compress <int>    : set compression to TIFF format:
-compress 1     : NONE compression
-compress 2     : CCITT modified Huffman RLE
-compress 3     : CCITT Group 3 fax encoding (1d)
-compress 4     : CCITT Group 4 fax encoding
-compress 5     : LZW compression
-compress 6     : OJPEG compression
-compress 7     : JPEG DCT compression
-compress 32773 : PACKBITS compression
-compress 32809 : THUNDERSCAN compression
   -compress 88880 : 204x98  G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88881 : 204x196 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88882 : 204x98  G3 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88883 : 204x196 G3 ClassF TIFF

-compress 88884 : CCITT Group 3 fax encoding (2d)

You can use "-compress 88882" to convert PDF file to CCITT G3 format,

pdf2img.exe -compress 88882 -mono C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -compress 88882 -mono -multipage C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif

No, you are not understanding. I want to use grayscale and NOT mono since the fax files are too large and take a long time to go through. When we use grayscale the file produced is much smaller but since the tiff settings are wrong, the fax does not go through -

My syntax is-

pdf2img.exe -multipage -gray -compress 3 -xres 204 -yres 196 -w 1728 -h 2156 c:\temp\img-X24120122-0001.pdf c:\temp\graytest.tif

The tiff settings that are wrong are:

Resolution: 96, 96 pixels/inch                  THIS SHOULD BE- 204, 196
Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4            THIS SHOULD BE- CCITT Group 3

Please fix this.
Sorry, the ClassF TIFF file MUST be in black and white mode, grayscale TIFF file is not comply with the faxable TIFF spec, please understand this matter.

Please look at TIFF-F Revised Specification from following web page,


PDF to Image Converter

PDF to TIF and keep smaller file size

Hello, I have purchased your pdf2img product and am having an issue converting the attached PDF to TIF.
I am using the following command:

pdf2img.exe -m -r 300 -b 1 -c g4 -i test.pdf -o test.tif

The resulting TIF has black spots all over the page.

Please assist. Thanks.
Please download VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter from following web page to try,

The following command line will convert all of your PDF files to 24bit color TIFF files with LZW compression, for the color PDF file, it will convert color PDF file to smallest color TIFF file,

pdf2img.exe -r 100 -compress 5 -multipage 9738.pdf 9738.tif

however, for the BW PDF file, you should add "-mono" parameter to force render this PDF file to BW TIFF file, for example,

pdf2img.exe -mono -r 100 -compress 4 -multipage 9738.pdf 9738.tif

I am currently using the following command and my resulting TIF files are almost 3 times as large as the PDF.

pdf2img.exe -r 100 -compress 5 -multipage 9738.pdf 9738.tif

Please advise.

We are currently trying to convert multi page PDFs which may or may not have color pages to the smallest TIF possible but keeping decent quality. Can you assist?
You can add "-mono" parameter to convert your PDF file to smaller TIFF files, for example,

pdf2img.exe -mono -r 100 -compress 5 -multipage 9738.pdf 9738.tif

Will that keep the color?

Is it possible to convert a PDF to tif and make the file the same size or smaller?

Sent from my iPhone
No, -mono parameter can't keep the color, it will convert your PDF file to BW TIFF file, it will create smaller TIFF files from your PDF files.

Then I can't use it. I need it to convert to a color TIF.
Thanks for your message, your command line options are good enough to create the smaller TIFF file,

pdf2img.exe -r 100 -compress 5 -multipage 9738.pdf 9738.tif

because PDF file is contain text contents, the TIFF file is just contain image data, the size of image data is bigger than text contents, so the TIFF file's size is bigger than original PDF file, this is normal.

For example, this PDF when converted to TIF is no less than 3 MB...that is almost 3 times the size!
I have tried all compression values and 5 gives me the smallest TIF but that TIF is still 3 MB which is almost 3 times the size.

Please assist.
We have checked your PDF file, your PDF file is contain BW images, it hasn't any color information, so you have to add "-mono" to convert this PDF file to BW TIFF files, the "-mono" option will retain the smaller file size, for example,

pdf2img.exe -r 100 -compress 4 -mono -multipage 9738.pdf 9738.tif


EMF to Vector Converter

missing pdftoolsdk.dll / need help with new version of emf2vec


I just purchased emf2vec. I tried to convert a emf file to eps or pdf without success. The emf file is attached. The pdf and eps files produced are also attached. The don’t have any pictures.

The command that I used was, on Windows 7:

emf2vec Fig2.emf Fig2.eps
emf2vec Fig2.emf Fig2.pdf

Please help.

I need this conversion to support a deadline for my report.

Thank you.
I sent the email to Hope this address would get me help quickly. Thanks.
We have created a new version of EMF2Vector to you, please download it from following URL,


please use new version of emf2vec.exe to overwrite old version of emf2vec.exe first, then you can run following command line to convert your EMF file to EPS file properly,

emf2vec.exe -useprinter D:\temp\Fig2.emf D:\temp\Fig2.eps

you need run above command line by administrator privilege in your system.

> you need run above command line by administrator privilege in your system.

I cannot run emf2vec every time with administrator privilege. I can only have the software installed by system people having administrative privilege, once. Can you give me a different set up so that I can run emf2vec without administrator privilege?


There is an error message:

"The program can't start because pdftoolsdk.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

Could you let me download a new zip file from your site so that it has everything, including the new emf2vec.exe?


Sorry for this problem, please download  the entire package from following URL,


this entire package is contain pdftoolsdk.dll library.

You can run following command line to convert your EMF file to EPS file properly,

emf2vec.exe -useprinter D:\temp\Fig2.emf D:\temp\Fig2.eps