DOC to Any Converter

How to convert Microsoft office word to swf?

.Swf is a file extension of flash. Flash is popular in the webs as it contain created animation that include graphics, games, cartoons or movies. And flash files has the additional advantage of being quick to load, small file sizes, and the ability to ‘stream’ media, which means that the animation will start to play before the whole file is loaded so as to save time.

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help you convert Microsoft office word to swf. You could know more about it here:, and also you could download it here clicking it and save it in your pc: Next, I will show you how to convert word to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

1. Register DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

click “start” button at the bottom of pc>hit “Run”>a dialog box is popped out>input “cmd”>click “ok” button, then you will get a dialog box popup. In this dialog box, input the path of doc2any.exe, and input your register code according to this converter path, input “D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe  xxxxxxxxxx”>click “Enter” button of keyboard, then your register is finished.

2. Input command line:

input “D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe”> press down “space” button of keyboard>input “D:\doc2any_cmd\Doc1.doc” and click “space” button>input “D:\doc2any_cmd\doctoflash.swf”>click “Enter” button. Waif for a few seconds, the swf file could be produced.

Let me explain: inputting “D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe” means we need to use this converter; “D:\doc2any_cmd\Doc1.doc” is the path of source file that you need to convert into swf; “D:\doc2any_cmd\doctoflash.swf” is the objective file route, where you could reallocate its location through changing folder name,even than “doc2any_cmd”, even rename swf file through typing a different one, rather than “doctoflash.swf”

3. Close the dialog box of cmd.exe, the process of word to swf is complete.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert Microsoft office word to flash?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could convert *.DOC, *.DOCX, *.RTF, *.TXT, *.PPT, *.PPTX, *.XLS, *.XLSX files to PDF,
PS, EPS, SVG, SWF, XPS, HPGL, PCL, TIF, PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, TGA, PCX, EMF and WMF formats etc., which is an expert on that kind of converting missions. You could know more info about this powerful converter through visiting this webpage:

Flash is popular with web designers as it allows them to create animated websites containing graphics, games, cartoons or movies. It allows for more interactivity. And it has the added advantage of being quick to load, thanks to very small file sizes, and the ability to ‘stream’ media, which means that the animation will start to play before the whole file is loaded, thus saving time. And flash files are usually the files with file extension . swf.

Here is the method on how to convert Microsoft office to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Step1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer with this link:, then you need to unzip it and install it in your pc.

Step2. Click “start” button in your computer>choose “Run”>a dialog box is popped out>input “cmd”>click “ok” button, then a dialog box named cmd. exe is popped out.

Step3. In this popup dialog box, you will see this : “C:\Documents and Settings\admin>”, then input the path of this converter: “D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe”, so Dos system could know users want to use this converter command line, and click “space” button of keyboad, continue to input your source file path: “D:\doc2any_cmd\example.doc”>click “space” button of keyboard again, here we need to advice you that you may need to choose a multiple page doc file to be converted, or you may not get animation effect from objective file. and input your objective file path, you could name it and give it a space, here we input: “D:\doc2any_cmd\flash1.swf”>click “Enter” button of keyboard, then you could find your “flash1.swf” in the folder named doc2any_cmd of disk (D).

By now, our process based on converting word to flash is complete.

PostScript to Image Converter

Do you have a SDK to convert from Postscript files to TIFF image files?

To Support,

Can you give me the parameter example of how to convert postscript files to .tiff? What do I need to pass as demo license key to test run the dll?

Thanks for your message, you can download Postscript to Image Converter from following web page,

you can use Postscript to Image Converter to convert Postscript file to TIFF image easily, for example,

ps2img -i C:\ -o C:\output.tif


Thanks for your prompt reply. You have mentioned before that I can use the DLL and call its conversion function directly without having to install the COM. How would I go about doing it? You have given me the example before, but, that was for PDF to PS. Can you give me the parameter and the function declaration for converting PS to TIFF? Or, perhaps, an example code? Does not matter what programming language. I will figure it out.

Please download PS to Image SDK from following web page,

after you downloaded the PS to Image SDK product, you can run following command line with administrator privilege to register ps2imgcom.exe COM first,

ps2imgcom.exe /regserver

after you registered ps2imgcom.exe COM, you can use following code to call PS to Image COM from VB code,
Private Sub TestPS2ImageCOM_Click()

    Dim PS2ImageObj As Object
    Dim nRet As Long
    Set PS2ImageObj = CreateObject("PS2Image.PS2ImageClass")
    PS2ImageObj.com_VeryPDFPSToImageSetCode ("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
    nRet = PS2ImageObj.com_VeryPDFPSToImageConverter("C:\", "C:\out.png", _
        0, 200, 200, 32773, False, -1, -1, 100, 24, False, "", "", 1)
    Set PS2ImageObj = Nothing

    MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub


DOC to Any Converter

Create thumbnail image for Office doc and PDf file’s first page only

Dear Support,
    We have tested your evaluation version(Doc to any) for creating the thumbnail image for the first page of every office doc and pdf files. but got some issues.
1) PDF support is not given, We need that.
2) If word file has multiple pages then it is creating multiple images, as we want only first page's thumbnail.
3) In your C# sample we do not find any dll reference so if we install on client side then which dll we need to refer.
4) The image quality is not good. From excel I am unable to get the thumbnail on evaluation version.
    waiting for your feedback.
Thanks & Regards,

>>1) PDF support is not given, We need that.

Yes, doc2any.exe doesn't support PDF format, you can use PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to thumbnail image,

>>2) If word file has multiple pages then it is creating multiple images, as we want only first page's thumbnail.

You can use -pagerange parameter to convert first page only, for example,

Doc2any.exe -pagerange 1 C:\test.doc C:\out.jpg

>>3) In your C# sample we do not find any dll reference so if we install on client side then which dll we need to refer.

You can call pdfshell.dll from your C# code directly, please refer to the C# example code at below,

        [DllImport(@"pdfshell.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        static extern uint DocToAnyRunCmd([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
string strCmdLine);

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strCmd;
            strCmd = "-$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C:\\example.doc C:\\example.pdf";
            uint nRet = DocToAnyRunCmd(strCmd);

>>4) The image quality is not good. From excel I am unable to get the thumbnail on evaluation version.

Please add -useoffice and -useprinter parameters to try again, for example,

Doc2any.exe -pagerange 1 -useoffice 1 -useprinter C:\test.doc C:\out.jpg

Dear Support,

Thanks for your reply,

I have one question that I am unable to convert XLS file to JPG with Doc2any.exe. Can you pl help me in that.


Our doc2any.exe does convert office DOC file to JPG file without any problem, please run following command line to try,

Doc2any.exe C:\test.doc C:\out.jpg

Doc2any.exe -useprinter -useoffice 1 C:\test.doc C:\out.jpg

Dear Support,
I knaow that DOC is converted in JPG.

But I have 2 issues

1) XLS is not converted to JPG.
2) The 'pagerange' parameter for converting only first page is not working

So please give feedback on that.

>>1) XLS is not converted to JPG.

You can run following command line to convert XLS file to JPEG file easily,

Doc2any.exe -useprinter -useoffice 1 C:\test.xls C:\out.jpg

>>2) The 'pagerange' parameter for converting only first page is not working

We will research this problem shortly, we will send an email to you after this problem is solved, thanks for your patience.


DOC to Any Converter

Can I convert ppt to xml with openoffice?

Hi VeryDoc,

I am Aras work as a software engineer in India, right now iam looking for a tool which convert my ppt file into Xml. Happen to came across your site i downloaded 'doc2any.exe' trial version.

When i run 'doc2any.exe example.ppt example.xml' in cmd i am getting the following error :

Can't create an instance of PowerPoint.Application

what / where is the problem?. I have 3.3 in my system.

If this works, we are ready to buy your product as this is one of the main requirement in the project.

You need install MS Office into your system in order to convert PPT file to XML file, the openoffice application is not enough.

Thanks for the reply... Are you particular about any version of Ms-office..!! Please clarify on this as i am in talks with my management to buy this product.
You can install MS Office 2007 or MS Office 2010 in order to use doc2any.exe to convert from PPT file to XML file. MS Office 2007 and MS Office 2010 versions are support XML format as output format.