DOC to Any Converter

How could we convert documents of Microsoft Office to flash?

The format of Microsoft Office are usually Word, Excel and PowerPoint, whose file extensions are commonly ‘*. doc’, ‘*. xls’ and ‘*. ppt’. And the file extension of Flash files is ‘*. swf ’, how could we convert documents of Microsoft Office to flash? Please do not hesitate to choose DOC to Any Converter Command Line, with the help of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, this hard case could be done very easily more than what you imagine!

Here is the method to convert documents of Microsoft Office to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and we use word file as an example:

  • Click [start] button of pc>select [Run] in the start menu>input ‘cmd’ in the edit-box>click [ok], then a dialog box named ‘cmd.exe’ is popup;


  • To jump to root directory, please input ‘cd\’ and click [Enter] of keyboard;


  • Before input command line, please ensure the location of ‘doc2any.exe’, which decide where program need to jump to, so here we input ‘D:’ and click [Enter] of keyboard in order to jump to the directory of D disk;


  • To tell MS-DOS that DOC to Any Command Line will be used, please input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’, and click [space] of keyboard;


  • Drag the source file route into the dialog box of ‘cmd.exe’, and click [space] of keyboard;


  • At last, input a targeting path, where flash name and objective folder could be customized and chosen according to users’ need, then click [Enter] of keyboard in order to end inputting command line and process the task.


In the picture above, the following command line point out that this conversion from Office to flash is done successfully with ‘Result=1’. The flash file could be added into the objective folder ‘output’.

  • Shut down the dialog box of MS-DOS. It is complete to convert Office to flash.


DOC to Any Converter

How to convert Microsoft Office document to swf?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help you convert Office document to swf within several seconds. Here is the link about it:

Here is the method to convert Office documents to swf:

1. Launch cmd.exe:

click “start”>choose “Run”>input “cmd”>click “ok”.

2. Input command line:

to go to root directory, input “cd\” and click “enter”;

to use the space of D disk, input “D:” and click “enter” in order to enter the directory of D disk;

input the path of doc2any.exe, and click “space”, or omit step 1 and 2, just drag doc2any.exe directly when dialog box of MS-DOS could be opened;

input the source file path and click “space”;

input the targeting file path and click “enter”;

Then you could find your swf file in the destination folder and browse it with IE explorer.

If there are still confusion in your mind, please refer to the following figure:


Here the swf file name is “lovelove”, its folder name is “output”, so you could change them to another ones, even the disk.

3. Close MS-DOS, it is over to convert Office document and swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert Microsoft Office document to flash?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help you convert Office documents to flash.

You may ask what is command line? The command line is a user interface that is navigated by typing commands at prompts, as opposed to using the mouse to perform a command. For example, the root MS-DOS command line prompt is generally C:\>. A command line only uses a keyboard to navigate by entering commands and does not utilize a mouse.

Here is the link about DOC to Any Converter Command Line: Still feel free to download it here to try this powerful converter command line: Next is the description on converting Office documents to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

1. Click “start” of pc to get its menu, and choose “Run”, then input “cmd” in the dialog box and click “ok”, you could get the dialog of “cmd” on your screen:


2. If you want to go to root directory, please input “cd\” and click “enter” of keyboard after entering into MS-DOS, if wanting to input the path of doc2any.exe directly, just do it and continue to follow step 4.


3. If you want to jump to another disk, you could input command line to reach it. Here input “D:” and click “enter”.


4. Drag “doc2any.exe” into MS-DOS, and click “space”, then drag the source file into it and still click “space”, then create a new route which is the targeting path to input it into the dialog box of “cmd” and click “Enter”, here is the example.


It is end to convert Office document to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

DOC to Any Converter

How could I convert PowerPoint documents of ppt to swf?

As we know, ppt is a format of PowerPoint files, which is used widely in this modern world, and swf is a format of flash files, which contain animations and vector graphs. But you may ask it is so different for them, can’t they have some relations to each other? Yes, right, DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help you convert ppt to swf within only several seconds! DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a revolutionary converting tool, which is an expert just you do not know by now! Click here to know more: Also you could download it here: If you want to convert ppt to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, all you need to do are just several clicking of mouse and some typing like working everyday. Here is the method below:

  • Launch the dialog box of “cmd.exe”: click “start”>choose “Run”>type “cmd”>click “ok”.




  • Input our command line:


In the relative picture above, the command lines with color are what users may need to input. To jump to anther command or end one command, click “enter” of keyboard; to continue to input command lines, click “space”, to process this task, still click “enter” in the end.

if there is a need to go to root directory, “cd\” is to be back to root directory of C disk; “D:” is to enter directory of D disk; “D:…exe” is to give a command to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line; “C:\…ppt” is the source path; likely, “D:…swf” is the targeting path, which represent the location of swf and its name, where users could custom them, change “katy perry” into “xxxxxx” as swf file name, for example.

So a few seconds later, you could browse your swf file with web browsers like IE explorer.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert PowerPoint documents of ppt to flash?

PPT is one of PowerPoint documents format, and . swf is the file extension of flash files, but how could we convert PowerPoint documents of ppt to flash? Here is your perfect choice---DOC to Any Converter Command Line, this link could tell you more: For your question, you just need a few steps to convert ppt to flash with DOC to Any Command Line, here is more details:

1. Open “cmd.exe”:

click “start”>check “Run”>input “cmd”>click “ok”, then a dialog box is popped out, which is named “cmd.exe”.

2. Input command line:

type “cd\” and click “enter” to enter the root directory of C disk if you want(or just input the path of doc2any.exe and input source file and targeting path), then you could refer to the figure below:


There are something we need to mention:

  • first, inputting “D:” with green color is to jump to the directory of that disk with the follow command, that is clicking “enter”, if you would like to use D disk; also you could input [E:] to enter into E disk;
  • second, “C\Documents……lastfridaynight.ppt” is the source path you need to type or drag; of course, “D:……lastfridaynight.swf” is the targeting file of swf before clicking “enter” to process this task, where users could change its location, folder and name. And each command line should be separated by clicking “space” when typing them continuously.

After those commands appear with “Result=1”, your swf file could be added into the folder named “output”. Browse it with IE explorer, you could use the right button of mouse to zoom in or zoom out.