DOC to Any Converter

How to convert OpenOffice Writer documents of odt to swf quickly?

How to convert odt to swf accurately? DOC to Any Converter could help you convert odt to swf so easily, which could be applied on the platform of MS-DOS system. Also DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a fantastic converting tool, which is flawless and over value definitely! Today I will introduce it to you.

Here is the method to convert odt to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line below:

First, enter MS-DOS system, please follow the steps below:

click start button to choose Run, then input cmd in the edit-box and click ok button, so a dialog box of MS-DOS system could be popped out;

Second, in the dialog box of MS-DOS system, please input the command lines, the steps are as below:

  1.               type cd\ into dialog box>click Enter button, then program could return to root directory C:\>;
  2.               search the location of ‘doc2any.exe’, for mine is on the disk (D), so I must type D: as an example, and click Enter button, then program will jump to directory of D disk;
  3.               to let MS-DOS system know users want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’ and click space button, in order to continue to input commands;
  4.               drag source file into this dialog box and click space button, which could tell program that file is what users need to convert, meanwhile, it is to be continued;
  5.               at last, drag the targeting folder into dialog box, or input its route directly, then rename this swf file independently;
  6.               click Enter button to process this conversion in MS-DOS system;

Here are the figures you may refer to:











It is so easy to convert odt to swf quickly with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, according to the steps above.

More info about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please check here:

DOC to Any Converter

How could I convert OpenOffice Writer documents of odt to flash quickly?

Flash files are very popular among the users nowadays, whose file extension is ‘. swf’ usually. However, OpenOffice Writer documents of odt are not known by everybody, so somebody think it is impossible to convert odt to flash, but along with the invention of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, these kinds of issues could be solved perfectly!

Here is the method to convert odt to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


  •               click start button>hit Run>input cmd>click ok button, then you will enter MS-DOS system;


  •               input cd\>click Enter button of keyboard in order to return to root directory C:\>;
  •               for doc2any.exe is installed on the disk (D), so type D:>click Enter button to make it jump to directory of D disk;
  •               input the path of doc2any.exe> click space button;
  •               input source file path or drag source file into this dialog box and click space button;
  •               likely, drag the targeting folder into dialog box;

At last,

  •               click Enter button. Wait for a few seconds, the swf file could be produced, you could browse it with IE explorer.

The relative figures are as below, which you may refer to:




Here is the download link of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

More info about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert OpenOffice writer to swf quickly?

The file extension of OpenOffice writer files is ‘. odt’, which is not used widely by users, however, PDF format is popular among the users around the world, so here is the question, how to convert OpenOffice writer to swf quickly? DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been designed to help users solve this kinds of tough issues flawlessly.

All you need to operate are as below:

  • Click “start” button at the bottom of computer, and choose “Run”, then input “cmd” and click “ok” to enter MS-DOS system;
  • Input “cd\” and click “Enter” of keyboard in order to jump to root directory;


  • Jump the directory of disk, where ‘doc2any.exe’ is located, so we input “D:” and click “Enter” button;


  • Type the path of “doc2any.exe” and click “space” button;
  • Input the source route into this dialog box and click “space”, then create a objective path and input it into the dialog box, where you could custom swf file name and also change the targeting folder directly;


  • then click “Enter”, then MS-DOS could process this task;

At last, the conversion of OpenOffice writer to swf is complete in MS-DOS system.


In the last picture, the commands marked with red color display the procedure of this conversion in MS-DOS system.

For more info about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click here:

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert OpenOffice writer to flash? Writer is the word processor component of the software package. Writer is a word processor similar to Microsoft Word and Corel's WordPerfect, with some of their features. As with the entire suite, Writer can be used across a variety of platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Irix and Solaris. The file extension of OpenOffice Writer files is ‘*. odt’. However, as flash files are so popular among the users in this modern world, how could users convert OpenOffice writer to flash?

This article is to introduce a powerful converting tool named DOC to Any Converter Command Line, with the help of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, users could convert OpenOffice writer to flash very easily and quickly. Here are the details:

1. Open MS-DOS system: click [start] button>choose [Run] option>a dialog box of ‘Run’ is popup>input ‘cmd’>click [ok] button;




2. Input the command lines in MS-DOS system:

  • input ‘cd\’ and click [Enter], then program could jump to root directory;
  • ensure the location of ‘doc2any.exe’, then let program jump to the directory, where ‘doc2any.exe’ is located, here we input ‘D:’, then click [Enter] button;
  • input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’, and click ‘space’; input the source path of OpenOffice Writer document and click [space]; at last, input an objective folder route, type ‘\’ and define a targeting name for swf file.
  • click [Enter] button to process this task in MS-DOS system;

the following figure below is about the command lines in this conversion, which you may refer to:


After converting OpenOffice writer to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could browse the flash file with IE explorer, where you could zoom in or zoom out flash file.

DOC to Any Converter

How could I convert documents of Microsoft Office to swf?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line is an expert to convert MS Office to swf professionally. All you need to do are just several steps as below:

1. Open MS-DOS dialog box:

click [start] button of pc>select [Run] of start menu>type ‘cmd’ in the edit-box>click [ok] button of dialog box, MS-DOS dialog box could be popup, the following picture is its main interface:


2. Input the command lines:

  • type ‘cd\’ into dialog box>click [Enter] of keyboard;
  • find where ‘doc2any.exe’ is, and let program jump to its directory: here just input ‘D:’ and click [Enter] button of keyboard, for our ‘doc2any.exe’ is located in D disk;
  • drag ‘doc2any.exe’ into dialog box in order to let program know we will use this converting tool, and click [space] button so that we could continue to input command lines;
  • input the source file route to MS-DOS system, and click [space] button of keyboard, here we take word document as an experiement;
  • drag a targeting folder into MS-DOS system, then input ‘\’ and custom your swf file name;
  • click [Enter] button of keyboard to convert Office to swf file.


Finally, your swf file could be found in the targeting folder named ‘output’ on the disk (D). Thus, this is the end of convertin Office to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.