DOC to Any Converter

How to convert OpenOffice Calc to swf easily?

OpenOffice Calc is more alike MS Excel, which could open, write and save most spreadsheets in MS Excel format.  OpenOffice could provide a number of features not present in Excel. Swf is a format of flash files, which is also its file extension. Flash is frequently used for advertisements, games and flash animations for broadcast, especially swf files, for swf files could have smaller sizes, which could contain both of vector and raster elements.

How to make these two format related with each other? Can’t we convert Calc to swf simply? DOC to Any Converter Command Line could convert OpenOffice Calc to swf so easily. To know more about converting Calc to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please do not hesitate to read the following paragraphs:

1. Open MS DOS system: click ‘start’ button of computer, select ‘Run’ then, and input ‘cmd’ and click ‘ok’ button in the dialog box.




2. Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

jump back to root directory: input ‘cd\’ and click ‘Enter’;

jump to directory of disk where ‘doc2any.exe’ is located: here for me, input ‘D:’ and click ‘Enter’;

input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’ and click ‘space’.


3. Input the source path: input the source path of source Calc file and click ‘space’.


4. Input the targeting path: input the objective path of targeting folder, then click’\’ to input the new name of swf file with ‘.swf’.


5. Convert Calc to swf: click ‘Enter’ to process the conversion.


More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click here:

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert OpenOffice Calc to flash?

OpenOffice Calc is the spreadsheet component of the software package, which is popular around the world. Calc is similar to Microsoft Excel, with a roughly equivalent range of features. Calc is capable of opening and saving most spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel file format which provides a number of features not present in Excel, along with being capable of writing spreadsheets, including a system that automatically defines series for graphing based on the layout of the user's data.

Flash files are in the SWF format, traditionally called "ShockWave Flash" movies, "Flash movies" which usually have a .swf file extension, and may be used in the form of a web page plug-in, strictly "played" in a standalone Flash Player.

But how could we convert OpenOffice Calc to flash? DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been designed to help users convert Calc to flash so easily! Click this link to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and download it here: Here are the details of converting Calc to flash below:

  • Open MS-DOS system first: click [start] button of pc, and click [Run] button on start menu to get a dialog box popup,  then input [cmd] and click [ok] button.


  • Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line: in the dialog box of [cmd.exe], input [cd\] and click [Enter] in order to jump to root directory. Then make program jump to directory of main disk where [doc2any.exe] is located, so here we need to input [D:] and click [Enter] of keyboard, anyway, you could type [E:] and click [Enter] if your [doc2any.exe] is located in disk (E). Then drag [doc2any.exe] into the dialog box and click [space] to be continued.


  • Input source and targeting paths: input the source path and click [space], then input the targeting path of folder, and create a name with [.swf].


  • Click [Enter] button of keyboard to convert Calc to flash.


PDF to Image Converter

How to convert PDF file to image by command line?

If you want to convert the PDF file to image file and you are used to MS Window, please read this article. I will introduce a software which can convert PDF files to lots of image formats. It is PDF to Image Converter command line which is fast and easy to use, it is the best tool for the work of converting PDF files to image files.

Then I will show you how to convert pdf to image by command line.

  • PDF to Image Converter is the most important part to finish the conversion, we should visit its homepage to read the introduction and manual carefully then we can use this software well. As you need the command line version, all the parameters will be included in the package, we should better to download it and experience it ourselves. The link here:
  • As the common steps to run MS doc. Start the DOS command line window (run "cmd" command from "Start Menu"->"Run"); then run the PDF to Image Converter command from the command line window (PDF to Image Converter software can be found in your PDF to Image Converter command line uncompress directory).
  • Check the package to know the usage of this software:  pdf2img [options] <PDF-file> <img-file> 
  1. Drag  PDF to Image Converter to the DOS windows or you can input the detail location of this software.
  2. If you want to add the limitations for the image file, please input the parameters according to the text.
  3. Drag the < PDF file to the windows>  --> <name the new image file and input the output file path>
  4. Press enter, you will see the image file show up according to the file path.
  • I will take a PDF file for example to show you the detail operation. Then you may feel how to convert the pdf to image by PDF to Image Converter command line.


The detail operation command is :  C:\Documents and Settings\admin>"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\Do
wnloads\pdf2image command line\verydoc_pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe" "C:\Documents  and Settings\admin\Desktop\2011-9-28\input.pdf" "C:\Documents and Settings\admin

  • Then we can get the tif image file from the input.pdf file in Desktop\2011-9-28\ folder. As the example PDF file has many pages, it will be converted to many tif image files.


Matters need attention: Please add the parameters according to usage text document or else it can make out the image file. Say this command “ : -b 8 -q 40 -r 150” –q is not included in the usage parameters, so it can not be converted successfully.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert OpenOffice documents of ott to swf without waiting long time?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a fantastic converting tool, which is based on the platform of MS-DOS system. All you have to do are just a few steps. Here is the link about DOC to Any Converter Command Line:, if you are interested in this converter.

To convert ott to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please follow the steps below:

1. Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system, more details are as below:

click ‘start’ button—>choose ‘Run’ on start menu—>input ‘cmd’ in the dialog box—>click ‘ok’ button, MS-DOS system could be open. Then Then input ‘cd\’—>click ‘Enter’ button. Please ensure the location of [doc2any.exe] to use this converter. For mine is on the disk (D), so input ‘D:’-->click ‘Enter’ button. Finally, input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’ and click ‘space’ button.


2. Input the source path and targeting folder path, and custom swf file name:

input source path of ott-->click ‘space’ button; type the targeting route of folder into MS-DOS system—>type ‘\’—>custom a name for swf file, for . swf is a flash file extension.


3. To process this conversion, please click ‘Enter’ button at the end of inputting command lines in MS-DOS system. By now it is the end of converting ott to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


DOC to Any Converter

How could we convert OpenOffice documents of ott to flash quickly?

Ott format is one of OpenOffice documents file types, which stands for Open Document Document Template that is a text file format. which is usually applied in the software of OpenOffice. Ott templates are often used for saving company letterheads, memo templates, or templates for other official document types. But how could we overview ott files efficiently, there is a crazy choice for you to choose------convert ott to flash, which you almost can’t believe it is true sometimes. So this article is to use this fantastic converting tool ---- DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert ott to flash quickly.

1. Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

Click [start] button in your pc, and press [Run] in the start menu, then input [cmd] in the dialog box of [Run], and click [ok] button, so MS-DOS system could be open like this:


Then input [cd\] and click [Enter] button of keyboard, then program could return to root directory. Before you use DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system, first, you need to ensure the location of [doc2any.exe]in order to be ready for using converter. For mine is on the disk (D), so I have to input [D:], for example and click [Enter] button, then program will jump to directory of D disk. Finally, please input the path of [doc2any.exe] and click [space] button to be continued.


2.  Prepare the source file for the conversion:

Follow the last step, please input source path of ott, then click [space] button of keyboard to be continued.


3. Input a targeting folder and custom flash file name:

Drag the targeting route of objective folder into the dialog box of MS-DOS, then type [\] and input a new name you would like, and make flash file extension as [. swf], for . swf is one of flash file extensions.


4. Click [Enter] button of keyboard, then the conversion of ott to flash in MS-DOS system could be on.


To know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, just click here: