DOC to Any Converter

How could we convert odp to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line?

ODP is a format of OpenOffice Impress documents which is similar to Microsoft PowerPoint, where ODP file is able to view, edit and save files in several file formats. ‘*. odp’ is a file extension of OpenOffice. org Impress document. And DOC to Any Converter Command Line could be applied in MS-DOS system.

So first, please open MS-DOS of Windows system:

  • click [start] button, on start menu please choose [Run] by clicking it, then input [cmd] and click [ok] in the dialog box.

Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

  • jump to root directory: input [cd\] and click [Enter];
  • jump to directory of disk [doc2any.exe] located: for here doc2any.exe is located in disk D, input [D:]and click [Enter];
  • to prepared to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line: input [doc2any.exe] path, then click [space];

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>cd\



prepare the source file route and target folder route with customized name of flash file for the conversion:

  • input source path, and click [space];
  • input objective folder path;
  • input[\] and customized flash name users want;
  • input [.swf]>click [Enter] of keyboard;

"C:\abc\aabbcc slide.odp” D:\output\flash.swf

      or you can also input ‘flash%.swf’ to get all each page of odp converted into separated swf file for each slide.

      to convert another odp to flash, please repeat these steps below.

Shut down MS-DOS dialog box:

click [exit] button of MS-DOS dialog box. This is the end of processing odp to flash

You could previewed in web browsers, where users could zoom in it or zoom out to preview it by clicking right button of mouse to choose.

Thank you for refering to this article.

DOC to Any Converter

Can I convert OpenOffice Impress to swf easily?

Yes, with the help of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could convert OpenOffice Impress to swf so easily just within several seconds!

If you want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert OpenOffice Impress to swf, please follow the steps below:

First, please open MS-DOS dialog box:

  • click ‘start’ button of pc>select ‘Run’>input ‘cmd’>click ‘ok’ in order to open MS-DOS dialog box.

Second, please run DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

  • type ‘cd\’>click ‘enter’ button of keyboard in order to be back to root directory.
  • for my doc2any.exe is installed on disk D, so here i need to input ‘D:’ and click ‘enter’ in order to make program jump to its directory.
  • drag ‘doc2any.exe’ path directly into MS-DOS dialog box>click ‘space’ of keyboard in order to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system.

here are the command lines:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>cd\



At last, please process this task in MS-DOS dialog box:

drag source file path to MS-DOS dialog box>click ‘space’, then drag targeting path of folder>input ‘\’>custom swf file name with ‘.swf’ file extension>click ‘Enter’ of keyboard.

here are the command lines:

“D:\verypdf\untitled slide.odp” D:\output\untitleslide.swf

So it is over to convert OpenOffice Impress to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Flash file could be previewed in web browsers, where users could zoom in it or zoom out to preview it.

More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please visit this page:

To download DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:

DOC to Any Converter

To convert OpenOffice Impress to flash quickly, what should I do, please?

You ask the right person I think, I suggest you use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert OpenOffice Impress to flash, which is a professional converting tool applied in MS-DOS of Windows platform. To know more detail of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:

OpenOffice Impress is a presentation program compatible with and similar to Microsoft PowerPoint, which is a part of the office suite and developed by Sun Microsystems. It is able to view, edit and save files in several file formats, including the .ppt format, which is used by Microsoft PowerPoint. In addition to being able to create PDF files from presentations, it is also able to export presentations to SWF files allowing them to be played on any computer with a Flash player installed.

Here is the method to convert OpenOffice Impress to flash quickly:

1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line and install it in computer:

please click this link to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line:, and then install DOC to Any Converter Command Line on the disk, which will have an impact on processing the conversion of OpenOffice Impress to flash, which is to type the location of doc2any.exe---main disk .

2. Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS dialog box:

  • click [start] button>choose [Run]>input [cmd]>click [ok], MS-DOS dialog box could be popup;
  • input [cd\]>click [Enter], program could jump to root directory;
  • input [D:]>click [Enter], for here doc2any.exe is located in disk D, program could jump to directory of disk [doc2any.exe] located;
  • input [doc2any.exe] path>click [space], which might let program know users want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>cd\[enter]



3. Input source path and targeting path that users could custom and process the conversion:

input source file path>click [space]>input objective folder>input[\]>input the customized name of swf file>input [.swf]>click [Enter]

"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\euyrtiio

4. Click [Exit] button of MS-DOS dialog box to shut down it.

Flash file of swf could be added into targeting folder, which could previewed in web browsers, where users could zoom in it or zoom out to preview it.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert OpenOffice Calc documents of ods to swf within a few seconds?

For your question, I think it is easier to convert ods to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is an extraordinary converting tool based on MS-DOS system of Windows platforms. More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link: Then the method to convert ods to swf is as below:

1. Open MS-DOS and DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Here are steps and the relative figures:

click [start] button>choose [Run]>input [cmd]>click [ok] to open MS-DOS system.




  • input [cd\]—> click [Enter] to jump to root directory;
  • input [D:]—> click [Enter] to jump to directory of disk [doc2any.exe] located;
  • input [doc2any.exe] path—> click [space] to let program know users want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


2. Input source file path and objective file path. Here are steps and the figures:

input source file path>click [space] or drag source file into dialog box;

input objective folder or drag objective folder into dialog box>input[\]>input the customized name of swf file>input [.swf]>click [Enter] of keyboard.



3. Close MS-DOS dialog box. It is the end of converting ods to swf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Interested in DOS to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to download it for a trial:

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert OpenOffice Calc documents of ods to flash?

‘*. Ods’ is the file extension of OpenOffice org Calc documents, which is a Spreadsheet created by the Calc program included with StarOffice or the open-source office suite, OpenOffice is similar with MS Excel but more suitable with different sheet formats than MS Excel. Ods format stores date in cells that are organized into rows and columns, formatted using the OASIS OpenDocument XML-based standard. OpenOffice Calc is very popular nowadays. 

Flash files are used widely for their smaller size and compatibility with web browsers etc. Flash file extension is usually ‘*. swf’.

So if you want to convert ods to flash quickly, please overview the following:

First, please download DOC to Any Converter Command Line from here: Then install it in your computer. More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please visit this webpage: Here are the details to convert ods to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line below.

1. Open [cmd.exe], which is MS DOS system.

[start] of pc—>[Run] on start menu—>input [cmd]—>[ok] of dialog box—> dialog box [cmd.exe]


2. Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is needed to be applied in MS DOS system, in this step, users need to know where [doc2any.exe] is in order to give a command to MS DOS system(input ‘D:’ represent [doc2any.exe] is located in disk D).

input [cd\]—> click [Enter](to jump to root directory)—> input [D:]—> click [Enter](to jump to directory of disk [doc2any.exe] located—>input [doc2any.exe] path—> click [space](to let program know users want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line)


3. Input source path and targeting path.

input source path—> click [space]—> input targeting path(where users could custom the location and the name of new swf file)


4. Process the conversion of ods to flash.

click [Enter]—> MS DOS could process the conversion within maybe a few seconds according to how many sheets ods file contains.

It is the end to convert OpenOffice Calc document of ods to flash.

