DOC to Any Converter

Is there a way to convert xls to pdf and set its format?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help users convert xls to pdf  quickly than you imagine! You could click this link to know more of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

XLS is a spreadsheet created by Microsoft Excel, the most widely-used spreadsheet program. XLS stores data in a table with rows and columns, whose table cells may contain manually entered data or the results computed from the data of other cells. XLS is often used to create charts and graphs.

Portable Document Format File(PDF), was created by Adobe Acrobat, which is commonly used for e-mail attachments or for saving publications in a standard format for viewing on multiple computers. PDF files may contain text, images, forms, annotations, outlines, and other data. PDF files can be created and edited with Adobe Acrobat, a commercial program. They can be opened and viewed using the free Adobe Reader or the Adobe Reader plug-in, which is available for most Web browsers.

Here is the method to convert to xls to pdf quickly.

1.  Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

click [start] button>select [Run] in start menu>input [cmd]>click [ok], MS-DOS system could be opened;




input [cd\]>click [enter] in order to jump to root directory>input [D:](users could input the name of disk where doc2any.exe is located)>click [enter] to enter into directory of hard disk of doc2any.exe>input the path of doc2any.exe>click [space].


2. Specify PDF format and input source path and targeting path:

-view is to set preview after conversion, –wtext "love" is to add watermarks.  -wf "Arial" -wh 20 -wi  -walign 1 -wc FF0000 are to set its font type, font size, italic pattern of font, direction of watermark and its red color. -log verydoclog’ is to produce a log file named ‘verydoclog’.

input ‘-view -wtext "love" -wf "Arial" -wh 20 -wi -walign 1 -wc FF0000 -log verydoclog’>click [space];

input xls path>click [space]>input objective folder path>click [\]>input pdf name and ‘.pdf’.

3. Start to process the conversion in MS-DOS system:

click [enter], later, your pdf could be previewed automatically.


DOC to Any Converter

Do you have a way to convert pptx to pdf conveniently?

Yes absolutely. You ask the right person I think. For myself, I prefer DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which has been designed to help users convert pptx to pdf so easily! But, DOC to Any Converter Command Line is not only an expert to convert pptx to pdf, but also an multi-functional converting tool for other formats, such as ppt to flash etc..You could log on this webpage to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line here: Also you could log on the websites of or to overview other converting tool such as GUI converters. But today let us be familiar with how to convert pptx to pdf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line first.

1. Start DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

run MS-DOS system------click [start] button>a dialog box popup>select [Run] there>input [cmd]>click [ok];

start DOC to Any Converter Command Line------input [cd\]>click [enter](jump to root directory)>input [D:](users could input the name of disk where doc2any.exe is located)>click [enter](enter into directory of hard disk of doc2any.exe)>input the path of doc2any.exe>click [space] of keyboard.

2. Set up the patterns of pdf through inputting parameters:

please refer to the example below:

input ‘-producer roberto -creator john -subject perfectpdf -keywords 8iolove0w’>click [space].

In the command lines above, “-producer roberto” is for assigning a producer name of pdf, the same as “-creator john” which is for custom a creator and “-subject perfectpdf” that means ‘perfectpdf’ is subject of pdf file. So you could conclude that “-keywords 8iolove0w” is for setting up keywords of pdf.

3. Provide source file and targeting folder:

type source path of pptx>click [space]>input a path of objective folder>click [\]>input pdf name and ‘.pdf’.

4. Convert pptx to pdf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

click [enter] button to process the conversion, then your pdf file could be produced within a few seconds, which contains open password, producer name ,creator name subject name and keyword.

You could refer to this picture below, I hope it is a little helpful for you:


By now, it is the end of converting pptx to pdf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

DOC to Any Converter

Here is one of methods to convert ppt to pdf quickly

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could convert ppt to pdf quickly. I believe that, you could know a little bit about this converter: DOC to Any Converter Command Line could convert many kinds of documents to another kinds of documents for each other from its name: ‘DOC to Any’, which is an converting expert definitely! To know more about it, you could click this link to its main page: Also you could log in this website to know more converting tools about converting ppt to pdf, but in this article, I will explain to you how to convert ppt to pdf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, for which is really so convenient!

1. Run MS-DOS system in your pc:

click [start] button, and there could be a dialog box popup, then select [Run] there, input [cmd] and click [ok], MS-DOS system could be shown as a dialog box.

2. Prepare to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

Input [cd\] and click [enter] to go to root directory, then input [D:](users could input the name of disk where doc2any.exe is located)>click [enter] to access to directory of hard disk of doc2any.exe. Finally, input the path of doc2any.exe and click [space].

3. Input parameters of pdf file:

this step is for setting up parameters of pdf file, please refer to the example below:

input ‘-ownerpwd 123 -keylen 2 -encryption 3900’, then click [space].

in this example, ‘-ownerpwd 123 -keylen 2 -encryption 3900’ could give your pdf file a owner password---123, 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher) without being edit and printed in any aspects, such as coping contents etc..

4. Provide source file and targeting folder:

Input source path of ppt file, and click [space]; input a path of objective folder, click [\] and input customized name of pdf and its file extension ‘.pdf’.

5. Start to convert ppt to pdf in MS-DOS:

click [enter] button of keyboard, later, your pdf file could be added into its folder. Your pdf must be opened with owner password , with that, users just could get permissions to change or print your pdf file, which could be browsed with Adobe Reader.

More details, please refer to this figure below:


DOC to Any Converter

Is there a way to convert docx to pdf with changed details,please?

Yes, one of your choices is that DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line could convert docx to pdf perfectly, even details of docx could be retained flawlessly, the most important thing is that users could set up parameters of pdf file in the conversion of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system. Here are the details below:

Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

  • click [start] of pc>hit [Run]>input [cmd]>click [ok] to close dialog box, then MS-DOS system could be opened;
  • input [cd\]>click [Enter] to go back to root directory of MS-DOS;
  • to let program access to directory of disk [doc2any.exe] located, for mine is located in D disk, so input [D:]>click [enter]; then input the path of [doc2any.exe]>click [space].

Set up parameters of pdf file, here is an example for you to refer to:

  • input ‘ -margin 100x100x100x100’>click [space] to set pdf margin, then input' ‘  -width 760 -height 899’>click [space] to set pdf width and height.

Provide source file of docx:

  • input source file path>click [space].

Provide objective folder and custom a name for pdf file:

  • input objective folder route>type [\]>input the name of pdf file>input [.pdf].

Process this conversion:

  • click [enter] of keyboard, and your pdf file could be converted into destination folder with specific width, height and margins.

Also users could set up more parameters of PDF file when using DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system, like using GUI converter. More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please visit this webpage:

Here is the related figure of converting docx to pdf in MS-DOS with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert doc to pdf

Is it possible to convert doc to pdf? How to convert doc to pdf directly? DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is an extraordinary converting tool, could convert doc to pdf with more details, such as width and length etc. More details of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please visit this webpage: Next, I will show you an example to convert doc to pdf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Step1. Run MS-DOS system. click [start] button>select [Run]>input [cmd]>click [ok], MS-DOS dialog box will be popup.


Step2. Be back to root directory of MS-DOS system. Input [cd\]>click [enter].


Step3. Access to directory of the hard disk where doc2any.exe is located. For my doc2any.exe is on disk (D), so input [D:]>click [enter].


Step4. Run doc2any.exe. Input the path of doc2any.exe>click [space].


Step5. Set up file layout of pdf. Input -width 612 -height 792, for example>click [space].


Step6. Input source path. Input source path of doc file>click [space].


Step7. Input targeting path. Input objective path of pdf, which you could custom name and location.


Step8. Process the conversion. Click [enter] of keyboard, then wait for a few seconds, pdf file could be added into destination folder you choose.


Also you could set up other parameters of pdf layout, it is the end of converting doc to pdf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system.