DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert excel to ps

Nowadays, GUI converters are so common that users almost have conversion fatigue about them. Today we choose a different way to convert excel to ps----command lines. Yes, DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a professional converting tool to help users convert excel to ps, also other formats conversion for each other, which work in MS-DOS system. Here is the main page of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:, you could visit its main page to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Here is the way to convert excel to ps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Step1. Open MS-DOS dialog box in your computer,  there are 2 ways to open it, the concrete operations are as below:

  • click [start] button of pc>select [Run]>input [cmd]>click [ok] button;
  • use hotkey [Windows+R] of keyboard>input [cmd]>click [ok] button;

Step2. Enter to root directory of MS-DOS system:

  • input [cd\]>click [enter] button;

Step3. Access to disk of doc2any.exe:

  • for example, input [D:]>click [enter] button, for my doc2any.exe is located on D disk;

Step4. Use DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system, there are 2 methods :

  • drag doc2any.exe into the dialog box of MS-DOS system>click [space];
  • input the path of doc2any.exe directly in the dialog box>click [space];

Step5. Set up parameters of ps, there are many parameters for users to choose, in the condition of registering DOC to Any Converter Command Line, here are some of the parameters you might use:

-width <int>             : Set page width to PDF or image file
-height <int>            : Set page height to PDF or image file

-rotate <int>            : Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270

-wtext <string>          : Watermark text on printed document
  -wtext does support following dynamic values:
  %PageCount%, %PageNumber%, %PageCountRoman%, %PageCountRoman2%, %PageNumberRoman%, %PageNumberRoman2%, %Author%, %Keywords%, %Subject%, %Title%, %Filename%, %Date%, %Time%
-wtype <int>             : type of watermark
  0 : normal watermark
  1 : watermark on header
  2 : watermark on footer
-wf <string>             : font name of watermark
-wh <int>                : font size of watermark
-wb                      : specify bold font
-wi                      : specify an italic font
-wu                      : specify an underlined font
-ws                      : specify a strikeout font
-wa <int>                : angle of watermark

input [-width 900 –height 500 –rotate 180] for example>click [space] button.

Step6. Provide source file and targeting file for the conversion of excel to ps, there are 2 ways to choose:

  • input source file path>click [space], then input targeting path with customized file name;
  • drag source file into dialog box directly>click [space], then drag targeting folder into dialog box, and input [\], then input customized file name and file extension ‘.ps’.

Step7. Start to process this conversion of excel to ps in MS-DOS system:

  • click [enter] button to make DOC to Any Converter Command Line process the task in MS-DOS system.

A way to convert excel to ps

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert excel 2010 to ps

Excel 2010 file format is XLSX, which is a Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet format. XLSX files are created using the Open XML standard, which was introduced in Microsoft Office 2007. They are stored as a compressed Zip archive, which contains a collection of individual files. The archive includes the file [Content_Types].xml, which describes the spreadsheet, and an XML file for each worksheet within the spreadsheet. Today, XLSX is also popular, as XLS, which is introduced in MS Excel 2003. PS means PostScript Files, which is a vector image format that could contain raster graphs and text files. Although PDF files take its place gradually, PS files are still used in some working environment, which are compatible with printers that support PostScript.

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help you convert excel 2010 to ps. DOC to Any Converter Command Line could work in MS-DOS system of Windows platforms, which could not only excel 2010 to ps, but also convert word to ps, word to tif and ppt to pdf etc.. To convert excel 2010 to ps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, I think you might use parameters below:

-width <int>             : Set page width to PDF or image file
-height <int>            : Set page height to PDF or image file

-rotate <int>            : Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270

-wtext <string>          : Watermark text on printed document
-wf <string>             : font name of watermark
-wh <int>                : font size of watermark
-wb                      : specify bold font
-wi                      : specify an italic font

These parameters could be inserted before source path and after using DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS dialog box.

So let us start to illustrate how to convert excel 2010 to ps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

1. DOC to Any Converter Command Line could work in MS-DOS system, thus, please open MS-DOS system first, there are 2 ways:

use hotkey “Windows+R”>input “cmd”> “ok” in the dialog box;

click “start”>”Run”>input “cmd”> “ok” of dialog box.

2. Get back to root directory:

input “cd\”>click “enter”.

3. To use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please enter into the disk containing doc2any.exe, for example:

input “D:”>click “enter” to jump to the directory of D disk because my doc2any.exe is located on D disk;

4. Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line, 2 methods are offered for you:

drag doc2any.exe into the dialog box directly and click “space”;

type the path of doc2any.exe and click “space”.

5. To set format of ps file, please input parameters>click “space”. For example:

input “-width (space)900 (space) –height (space)500”>click [space].

6. Provide source file  there are 2 ways to choose:

input source file path>click “space”;

drag source file into dialog box directly>click “space”.

7. Input targeting file path for the conversion of excel to ps, 2 ways are as below:

input targeting path with customized file name;

drag targeting folder into dialog box>input “\”>type customized file name>input file extension ‘.ps’.

8. Convert excel 2010 to ps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

click “enter” button>DOC to Any Converter Command Line could start to process the conversion.

How to convert excel 2010 to ps

If interested in DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to know more on its main page:

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert PowerPoint 2007 to ps quickly

Do you still use GUI converters to convert PowerPoint 2007 to ps? GUI converters are not very fashionable anymore when people are all tired of using them convert files. Have you ever tried to use command lines to solve converting issues like converting PowerPoint 2007 to ps? If you have not, please overview this article to know the skills of how to convert PowerPoint 2007 to Ps quickly with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To know more info of DOC to Any Converter, please visit its main page here by clicking the link:

Step1. Use [Windows+R] of keyboard to open dialog box of ‘Run’, and input ‘cmd’, then click [ok] button to run cmd.exe, which will be shown as a dialog box.

Step2. Input [cd\], and click [enter] to access to root directory.

Step3. Make certain which disk your doc2any.exe is located, for example, if doc2any.exe is on disk (D), please input [D:], then click [enter] button in order to access to D disk.

Step4. Drag ‘doc2any.exe’ into MS-DOS dialog box, then click [space] in order to keep to input command lines.

Step5. If you want to set up parameters of ps file, you could do it in this step:

for instance, input [-wtext “PowerPoint 2007 to ps”] and click [space] to add watermark of PowerPoint 2007 to ps into ps file, then input [-wf “Arial”]->click [space], input [-wh 60]->click [space] in order to set up watermark font type and font size. Then after the conversion, you will get a ps file containing black arial font watermark with 60 size.

Step6. Input source file and click [space]: drag source file into dialog box and click [space], then input targeting file into dialog box: input its path customized.

Step7. Click [enter] button to process the conversion of PowerPoint 2007 to ps.

How to convert PowerPoint 2007 to ps quickly

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert PowerPoint to ps

Usually, PowerPoint files have file extensions of *.ppt and *.pptx, which are the source files formats of MS PowerPoint 2003 and MS PowerPoint 2007 separately. PS is a vector image format of PostScript. Today, I will show you a way to convert PowerPoint to ps with command lines in MS-DOS system. Here is the method of converting PowerPoint to ps below:

1. First, download DOC to Any Converter Command Line from here:

2. Install DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer: open this package and unzip it in your computer, then click [doc2any.exe] to install DOC to Any Command Line.

3. Register DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

use [Windows+R] hotkey>input [cmd] in the dialog box>click [ok] button to open MS-DOS dialog box;

input [cd\]->click [enter] button to go back to root directory;

jump to the disk where doc2any.exe is located: input [D:]->click [enter] button, for example<my doc2any.exe is installed on the disk (D)>;

run DOC to Any Converter Command Line: input the path of doc2any.exe->click [space]->input register code of DOC to Any Converter Command Line->click [enter] button.

4. Restart DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

under the directory of disk containing doc2any.exe, please input the path of doc2any.exe->click [space] in order to keep to type other command lines.

5. To set up ps file, please input the parameters in this step:

Once you register DOC to Any Converter Command Line, there will be many parameters for you to choose. But in this article, I will show you some of them for you to choose when you experience DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

  -width <int>             : Set page width to image file
  -height <int>            : Set page height to image file

in this conversion, I will input [–width 1200 –height 900]>click [space] button as an example;

6. Prepare source file and targeting file for this conversion:

input source path>click [space]>input targeting path.

7. Click [enter] button to let DOC to Any Converter Command Line process this conversion in MS-DOS system.

A way to convert PowerPoint to ps

Thank you for reading this article about converting PowerPoint to ps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert docx to ps with command line?

I recommend DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a professional converting tool with multi-function. You could visit its main webpage to know more about it: Also you could download DOC to Any Converter Command Line to get a trial version to experience DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

Now, let us get to the point of converting docx to ps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

1. Click [Windows+R] of keyboard>input [cmd]>click [ok] button to open MS-DOS system;

2. Input [cd\] and click [enter] to enter into root directory;

3. Search the location of doc2any.exe and let program jump to directory of that disk, for instance, input [D:] and click [enter] to access to D disk;

4. Input the path of doc2any.exe>click [space] button;

5. Set up the parameters of ps file: for instance, input [-rotate 90] and click [space] button to rotate 90;

6. Input source path>click [space] button;

7. Input targeting path with customizing file name of ps;

8. Click [enter] button to process this conversion of docx to ps.

How to convert docx to ps with command line?

More parameters, please refer to below:

  -wtext <string>          : Watermark text on printed document
  -wtext does support following dynamic values:
    %PageCount%, %PageNumber%, %PageCountRoman%, %PageCountRoman2%,
    %PageNumberRoman%, %PageNumberRoman2%, %Author%, %Keywords%,
    %Subject%, %Title%, %Filename%, %Date%, %Time%
  -wtype <int>             : type of watermark
    0 : normal watermark
    1 : watermark on header
    2 : watermark on footer
  -wf <string>             : font name of watermark
  -wh <int>                : font size of watermark
  -wa <int>                : angle of watermark
  -wc <string>             : color of watermark,
    FF0000: Red color
    00FF00: Green color
    0000FF: Blue color
    HexNum: Other colors
  -wx <int>                : X offset of watermark
  -wy <int>                : Y offset of watermark
  -wpagebegin <int>        : first page to add the watermark
  -wpageend <int>          : last page to add the watermark
  -wpageoffset <int>       : a value to be added to page number
  -watermarkfile <string>  : a .ini file which contain information for multiple watermarks