DOC to Any Converter

Do you know a way to convert ppt to svg in batches?

Yes, I do. DOC to Any Converter Command Line work in MS-DOS system, which could be used to convert ppt to svg in batches very quickly than you imagine! DOC to Any Converter Command Line could be your precise tool to convert not only ppt to svg, but also other formats conversion, such as doc to svg, or docx to eps etc.. More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to know more : .

Traditionally, DOC to Any Converter Command Line could also convert ppt to svg one by one, but it is too slow, how to convert ppt to svg in batches quickly with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could move your source files into the same folder first, then use generic identifier to represent all of your source file in that folder. To know more details, you could refer to this article below:

1. Run “cmd.exe” in your computer: click “Windows+R” hotkey, then input “cmd.exe” in the dialog box of ‘Run’, and click “ok” button to open MS-DOS dialog box, and you will see the current directory as below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

2. Input the path of doc2any.exe of your doc2any_cmd folder to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

3. When you convert ppt to svg in batches, you could input the parameters in this step to design your svg files, or just skip to next step if you do not need to set up svg files in details. For instance, input the parameters following the path of doc2any.exe, here I use <options> to represent the parameters you can input during the conversion:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space><options><space>

4. Then the source file and targeting path:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space><options><space>E:\A\*.ppt<space>E:\B\*.svg

5. To convert ppt to svg in batches, you could click “enter” button to process the tasks one time quickly:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe E:\A\*.ppt E:\B\*.svg

Thank you for choosing our product. Inc: 49
Loading "E:\A\1.ppt" file...[20%]
Export file(s)...[50%]
Shutdown PowerPoint Application...[60%]
Processing 1 page...
Processing 2 page...
Processing 3 page...
Conversion time = 1625ms
E:\A\1.ppt ==> E:\B\1.svg, result=OK Inc: 99
Loading "E:\A\2.ppt" file...[20%]
Export file(s)...[50%]
Shutdown PowerPoint Application...[60%]
Processing 1 page...
Processing 2 page...
Processing 3 page...
Conversion time = 1281ms
E:\A\2.ppt ==> E:\B\2.svg, result=OK
TickCount = 2906ms(2.91s), Result = 1

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

You could find your svg files in the folder of “B” on disk (E).

To experience DOC to Any Converter Command Line for free, you could click this link to download a trial version: .

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert docx to svg in batches

About svg:

  • Stands for Scalable Vector Graphics File;
  • Two-dimensional vector graphic format created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C);
  • Developed as a standard format for displaying vector graphics on the Web;
  • Describes images using a text format that is based on XML.

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could convert docx to svg in batches one time, which could also set up targeting file format via inputting the parameters during the conversion of docx to svg. You could click this link to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line with more parameters: . To know more about docx to svg in batches, please allow me to illustrate how to convert docx to svg with DOC to Any Converter Command Line in detail:

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could work in MS-DOS system, so first, please open MS-DOS system:

click “Windows+R” hotkey to open the dialog box of “Run” ,then input “cmd.exe” in the edit-box, and click “ok” button to run cmd.exe, finally, it could be shown as a dialog box with black screen.

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

To convert docx to svg with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please start doc2any.exe in MS-DOS system:

drag “doc2any.exe” into the dialog box of MS-DOS system in order to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, then click “space” button.

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe

To convert docx to svg in batches conveniently, before you prepare source file for the conversion of docx to svg, you could transform the source file into the same folder, for instance, for me, the source files that need to be converted has been transformed into the folder of “doc2any_cmd”, also you could transform your source files into the folder you would like, then you still could customize another targeting folder or just choose an objective folder randomly.

A way to convert docx to svg in batches

To convert docx to svg in batches with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could use generic identifier to replace the source file names, for instance, input “\ab\*.docx” to replace each file name of source files, then click “space” button. Likely, you could use the same way to customize the targeting file path “\ab\*.svg. You could change another folder of course, here I mentioned is just an example for you to refer to.

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe D:\ab\*.docx D:\ab\*.

Click “enter” button to convert docx to svg in batches:

A way to convert docx to svg in batches

A way to convert docx to svg in batches

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert doc to svg

SVG means Scalable Vector Graphics File. SVG is a two-dimensional vector graphic format created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is developed as a standard format for displaying vector graphics on the Web. SVG file describes images using a text format that is based on XML. DOC to Any Converter Command Line could be used for converting doc to svg, which is a professional converting tool based in MS-DOS system. Here is the solution to convert doc to svg below:

1. Run MS-DOS system: click “start” button>select “Run”>input “cmd” and click “ok” button, then MS-DOS system could be opened as a dialog box.

A way to convert doc to svg

2. Run doc2any.exe in MS-DOS dialog box: input the path of doc2any.exe, then click “space” button.

A way to convert doc to svg

3. Input the source file and click “space” button:

A way to convert doc to svg

4. Input the targeting path and click “enter” button, which is to convert doc to svg with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

A way to convert doc to svg

To set up the properties of svg, you could input the parameters between the path of doc2any.exe and the path of source file like below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe <options> D:\doc2any_cmd\word.d
oc D:\WORD.svg
Thank you for choosing our product.
Processing 1 page...
Processing 2 page...
Processing 3 page...
Processing 4 page...
Processing 5 page...
Processing 6 page...
Conversion time = 8110ms
D:\doc2any_cmd\word.doc ==> D:\WORD.svg, result=OK
TickCount = 8110ms(8.11s), Result = 1

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Here <options> stands for the parameters you could input during the conversion of doc to svg.

More parameters and more info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could click this link: .

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert text to eps

To convert text to eps, you might need a converting tool here---DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a command line working in MS-DOS system, which could be used for converting text to eps, text to ps, text to pdf, and text to jpg, or doc to png etc..Once you could be familiar with its converting format and converting command lines, you could convert any file format that DOC to Any Converter Command Line could support. Here is the method to convert text to eps below, you could follow the steps below in turn to convert text to eps of your own:

Step1.Click “Windows+R” hotkey to launch the dialog box of “Run”, then input “cmd.exe” and click “ok” button in the dialog box of “Run”. Here is the current directory as default in dialog box of MS-DOS system:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Step2.Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line: input the path of doc2any.exe after the current directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>E:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe <SPACE>

Step3.To set up the properties of eps, you could input the parameters between the path of doc2any.exe and the source path. In the following example, you could know where the parameters could be located, if you do not want to set up parameters, you could skip to step4:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>E:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe <SPACE> <options><SPACE>

Step4. Input the source file path:  

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>E:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<SPACE> F:\source\M.txt<SPACE>

Step5. At last input the targeting path and process the conversion of text to eps:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>E:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<SPACE> F:\source\M.txt<SPACE>F:\output\M.eps<ENTER>

To avoid to input the complex path of doc2any.exe, you could copy source file to the folder of doc2any_cmd, then you could input command lines like below to convert text to eps:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>E:<ENTER>

E:\>cd<space> E:\doc2any_cmd <ENTER>

E:\doc2any_cmd>doc2any <SPACE> <options><SPACE>M.txt<SPACE>M.eps<ENTER>

To set up more properties and to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please visit its main page and buy its authorized version DOC to Any Converter Command Line via clicking this link:

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert Rich Text Format to eps

Rich Text Format---RTF, which is a text file format. RTF file extension is *.rtf. So how to convert Rich Text Format to eps? DOC to Any Converter Command Line could work in MS-DOS system to help you convert Rich Text Format to eps, which could convert almost every file format from doc files, such as jpg, tif, and ps etc.. To know more details of converting excel to eps, please read the following paragraphs below:

First, you need to open MS-DOS system in your computer: click “Windows+R” hotkey of keyboard, then a dialog box could be popup, and input “cmd.exe” into the edit-box of “Run”,then click “ok” button, finally, MS-DOS system could be opened as a dialog box, Here is the current directory in MS-DOS system below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Second, start DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

input the path of doc2any.exe or drag doc2any.exe into the dialog box, then click “space” button.

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe

In this step, to convert Rich Text Format to eps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you need to prepare the source file for the conversion:

input the path of source file into the dialog box, then click “space” button:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe D:\c.rtf

At last, please input the targeting path for the conversion of Rich Text Format to eps, then click “enter” button to convert Rich Text Format to eps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe D:\c.rtf E:\c.eps
Thank you for choosing our product.
ReportError: Member not found.

Processing 1 of 1 sheets, sheet name is 'Sheet1'...
Conversion time = 1100ms
D:\c.rtf ==> E:\c.eps, result=OK
TickCount = 1100ms(1.39s), Result = 1

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

If you would like to set up eps file in detail, you could input the parameters into the specified location in the dialog box of MS-DOS system with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. For instance, we could replace the parameters by “<options>”, here is the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe <options> D:\c.rtf

You could input any parameters for setting up eps file during the conversion of Rich Text Format to eps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To know more parameters, you could click this link:, where you could know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line.