The methods to convert Rich Text Format to swf
Rich Text Format is a common text file format that supports "rich text". Rich Text Format may include several types of text formatting, such as bold type, italics, different fonts and font sizes, custom tab settings etc, which may also support images saved within the text file. Rich Text Format could be represented by RTF that is a abbreviation. SWF is a format of flash files, which are spread format of flash files. SWF files could contain vector and raster images, and also texts, which is a vector graph that could contain animation. This article is to illustrate how to convert Rich Text Format to swf---how to convert rtf to swf.
In this article, the converting tool is DOC to Any Converter Command Line based in the command prompt, which is an expert to convert rtf to swf and other files, such as word to pdf, rtf to ps etc. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a flexible converter command line, thus, I will introduce 2 methods to you based on your question.
Method 1. Run “cmd.exe” in order to open the command prompt first:
click “start” button> select “Run”>input “cmd”>click “ok” button, here is the current directory below:
C:\Documents and Settings\admin>
Then input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’ in order to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, or just drag ‘doc2any.exe’ into the dialog box:
C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>
Input the source file(s) and targeting path, and click “enter” button to stop to process the task, you could refer to the examples separately:
- C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>
E:\verydoc\aabb.rtf<space>E:\output\aabb.swf<enter> (source file to targeting file directly)
- C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>
E:\verydoc\aabb.rtf<space>E:\output\aabb%.swf<enter> (single page of source file to single swf files)
With the help of the examples above, you could see the difference between them is “%” of targeting file name. Thus, to convert Rich Text Format to swf from each source page to single swf files, you just need to add “%” behind the targeting file name.
If you want to get swf files in batches in one conversion, you could change source and targeting file names to “*”+file extension, please see the example below:
- C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>
E:\verydoc\*.rtf<space>D:\output\*.swf<enter> (convert rtf to multiple page swf)
- C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>
E:\verydoc\*.rtf<space>D:\output\*%.swf<enter> (convert each page rtf to single swf files)
With the help of “*”, you could convert all source files of “verydoc” to swf files that could be added into the folder of “output”.
Method 2. If you would like to use a simple way to convert rtf to swf, other than the complex method with the path of doc2any.exe, you could refer to the examples below to convert Rich Text Format to swf:
C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:<enter>
C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:<enter>
To convert rtf to swf with the method 2, you need to get the following key points:
- make sure firstly entering into the directory of disk containing ‘doc2any.exe’;
- make sure the source file could be in the folder of “doc2any_cmd”;
- you could process the single mission one by one with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.
Click this link to know more knowledge of DOC to Any Converter Command Line and buy a official version, also you could know how many kinds of formats DOC to Any Converter Command Line could process:, you could download the free version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line here: