DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert rtf to flash

If you are interested in turn rtf to flash, I think you might not miss one thing: DOC to Any Converter Command Line. You could use it to process this kind of task. I believe once you meet this amazing tool, you will love it the most! The reason is that it is not a GUI converter, it is smaller than GUI converters without the interfaces. The another reason is that it is very convenient to use office documents to reproduce flash file. Also there are other merits than you imagine, believe or not, to choose it is “Well begun is half done”. If you are interested in this conversion, please read the following paragraphs:

1. Click “start” button>select “Run”>a dialog box is popup>input “cmd.exe”>click “ok” button, then the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line could be shown as a MS-DOS dialog box, and below is the current directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

2. Input the path of doc2any.exe or just drag doc2any.exe into the dialog box, which could be shown as a path, too, to know more, please refer to the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

3. Add the source file into the dialog box or input the path of source file directly:


4. Input the targeting path, then click “enter” button to process the conversion:


Above is the method to convert rtf file to multiple pages in one flash file. To get single page swf file from rtf file, you could add “%” behind the swf file name. Below is the example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


To get all source files of a folder converted, you could change file names into *, please refer to the following example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


DOC to Any Converter Command Line is very flexible so that users could use another way to process the task like this:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:<enter> 



The example above is to show you the command lines to get a multiple pages swf file from rtf file, next is the example to get single page flash files from each rtf page:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:<enter>



The tips to use the second method above are as below:

    • make sure firstly entering into the directory of disk containing ‘doc2any.exe’;
    • make sure the source file could be in the folder of “doc2any_cmd”;

This is the end to convert rtf to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To know more knowledge of DOC to Any Converter Command Line and buy an official version, you could click this link: . To get a free trial version, please click this link:

DOC to Any Converter

A way to turn docx to flash

Flash was originally developed by Macromedia, which merged with Adobe in 2005. Flash is a format of an animation created with Adobe Flash, whose files are often saved as .SWF files for use on the Web. The SWF (or "swiff") file is a compressed format that is viewable in most Web browsers with the Flash plugin. Flash files are very interesting and popular among the users, which are usually generated from the professional softwares, such as Adobe Flash Cs series. Thus, you may ask what if we do not use that kind of software frequently? Is there a method to turn docx to flash very easily? Yes. Once you own some office documents such as word, excel, PowerPoint etc, you still could get flash files from them. How? It will be very easy if you own DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is an amazing converting tool, which could help users deal with such kind of problems with super speed and flawless quality. If you are interested in this powerful tool, please allow me to illustrate how to turn docx file to flash file with DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the following paragraphs.

1. Start the command prompt dialog box in your computer, there are 2 ways:

  • click “start” button>select “Run”>a dialog box is popup>input “cmd.exe”>click “ok” button;
  • click “Windows+R” hotkey>input “cmd”>click “ok” button.

below is the current directory in the command prompt dialog box:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

2. Use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, there are still 2 ways:

  • input the path of doc2any.exe;
  • just drag doc2any.exe into the dialog box.

more details, please refer to the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

3. Add the source file and choose a location for the targeting file, then click “enter” button to process the conversion with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:


The command lines above could help you get a multiple pages swf file. And the following example could help you convert each page of docx to single page swf files easily. All you need to change is to add “%” behind the swf file name, here is the example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


Also DOC to Any Converter Command Line could still help users process the task in batches within one conversion. More info, please see the following examples:

1).C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

D:\tt\*.docx<space>E:\yy\*.swf<enter>   (get multiple pages swf files one time)

***                                                               ***                                           

2).C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

D:\tt\*.docx<space>E:\yy\*%.swf<enter> (get single page swf files one time)

The key point to get flash files from a folder is to change real file names to ‘*’.


DOC to Any Converter Command Line could not only process the task like the above, but also could generate the targeting file with another simple method, more info, please see the examples below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:<enter>  (generate single multiple pages swf file)



***                                                                                  ***

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:<enter>  (generate single page swf file)



There are some tips I need to mention:

  • example 1 is to get multiple pages swf file;
  • example 2 is to get the single page swf files from each page of docx.

the examples above are the conversion of txt to one file swf and each page of txt to each swf files. The keys to convert txt to swf with method 2 are as below:

  • make sure firstly entering into the directory of disk containing ‘doc2any.exe’;
  • make sure the source file could be in the folder of “doc2any_cmd”;

By now, it is finished to convert docx to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. If you are interested in DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to know more: . You could click this link to get a free trial version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert xlsx to flash

Sometimes in our daily work, we might meet a kind of problems like this: how to convert xlsx to flash, which are a spreadsheet format and a video file that could contain the animations and vector image with raster elements separately. It is a little tough to deal with xlsx to swf, without the right tools, which is a spread format of flash files, however, DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been designed to help uses with this kind of problems, such as converting word to svg, txt to pdf, rtf to jpg etc. The advantage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line is the application of the command line during the conversions, thus, DOC to Any Converter Command Line need to work in the command prompt dialog box. To know more about this conversion with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please allow me to illustrate the procedure in the following paragraphs.

1. Run the command prompt dialog box: click “start” button>select “Run”>a dialog box is popup>input “cmd.exe”>click “ok” button, below is the current directory in the command prompt dialog box:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

2. Start DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the command prompt dialog box: input the path of doc2any.exe or just drag it into the dialog box, please refer to the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

3. Add the source file and the objective path: drag the source file into the dialog box or input the path of source file directly, then input the targeting path, then click “enter” button to process the conversion with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


The command lines above will help you with a continuous swf file with multiple pages, however, what about generating some single page swf files with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, could it reach our standard? Yes, definitely. To get single page swf file, all you need to do is just to add “%” behind the swf file name. Here is the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


What if we want to generate flash files from all of xlsx files in one folder when we use DOC to Any Converter Command Line? Does DOC to Any Converter Command Line still work effectively? The answer is still YES! DOC to Any Converter Command Line does not only help users process the single task, but also help users process the task in batches during one conversion. If you want to know more, please refer to the following examples:

1).C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


***                                                               ***                                           

2).C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


Please allow me to explain these 2 examples above, 1) is to get the continuous swf files from all of xlsx files in the folder of “tt”; 2) is to get the single page swf files from each page of each xlsx file in the folder of “tt”.

So if you want to omit the complex path of doc2any.exe, you could totally choose another method, which is still based on DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please see the examples below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:<enter>  (generate single multiple pages swf file)



***                                                                                  ***

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:<enter>  (generate single page swf file)



the examples above are the conversion of txt to one file swf and each page of txt to each swf files. The keys to convert txt to swf with method 2 are as below:

    • make sure firstly entering into the directory of disk containing ‘doc2any.exe’;
    • make sure the source file could be in the folder of “doc2any_cmd”;

By now, it is complete to convert xlsx to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. If you have more interest, you could lick this link to know more knowledge of DOC to Any Converter Command Line and buy a official version: . You could click this link to get a free trial version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert pptx to flash

SWF is the spread format of flash files, which is an animations format file that could contain vector graphs, raster images and texts.  PPTX is a format of PowerPoint Open XML Presentation, which is the file type including XML document properties, images, macros, charts, and other media files. If you are interested in the conversion of pptx to flash, it is a pleasure for me to offer you a way to convert pptx to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Please allow me to illustrate DOC to Any Converter Command Line here. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a converting expert to convert so many kinds of formats, such as word to pdf, ppt to eps, xls to flash, rtf to jpg etc., which could work with the command prompt. You could click this link to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line: And below is the method to convert pptx to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

To convert pptx to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, first, you might need to open the command prompt dialog box of your pc, if you are familiar with this, please skip to next step, if you are not familiar with this, please refer to the following steps: click “start” button> select “Run”>input “cmd”>click “ok” button, MS-DOS command prompt could be opened, here is the current directory below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

To use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could drag ‘doc2any.exe’ into the dialog box, or input the path of doc2any.exe, here is the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

To add the source file and the targeting path, you could input the path of source file and the objective path directly into the dialog box, more details, please refer to the different examples below; to convert pptx to flash, please refer to the different examples below, too:

        • C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


        • C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


Based on these 2 examples above, please allow me to explain to you if you feel confused. The 1st example is to show you how to get a continuous swf file from pptx; the 2nd example is to show you how to get some single page swf files from each slide of pptx. I believe you could conclude that to get single page swf files, all you need to do is just to add % behind the real targeting name of “bb”.

The examples above are only used to illustrate how to get a single conversion with DOC to Any Conversion. However, how to process the task in batches within one conversion? DOC to Any Converter Command Line still could help you with this kind of problem, here are the other examples based on generating the continuous flash files in batches and single page flash files in batches one time below:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

E:\a\*.pptx<space>D:\b\*.swf<enter>    (convert pptx files to multiple page swf files)

  • C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

E:\a\*.pptx<space>D:\b\*%.swf<enter> (convert each page of pptx files to single page swf files)

From the examples above, there are a conclusion we could get, which is that to get all of flash files in one folder, all you need to do is just to change all of file names to “*”, in order to get “*” +file extension. This is the end to convert pptx to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

If you think DOC to Any Converter Command Line may help you with some issues, please allow me to give you this link, which could allow you to get a free version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

DOC to Any Converter

Is there a simple way to convert text to swf?

Yes, to convert text to swf simply, I think DOC to Any Converter Command Line could be your best choice. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a professional converting tool on mostly doc to any formats, such as doc to pdf, doc to svg, doc to eps etc, also could help users convert xlsx to svg, pptx to eps etc.., which is a multi-functional assistant for your daily work. I believe with the help of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you will love it from the day you meet it! Thus, if you are interested in DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could read this article about converting text to swf, which are the plain text format and the flash spread format that contains vector elements and animations.

Step1. Open the command prompt dialog box of your computer: click “Windows+R” hotkey, then input “cmd.exe” and click “ok” button, then the dialog box of MS-DOS system could be shown as a dialog box, below is the current directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Step2. Access to the directory of the disk containing “doc2any.exe”, please see the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:<enter>

Step3. Entering into the directory of “doc2any_cmd” folder: input “cd”, then input the path of “doc2any_cmd”:


Step4. Make sure the source file is located in the folder of “doc2any_cmd” or move/copy it into this folder, then use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and input the source file and the targeting file, at last click “enter” to process the task:


To convert each page of text to single swf files, you could add ‘ %’ following the swf file name, more details, you could refer to the following examples:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:<enter>




Above is the first method based on your question, also there is another way, which look more directly than the first one. More details, you could refer to the examples below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


**                                                                                                   **

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


If you are confused about the examples above, please allow me to explain to you: the 1st example is to show you how to convert each page of text to single swf files, and the 2nd one is to show you how to convert all pages of text files in the folder of “R” to swf files separately. The differentia between 2 examples is only located on the file names. So I believe you could conclude:

  • to get all source files of a folder converted one time, just change source file names and objective file names into “*” maintaining file extensions separately;
  • to get single page swf files from each page of txt files/(of a folder in batches), just add “%” behind the targeting file name/(behind “*”).

This is the end of converting text to swf, I hope you enjoy the 2 methods with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to log on its main page: Also, you could get a free version via clicking this link: