DOC to Any Converter

The two ways to convert rtf to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line

DOC to Any Converter Command Line is very flexible, which could be based on the command line to help users convert files formats, such as xls to jpg and pptx to xps etc. with different ways. Also it supports to set up the properties of targeting file, and process the task in batches, which is very easy for users to operate. This article is to illustrate how to use this tool to convert rtf to xps with 2 different ways.


First, please run the operating environment of this tool: click “Windows+R” hotkey>a dialog box is popup>input “cmd”>click “ok” button, then you will see the command prompt window could be shown, and below is the current directory in it:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Second, drag ‘doc2any.exe’ into the command prompt window to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line, below is the example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

At last, drag the source file into the command prompt window to add the source path, and then input the objective path directly, after the complete of preparing job, please click “enter” button to process the task, here is the example below:


Along with the display of “Result=1”, it is successful to convert rtf to xps.

But what should we do when we need to set up the properties of xps file? Here is the solution below, please refer to it:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


according the example above, <options> represent the parameter(s), which must be between the path of doc2any.exe and source path, to know more parameters, you could log on the main page of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

And to convert rtf files to xps files in batches, you could use ‘*’ to take the place of all file names, if you are confused, please refer to the following example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

<options><space>E:\bvn\*. rtf<space>F:\out\*.xps<enter>

after the conversion of the example above, all of rtf files in ‘bvn’ folder could be converted into xps files added into ‘out’ folder.


To avoid inputting the complex path of doc2any.exe, you could first enter into the main disk that contain doc2any.exe, then access to the folder containing doc2any.exe, then use the tool, and add source file, targeting path to convert the file(s), no matter it is the conversion to get multiple pages xps or the conversion to get single page xps files from each page of rtf file, more info, please refer the following examples:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:<enter>



***                                                         ***                                                                  ***

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:<enter>



to add ‘%’ following the objective file name is the key point to get single page xps files from each page of rtf file, which is suitable for WAY1.

If you think DOC to Any Converter Command Line is very interesting, please click this link to try it: And to know more about it, please click this link:, it is the end to turn rtf to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert xlsx to xps

XLSX is a format of MS Excel 2007,2008,2010 and 2011, which is a Microsoft Excel open XML spreadsheet. XLSX file extension is .xlsx. XPS is a format of XML Paper Specification File, which belongs to page layout file types. XPS file extension is .xps. Moreover, XPS files can be opened with Microsoft's XPS Viewer, which is included with Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Internet Explorer 6 or later.

The above is the short description of xlsx and xps. And to convert xlsx to xps, you might need a tool. However, the tool in this article is not a common GUI converter, it is a command line converter, which is DOC to Any Converter Command Line. If you are not familiar with this tool, please allow me to introduce it to you briefly. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is based on the command line, which could help users convert files to another files, such as word to pdf and xls to jpg etc. DOC to Any Converter Command Line support to set up the properties of targeting file, and process the task in batches, for the command lines are very flexible than the solid interface. Also it is very easy for users to operate. If you want to know more on converting xlsx file to xps file, please read the following paragraphs:

1. DOC to Any Converter Command Line use the command lines to process the task, thus, please run “cmd.exe” first: click “start” button> select “Run”>input “cmd.exe”>click “ok” button, at last, the command prompt window could be opened, and here is the current directory below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

2. Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line: drag ‘doc2any.exe’ into the command prompt window, below is the example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

3. Input the source file, the targeting location and let DOC to Any Converter Command Line convert doc to xps: drag the source file into the command prompt window, to define a location of the targeting file, just input the objective path directly. Then click “enter” button to process the task, more details, you could refer to the following example:


Along with the display of “Result=1”, it is successful to convert xlsx to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. However, you many ask what if I want to set up the properties of xps, what should I do? Do not worry, DOC to Any Converter Command Line could still help you with this. All you need to do is just to add the parameters between the path of doc2any.exe and source path, here is the example below, and I use <options> to represent the parameter(s):

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

<options><space>E:\pop\yell. xlsx<space>F:\out\yell.xps<enter>

By now, you may think the examples above are just the method to process the single file, how to process all of files in a folder in batches? Then please do not hesitate to read the following:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

<options><space>E:\pop\*. xlsx<space>F:\out\*.xps<enter>

the command lines of this example could help you process all of files in the folder of “pop” to the objective files, with the help of ‘*’, that could replace all file names. In your real work, you could refer to this example to process the task within one folder in batches.

To get single page xps files from a folder containing all of source files, you could refer to the following example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

<options><space>E:\pop\*. xlsx<space>F:\out\*%.xps<enter>

And to add “%” following the targeting file name is the key point to process the file(s) to another type files from each page to single page targeting file(s).

Is it very easy for you to operate? I think it is, thus, if you think DOC to Any Converter Command Line is very interesting, you could click this link to download it: More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:, and thank you for reading this article about turning xlsx to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

DOC to Any Converter

Two ways to convert xls to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line

This article is to illustrate how to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert xls to xps. Thus, please allow me to introduce DOC to Any Converter Command Line here briefly. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a command line converter, which could be applied in MS-DOS system, and might be used for converting many kinds of files formats, such as pptx to xps, ppt to pdf , xlsx to eps etc.. To know more info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could click this link: And next, please allow me to cut to the point, and below are the methods to convert xls file(s) to xps file(s) with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


First, please run DOC to Any Converter Command Line: “start” button> select “Run”>input “cmd.exe”>click “ok” button in order to start the operating environment of this converter---the command prompt window, and below is the current directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

2. input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’ in order to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, here is the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

Second, there are 2 options for you to choose, which are either to set up the properties of xps first or add the source file first, please refer to the following examples:

1. to set up the properties of xps, just input the parameters after running the converter, then continue to add source file and the objective path to get a conversion with clicking “enter” button in turn.


E:\abcd\a. xls<space>D:\output\abc.xps<enter>

please allow me to explain: <options> could be any parameters, I think with the help of this example, you could change the source path, the parameters, and the targeting path to process your own files.

2. in the condition of no need to set up the properties of xps, please input the source file, the targeting location and convert xls to xps with clicking “enter” button:



The examples above are to show you how to generate a multiple pages xls file. But how to generate xps files in batches from all of source files in a folder? Do not worry, all you need to do is just to change file names to *. If you want to know the details, please see the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


How to process each sheet of xls files to single page xps files in batches? please add ‘%’ behind the objective file name, more details, please refer to below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


to process the single file to single objective file from each page of source file, you could change ‘*’ into the real file name.


If you think it is too complicated to input the path of doc2any.exe, you could change another way to process the task(s), to know more, here are the examples below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:<enter>  (enter into the disk containing doc2any.exe)

D:\>cd<space>D:\doc2any_cmd<enter>           (enter into the folder containing doc2any.exe)


(use the converter, set up the properties, add source file and targeting name, then convert the file)     

and by analogy, below is the example to process the source files from each page to single targeting files:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:<enter> 



The key point to use method 2 is that please make sure the source file could be located in the same folder with ‘doc2any.exe’. Of course you could move or copy source file into that folder if it is not in it, according to your will.

To experience this amazing converting tool, please click here to download it:, and thank you for reading the article about converting xls to xps with 2 methods.

DOC to Any Converter

Do you know some ways to convert pptx to xps?

Yes, I do. I know a multi-functional converting tool, which is named for DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Thus, please allow me to illustrate DOC to Any Converter Command Line briefly. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is on account of the command line, which could help users convert almost office documents to any formats,  such as word to pdf, ppt to svg, xls to jpg etc. DOC to Any Converter Command Line also support to process the task in batches and set up the properties, which is very flexible. In the next following paragraphs, you will know how to convert pptx to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

In general, there are 2 methods I will mention based on your question with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


Please open the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line first, which is the command prompt window:

click “start” button> select “Run”>input “cmd.exe”>click “ok” button, and below is the current directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

After opening the operating environment, it is time to use the converter, you could input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’, here is the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

In this step, there are 2 options for you to choose:

  • to set up the properties of xps, you could input the parameters after running DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Then continue to input the source path, the objective path to convert the file with clicking “enter” button in turn.


E:\abcd\a. pptx<space>F:\output\ab.xps<enter>

here <options> stands for the parameters, when you need to convert files, you just need to change the source path, the parameters, and the targeting path.

  • or directly input the source file, the targeting location and convert pptx to xps with clicking “enter” button. Below is the example without the parameters:



It is the end to generate a multiple pages xls file. Also you could generate xps files in batches from a folder, and process each slide of pptx files to single page xps files in batches, you could refer to these examples separately below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>



C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


from the examples above, we could get a conclusion: to get all of source files of one folder converted, just change all of file names to ‘*’; to get each page of source file(s) converted to single page of targeting file(s), just add ‘%’ behind the targeting file name.


You could refer to the following examples, which could help you avoid inputting the path of doc2any.exe:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:<enter>  (enter into the disk containing doc2any.exe)

D:\>cd<space>D:\doc2any_cmd<enter>           (enter into the folder containing doc2any.exe)


(make sure the source file could be in the same folder with ‘doc2any.exe’, use the converter, set up the properties, add source file and targeting name, then convert the file)     

and by analogy, you could process the source files from each page to single targeting files:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:<enter> 



More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:, if you want to get a trial version, you could click here:

Thank you for reading the article about converting pptx to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert ppt to xps

If you have any problems with converting ppt to xps, this article could give you a perfect answer, for DOC to Any Converter Command Line is the converting tool. Thus, please allow me to illustrate what is DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a command line converting tool, which could help users convert office documents to almost any formats such as converting docx to eps, pptx to pdf and xlsx to png etc..If you are interested in how to convert ppt to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, below are the steps.

First, please install DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer. You could download it from this link:, which is a trial version, after downloading it, you could unzip the folder of of ‘doc2any_cmd’, then double-click ‘doc2any.exe’, along with the disappearing of the rolling commands, DOC to Any Converter Command Line could be installed in your computer.

Then, you could open the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: click “start” button> select “Run”>input “cmd.exe”>click “ok” button, then, the command prompt window could be opened, and below is the current directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

To use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’, here is the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

After running DOC to Any Converter Command Line, to set up the properties of xps, you could input the parameters and input the source path, then targeting path to convert the file in turn:

here I use <options> to stand for the parameters, then drag the source file into the command prompt window, then input the targeting path directly, to process the conversion, please click “enter” button to and below is the example, which you might refer to:

  • D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space><options><space>E:\abcd\fly. ppt<space>F:\output\fly.xps<enter>

or the other choice is directly input the source file, the targeting location and let DOC to Any Converter Command Line convert ppt to xps. Below is the example without the parameters:

  • D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>E:\abcd\fly.ppt<space>F:\output\fly.xps<enter>

According to the examples above, you also could process the conversion in batches and process ppt files to single page xps files in batches, you could refer to these examples separately below:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


  • C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>


from the 1st example, here is the conclusion: use “*” to change all of file names in order to convert all of files in one folder to the targeting files, without customizing the file names.

from the 2nd example to convert each page of source files to single page targeting files in batches, all you need to do is just to add “%” following the targeting file name.

More info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:,

Thank you for reading the article about converting ppt to xps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.