DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert xlsx to png with DOC to Any Converter Command Line

Have you ever known how to convert xlsx to png? Well, maybe you think: wow, what a stupid question it is! Or your answer is “No”, however, both of them are ok to me, cause in this article, I will introduce a dreaming converting tool to you, which is DOC to Any Converter Command Line. First, if you did not hear about it, please allow me to illustrate what it is shortly, and if you have been using it for a while, please tolerate me with the following paragraphs,:). First, DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a professional converting tool, which has been designed to help you process MS Office documents and OpenOffice. Org documents quickly and flawlessly to other popular formats, such word to pdf, odt to swf etc.. Moreover, it could not only support the batch conversion, but also could help you edit the relative properties of the targeting files, “). After the short introduction of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, here are the steps to convert xlsx file to png file below.

Step1. First, please download and install DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer, and here is the download link:, click it to save the program of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Then, unzip the program to your computer, and double-click the program of “doc2any.exe” to install it in your computer.

Step2. Please open the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, just click “Windows+R”, and then a dialog box of “Run” could be popup, and please input “cmd” in the dialog box, and then click “ok” in order to run the command prompt window on your screen.

the command prompt window

Step3. Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the command prompt window, please drag and drop the program of “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window, or just input the path of “doc2any.exe”.  And then you could input the parameters after the launch of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and here are some parameters below:

-width<int>            : set the width of page

-height<int>           : set the height of page

-bitcount <int>          : Set color depth for image conversion

-rotate <int>            : Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270 

-xres <int>              : Set X resolution to image file
-yres <int>              : Set Y resolution to image file

Then input the path of the source file in order to add the source file, and input the targeting path to give your targeting file a space and a name. At last, please click “enter” button to convert xlsx to png with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and here is the command prompt window with the successful conversion below:

A way to convert xlsx to png with DOC to Any Converter Command Line

And to know more parameters, please click this link:, where also you could know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And to get this converting tool right now, please click the following link :), by now, this is the end of the article about how to convert xlsx to png with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. 😛

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert xls to png in batches

To convert xls to png in batches, I know there is one way to reach that---to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line could not only help you process the single conversion, but also could help you process the batch conversion, mainly based on converting MS Office documents to any popular file types. And also, it could help you edit the properties of the targeting files one time. Thus, interested in the conversion from xls to png in batches, please read the following paragraphs :).

First, please install DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your pc, and here is the download link:, click it, you will get DOC to Any Converter Command Line right now, if you want! Then, unzip the program to your computer, and double-click the program of “doc2any.exe”, later, DOC to Any Converter Command Line could be totally yours with its installation in your pc!

Second, please open the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, the steps are as follows:

click “Windows+R”, a dialog box of “Run” could be popup, then input “cmd” in the dialog box, and click “ok” , then the command prompt window could be popped out on the screen of pc.

the command prompt window

And then, run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the command prompt window, please drag and drop the program of “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window, or just input the path of “doc2any.exe”. And then, you could input the parameters in order to edit the properties of the targeting file, and the standard form of the parameters when you use DOC to Any Converter Command Line is as below:

:)the path of “doc2any.exe”<space>the parameters<space>the path of the source file:)

And also DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help users edit more properties with more properties, depending on the targeting file types. 🙂 Thus, in this article, I can give you some of them, cause maybe you can use some of them:), and here are some parameters below:

-rotate <int>            : Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270 

-xres <int>              : Set X resolution to image file
-yres <int>              : Set Y resolution to image file

-width<int>            : set the width of page

-height<int>           : set the height of page

-bitcount <int>          : Set color depth for image conversion

And then you need to prepare to input the source path to add the source file. For this conversion is a batch process, thus, if you want to process it one time, you need to use the wildcard character “*”, all you need to do is to replace all of the file names with it, no matter it is the source path or the targeting path. And another action you need to take is to move or copy all of the source files you want to process in one folder,and after these prepared work, just input the source path and the targeting path with the wildcard character. and then click “enter” to convert xls files to png files.

the command prompt window 

By now, this is the end of converting xls to png in batches with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And to know more about this dreaming converter and more parameters, please click this link:, and to get this converting tool right now, please click the following link 🙂

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert pptx to png in batches

I know a way to generate png files from pptx files, and it can help you convert pptx to png in batches during one process. But there are so many converting tools in the current market around the whole world, and how could we figure out whether they are suitable for us or not? Well, sometimes, it is a tough question, and it is really a little hard to distinguish which kind of converting tools are really could help you a lot in fact, however, since DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been in the world market, all you need to do is to choose this dreaming converting tool, and use it flexibly. Well, maybe you think it is a waste of time to talk about the hollow words here, but please allow me to introduce DOC to Any Converter Command Line a little in the paragraph. First, DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been designed to help users convert Office documents to the popular formats, such as doc to png, docx to pdf, ppt to ps, pptx to hpgl, xls to jpg and xlsx to tiff etc.. Also this multi-functional tool could help users process the batch conversion and support editing the properties of the targeting files. And the most import thing is DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a command line converting tool without GUI interface, that means it will help you enhance the efficiency and save your precious time. Thus, by now, if you are interested in how to convert pptx to png in batches with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please follow me in the next paragraphs.

First, please click “Windows+R”, a dialog box of “Run” will come out, then input “cmd” in the edit-box and click “ok” in order to open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

A way to convert pptx to png in batches

And then, to process the task, you need to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line first, thus, in this step, to realize it, please drag and drop the program of “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window. And then, to edit the properties of the targeting file, please input the parameters after you start DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And here are some parameters you could use in your conversion:

-bitcount <int>          : Set color depth for image conversion

-xres <int>              : Set X resolution to image file
-yres <int>              : Set Y resolution to image file

-rotate <int>            : Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270

And if you want to rotate 90 on png file , and to set the resolutions to 200, you could input “-rotate 90 –xres 200 –xres 200.:) Also DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help users edit more properties with more properties, depending on the targeting file types. :)Interested more parameters, please click this link to get them on the main page of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Then input the source path to add the source file and input the targeting path for the targeting file, but before you add the source file and prepare the targeting path, you need to move or copy all of the source files you want to process in one folder, and then when you input the source path and the targeting path, you could use the wildcard character “*” to replace all of the file names, and then click “enter” to convert pptx files to png files.

A way to convert pptx to png in batches 

And this is the end of this article about how to convert pptx to png in batches, I hope you like it, and to know more about this dreaming converter, please click this link:, and to get this converting tool right now, please click the following link, welcome to rectify this article!:P

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert ppt to png

PNG represents Portable Network Graphic. PNG files are the image files stored in the Portable Network Graphic (PNG) format, and PNG files could contain a bitmap of indexed colors under a lossless compression without copyright limitations. Thus, PNG files could be applied in storing graphics for Web images. But PNG images are now supported by most Web browsers. However, if we only have some important files stored in PPT of MS Office PowerPoint, how could we get PNG files from them?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a command line converting tool without GUI interface, which could help users convert Office documents to another popular format, such as doc to pdf, docx to eps, ppt to flash, pptx to ps, and xlsx to swf etc., and also it could help you process the batch conversion and edit the related properties of the targeting file, plus, it will lead to a fast conversion and a perfect quality. Interested in converting ppt to png with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please read the following paragraphs.

1. Click the hotkey of “Windows+R” to get a dialog box of “Run”, and input “cmd.exe” in the edit-box, then click “ok” to open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


2. In this step, to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line is your first mission, to realize it, please drag and drop the program of “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window, or input the path of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window directly. And after that, if you want to edit the properties, to input the parameters after you start DOC to Any Converter Command Line will help you realize that. And here are some parameters you could use in your conversion:

-xres <int>              : Set X resolution to image file
-yres <int>              : Set Y resolution to image file
-bitcount <int>          : Set color depth for image conversion

And you could input the parameters like this: “-xres 200 –yres 200 –bitcount 24” if you want to adjust the resolution and the color depth of your PNG file. Interested more parameters, please click this link to get them on the main page of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Then input the source path in order to add the source file for the conversion, and input the targeting path for the targeting file, and at last, please click “enter” to convert ppt file to png file with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

A way to convert ppt to png

Also when you input other parameters to set the relative properties, you still could follow the format of the example above. And this is the end to convert ppt to png, and welcome to visit the main page of DOC to Any Converter Command Line to know more about this dreaming converter:, and here is the download link, click it you will get the trial version, at last, thank you for joining here. 

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert docx to png with DOC to Any Converter Command Line?

PNG is short for Portable Network Graphic, and its file is a image file stored in the Portable Network Graphic (PNG) format, which contains a bitmap of indexed colors under a lossless compression without copyright limitations. Moreover, PNG files could be commonly used to store graphics for Web images. Although PNG images do not provide CMYK color support because they are not intended for use with professional graphics, PNG images are now supported by most Web browsers.

DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been designed to help users convert Office files to any popular formats, doc to jpg, doc to pdf, xlsx to eps and ppt to swf, for example. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a command line converting tool, thus there is no GUI interface, which will give you a convenient conversion in its running environment. Thus, if you are interested in the conversion of docx to png, please read the following paragraphs :).

step1. Click “start” of pc and a start menu is popup>select “Run”>input “cmd.exe” in the dialog box of “Run”and click “ok”, and the operating environment---the command prompt window can be opened up, and the following picture is about the command prompt window with the current directory:

How to convert docx to png with DOC to Any Converter Command Line?

step2. In this step, you might need to start the converting tool, prepare the source file and the targeting file, and process the task. First, to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the command prompt window, you need to drag and drop the program of “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window, or input the path of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window directly. And then if you think the pattern of the targeting file is too dull, there is one choice for you here, which is to input the parameters after you start DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Of course, there are many parameters you could choose to input, for example, if you want to edit the margins, you could realize it with “-margin <int>”, and if you want to edit the width and the height of the targeting file, “-width <int>” and “-height <int>” could be used to input in the command prompt window. Interested more parameters, you could log on the main webpage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line via this link: And the next step after inputting the parameters, you need to input the source path in order to add the source file for the conversion. Then input the targeting path for the targeting file, and at last, please click “enter” to convert docx file to png file in the command prompt window.

How to convert docx to png with DOC to Any Converter Command Line?

And to let you know the exact format of editing the properties of the targeting file, you could refer to the following example, where the parameters can be represented by “<options>”:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space><options>

Thank you for choosing our product.

(note: <space> and <enter> are to let you click the button of “space” and “enter”, which are all the essential steps in the command lines)

Welcome to visit the main page of this converting tool to know more about it :, and also you have a choice to download this dreaming converting for a try right now at this link:, please feel free to click it for it is really free ! At last, thank you for reading this article about the conversion from docx to png! 😛