DOC to Any Converter

Two ways to convert Excel to gif with DOC to Any Converter Command Line

This article is to make you know 2 methods to convert Excel to gif with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a powerful application. If you are not familiar with this tool, please allow me to introduce you this tool in this paragraph. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a great software based on the command lines, which is smaller in size and flexible in any conversion. Most of all, this command line tool can help us produce any format files from the Office files, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and even OpenOffice files. And the following part is the methods to convert Excel file to gif file with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please do not miss them if it has already attracted your attention. DOC to Any Converter Command Line will never fail you!


1. launch the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: click “start” > select “Run” > input “cmd.exe” and click “ok”.

2. Input the command lines to process the task: at the current directory of the command prompt window, you can input the path of “doc2any.exe” to run the main converting tool---DOC to Any Converter Command Line, or you can drag and drop “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window directly. Then if you want to edit the objective properties, you can input the parameters after the start of the main converter. If you do not want to set the targeting options, you can skip that step to add the source file for the conversion. To add the source file, please input the source path in the command prompt window. Then you should input the targeting path in order to set the objective file type and select the destination folder for the targeting file. At last, click “enter” to end the inputting, and convert Excel to gif quickly. Here is the real example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe  –width  90 D:\cc.xls  D:\cc.gif
Thank you for choosing our product.
Conversion time = 3921ms
D:\cc.xls ==> D:\cc.gif,
TickCount = 1301ms(13.01s), Result = 1

And the format when you input the command lines is also essential, which is in the following example:

doc2any<space> [options] <space><Excel file> <space><gif file><enter>

<space> and <enter> are to make users click “space” button and “enter” button of keyboard, which are essential operation in the command lines.


Before you use method 2, you should make the Excel file in the same folder with the program of ‘doc2any.exe’. In another way, it is convenient to use this method when the source file is in the same folder with ‘doc2any.exe’, which is also the key point to process the task. And to know more, here are the steps below:

  1. Enter into the disc containing “doc2any.exe”
  2. Access to the folder containing “doc2any.exe”
  3. launch the converter, add the source file and set the targeting filename and file type
  4. click “enter” to process the task from Excel to gif

conversion from Excel to gif with another method


“D:” is to enter into D disc that contains “doc2any.exe”; “cd” is to change directory; “doc2any_cmd” is to enter into the folder containing “doc2any.exe”; “doc2any” is to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the directory of “d:\doc2any_cmd>”; “ab.xls” is the representative of the source file; “ab.gif” is the representative of the objective file.

When you want to process the task in method 2, you just need to change the directory and the relative path, which is enough, but at least, your source file is in the same folder with “doc2any.exe”.

To know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:, also please feel free to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line for a try from here:, which is really very valuable! Thank you for sharing this article about the conversion from Excel to gif !

DOC to Any Converter

How to rotate gif during the conversion of Word to gif?

This article aims to introduce a way to rotate gif during the conversion from Word to gif, and it is important to use which kind of the converting tools. Yes, DOC to Any Converter Command Line will never let you down, which has been designed to help you obtain the popular files from the Office files easily. Also this great software has a smaller size than other products with the same functions, which can take up the smaller space of your pc. Based on the flexibility of the command lines, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can provide you a convenient way to edit the properties of the targeting files. To know more, please refer to the steps to convert Word file to gif file with some rotation.

1. Open the command prompt window 

The application of DOC to Any Converter Command Line is aiming to process the task in Windows systems, thus, first, you need to open its running environment, to reach that, please follow the steps below:

click Windows+R > type cmd.exe > click ok, then the command prompt window can be run, which is your operating environment for the command lines.

2. Type the command lines 

  • Before inputting the command lines, please get familiar with the exact format and the sequence of the whole conversion:

“doc2any.exe<space> [options] <space>< doc file> <space><gif files><enter>”

(note: <> means the essential action; [] represent the optional action: “options” stands for the parameters that helps you edit the properties of the targeting files)

doc2any.exe is the abbreviation of the path “doc2any.exe”, if you want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you need to input the path of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window; in this article, “options” should be “-rotate <int>”, where “<int>” can be replaced by the real value; “doc file” is the representative of the path of the source file, which means you have to input the source path to add the source file for the conversion; “gif files” stands for the path of targeting files, where the objective file type and the filename can be customized flexibly in the command prompt window. At last, to start the conversion, please do not forget to click “enter”, which is very essential to users. If you still feel confused, please see the following example, which can offer you a clear mind:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe  –rotate  90 D:\doc2any_cmd\abx.doc  D:\doc2any_cmd\abx.gif
Thank you for choosing our product.
Conversion time = 3953ms
D:\doc2any_cmd\abx.doc ==> D:\doc2any_cmd\abx.gif,
TickCount = 1334ms(13.35s), Result = 1

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

To get a free DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:; to buy this dreaming tool, please click: This is the end to rotate gif during the conversion from Word to gif.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert MS Office 2010 xlsx to gif in batches

XLSX is the format of MS Office 2007 and 2010 on Windows platforms, which is a format of a xls spreadsheet. And based on Windows systems, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can provide the quickest speed in the conversion from Office 2010 xlsx to gif in batches, which has been designed to help users produce any kinds of files with different popular formats from Office documents. For the usage of the command lines, this converting tool can provide us a super speed in any conversion. To convert MS Office 2007 xlsx to gif in batches, please read the following paragraphs.

The conversion from xlsx to gif in batches can be done within 2 steps only, and here are the details below:

step1. Please click Windows+R > type cmd.exe > click ok, and later, the command prompt window can be opened, which is just the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

step2. Prepare the basic work via the command lines and process the task

to process the batch task, first, please make the sequence of the entire conversion clearly, thus, please refer to the following:

doc2any.exe<space> [options] <space>< xlsx file> <space><gif files><enter>

(note: <> stands for the essential operation; [] stands for the optional operation; “options” stands for the parameters that can help you set the targeting properties)

Then I believe you have already know the exact procedure and format, next, please see the real example of Office 2007 xlsx to gif in batches:

doc2any.exe<space> -height<space>666 <space>d:\devotion\*.xlsx<space>d:\devotion\*.gif<enter>

(note: “-height 666” is to help users set the targeting height as 666)

The key point to get the batch conversion done is to replace all of file names with “*” in each path, and of course, it is also essential to click “enter”, which can help you start to convert Office 2010 xlsx to gif in batches. 

To obtain the trial version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:; more parameters for DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:, where you also can purchase DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Any questions, please let us know as soon as possible, we will give you a reply at once, and thank you for your support!

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert MS Office 2010 pptx to gif in batches

It is very convenient and flexible to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert MS Office 2010 pptx to gif in batches. For PPTX is the format of MS PowerPoint 2007 and 2010, in the aspect of format, the conversion of Office 2010 pptx file to gif file is the same as the one from Office 2007 pptx to gif. Here is the method to convert pptx file to gif file in batches with DOC to Any Converter Command Line below:

1. Launch the command prompt window

please take the following steps to run the environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: click Windows+R > type cmd.exe > click ok.

2. Type the command lines to process the task in the command prompt window

here is the sequence and the format of the entire conversion below, which is essential to get the entire conversion started normally:

doc2any.exe<space> [options] <space>< pptx file> <space><gif files><enter>

(note: <> means the essential part needed users to input; [] stands for the optional part that users can choose to input or not in the command prompt window,and “options” stands for the parameters, which can help you edit the properties of the targeting files)

And after you understand the right sequence, here is an example to convert MS Office 2007 pptx to gif in batches below:

doc2any.exe<space> -rotate<space>270 <space>d:\ab\*.pptx<space>d:\ab\*.gif<enter>

And by now, you may know: the knack to process Office 2010 docx to gif in batches is to replace all of the file names with the wildcard “*” in the paths, and at last, please do not forget to click “enter” to start the conversion of Office 2007 pptx to gif in batches.  And in this conversion, the parameters “-rotate 270” is to help you rotate the content of the targeting file with 270 degree.

To get a free version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to download it to try:; to know more real parameters for DOC to Any Converter Command Line and even to purchase DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link: Thank you for joining in this article about the conversion from MS Office 2010 pptx to gif in batches---Office 2007 pptx to gif in batches.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert MS Office 2010 docx to gif in batches

When you want to convert MS Office 2010 docx to gif in batches, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you save time and never let you down. DOC to Any Converter Command Line also support editing the targeting properties one time. If you have some interest in this conversion, please read the following part, which will show you how to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert MS Office 2007 docx to gif in batches for docx is the format of MS Office Word 2007 and 2010.

1. Open the command prompt window 

DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a command line application based on Windows systems, thus, please follow the steps to run the command prompt window, which is the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

click Windows+R > type cmd.exe > click ok.

And here is the screen snapshots about the whole steps below:

 type "cmd"and click "ok"

the command prompt window 

2. Input the command lines and process the task

Before inputting the command lines, it is important to know the format and the sequence of the whole conversion, and to refer to it, here it is:

“doc2any.exe<space> [options] <space>< docx file> <space><gif files><enter>”

In the command lines, <> means the essential part needed users to input; [] stands for the optional part that users can choose to input or not in the command prompt window,and “options” stands for the parameters, which can help you edit the properties of the targeting files. And here is an example to convert MS Office 2007 docx to gif in batches below:

conversion from MS Office 2010 docx to gif

end of the conversion from Office 2007 docx to gif in batches

For the example above, you can notice a knack in the conversion from Office 2010 docx to gif in batches: replace all of the file names with the wildcard “*”, and of course, in each conversion, it is very essential to click “enter” to process the task in the command lines in the command prompt window. And the parameters “-useprinter -width 100 -height 100” are to use the virtual printer to set the targeting width and height, for example.

To get a free version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to download it to try:; to purchase DOC to Any Converter Command Line with all kinds of functions, you can click this link: By now, it is the end to convert MS Office 2010 docx to gif in batches---Office 2007 docx to gif in batches.