DOC to Any Converter

Two methods to convert PowerPoint to emf

It is easy to use 2 different ways to convert PowerPoint to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. In this article, you can know these 2 methods to get the emf files from PowerPoint file flexibly. But first, please allow me to introduce my main converter in this conversion--------- DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help users convert the files of MS Office and OpenOffice.Org to any kinds of files easily and flexibly. Moreover, this tool can also help you with the targeting options in the single process and in the batch conversion. If you want to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can click this link:

And the different methods to convert PowerPoint file to emf file with DOC to Any Converter Command Line are as follows:


1. Open the command prompt window:

For Windows systems, the command prompt window is the operating environment of the command lines. And DOC to Any Converter Command Line can work based on the command lines, thus, it is necessary to open the command prompt window if you want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Here is the way to run the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line----the command prompt window:

click “start” > select “Run” > type “cmd” and click “ok” in the dialog box of “Run”

and in the command prompt window, you will see the current directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

2. Input the command lines:

First, you should make the prepared work done in the command prompt window, which is as below:

start DOC to Any Converter Command Line >set the options of the emf files >add the PowerPoint file >edit the targeting folder and set the targeting format and the filename

In the precedure above, it is optional to edit the options of the emf files, which means users can skip this step to add the source file after the launch of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

To start DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please drag and drop the program of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window; to set the options of the emf files, you can type the parameters in the command prompt window; to add the PowerPoint file, you can input the path of the single PowerPoint file into the command prompt window;  to edit the targeting folder and set the targeting format and the filename, you can type the objective path in the command prompt window directly.

Second, process the task with one click:

click “enter” to end typing the command lines in the command prompt window, and make DOC to Any Converter Command Line convert PowerPoint to emf.

Here is the example with the strict format, which is essential to the entire conversion:



(note: <options> stands for the parameters; <space> is to click “space”; the bold fonts represent the steps that are essential)



The premise to convert PowerPoint file to emf file with this way, which is flexible, is to make the source file and the program of “doc2any.exe” in the same folder. And if you would like to know more details, please refer to the following example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>E:<enter>



  • E:<enter> is to enter into the disc E, where “doc2any.exe” is located  
  • cd<space>doc2any_cmd<enter>are to change directory and access to the folder of “doc2any_cmd”, which contains the program of “doc2any.exe”, which is the starting program of DOC to Any Converter Command Line
  • doc2any<space> is to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line with the name of “doc2any.exe”
  • hair.ppt<space> is to add the single PowerPoint file with its name and the file extension
  • hair.emf is to create the emf file with its filename and file extension
  • <enter> is to click “enter” to process the task

Here it is the end of this article about 2 methods to convert PowerPoint to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. If you would like to try DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can click the following link to download the trial version:, any questions, please drop me a line here, and thank you for your support!

DOC to Any Converter

Two ways to convert Excel to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line

In this article, you will know how to use 2 different ways to convert Excel to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. First, please allow me to illustrate what is DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a command line converter without GUI interface, which can help users convert the files of MS Office and OpenOffice.Org to any kinds of files including those files which are popular nowadays. In addition, this dreaming tool can help you set the properties of the targeting files and process dozens of the source files during one process. More information about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link: And the following paragraphs are the different ways to convert Excel file to emf file with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


1. Install DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

  • Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line: click this link of and save the program of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.
  • Install DOC to Any Converter Command Line: release the folder of “doc2any-cmd” to your computer, and click the program of “doc2any.exe” in order to install DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

2. Open the command prompt window:

The command lines need to work in the specific environment, and for Windows systems, the command prompt window is the operating environment of the command lines, and because DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a tool based on the command lines, the command prompt window is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To open the command prompt window, please follow the steps below:

click “Windows+R” >the dialog box of “Run” can be popup > type “cmd.exe” and click “ok” in the dialog box of “Run”, and then the command prompt window can be popup, where there is a current directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

3. Make the prepared work done in the command prompt window:

To make the prepared work done in the command prompt window, there are several steps need to be done, which is very essential to the conversion from Excel to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

  • start DOC to Any Converter Command Line
  • set the options of the emf files
  • add the Excel file
  • edit the objective folder and set the targeting format with the customized filename

And the steps above are essential precedure to process the task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line except the step “set the options of the emf files”, which is optional to you, if there is no need to edit the properties of the emf files, in another word, if you do not want to edit the properties of the emf files, you can skip it to next step directly----add the source file after the start of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And here is the method to realize each of the steps above:

  • to start DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please type the path of the program of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window
  • to set the options ot the emf files, please input the parameters in the command prompt window, for instance, you can type “-rotation 90” to edit the rotation of the emf files by 90 degree
  • to add the Excel file, please drag and drop the single Excel file into the command prompt window
  • to edit the objective folder and set the targeting format with the filename, please input the targeting path in the command prompt window directly, which can help you with them

4. Process the task with one click:

Click “enter” to process the task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And here is the example with the exact format and more details below:


Thank you for choosing our product.

(note: <space> is to click “space”; the bold fonts represent the steps that are essential)



DOC to Any Converter Command Line is very flexible on any conversion about doc to any. Besides the method1, with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, users can use another method to realize the conversion, and to know more, please see the following example:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:<enter>



The key point to use method2 is to make the source file in the same folder with the program of “doc2any.exe”.

F:<enter> is to enter into the disc F, for “doc2any.exe” is located on disc F;  CD<space>doc2any_cmd<enter>are to change directory and enter into the folder of “doc2any_cmd”, which contains the program of “doc2any.exe”, which is the running program of DOC to Any Converter Command Line; doc2any<space>abc.xls<space>abc.emf<enter> are orderly to start DOC to Any Converter Command Line with the name of “doc2any.exe”, to add the Excel file with its name and the file extension, to custom the emf file with its filename and file extension, and at last, click “enter” to process the task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Any questions about DOC to Any Converter Command Line or about this conversion from Excel to emf, please let us know, and we will help you asap! Thank you for joining here!

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert Word to emf

The format of MS Word is usually DOC, whose file extension is *.doc. And this article is to show you how to get the emf files based on Word file.

1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

Click this link:, and save the program of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

2. Install DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

After the download of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please release its program to your computer, and in the folder of “doc2any_cmd”, please click the program of “doc2any.exe” in order to install DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer.

3. Launch the command prompt window:

In Windows systems, the command prompt window is the running environment of the command lines. For DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a converter based on the command lines, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can work in the environment of the command lines and it is necessary to open the command prompt window so that DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be run directly.

Here are the steps to open the command prompt window below:

click “Windows+R” to get the dialog box of “Run”, and then input “cmd” in the edit-box of “Run” and click “ok”, and automatically, the command prompt window can be popup. And the current directory is as below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

4. Make the prepared work done in the command prompt window:

In this step, the prepared work is as follows:

run DOC to Any Converter Command Line > edit the properties of the targeting files > add the source file > set the targeting folder and edit the objective file type with the filename

And it is strict to follow the precedure above in turns, and if you do not want to edit the properties of the targeting files----the emf files, the step “edit the properties of the targeting files” can be ignored, and after the start of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can add the source file directly.

And here is the way to realize the precedure below:

  • Type the path of the program of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window, which can help you run DOC to Any Converter Command Line
  • Input the parameters in the command prompt window to set the options of the emf files, for example, input “-height 898” in the command prompt window to edit the height of the emf files as 898
  • Type the targeting path to set the targeting folder, the objective file type and the objective filename

3. One click to process the task:

When you finished the preparation in the command prompt window, you should click “enter” to end it, and meanwhile, the conversion can be started with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Later, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you convert Word to emf successfully. And here is the example below, which can display the exact format and more details:


Thank you for choosing our product.
Loading "D:\doc2any_cmd\ab.pptx" file...[20%]
Shutdown PowerPoint Application...[60%]
Conversion time = 1125ms
D:\doc2any_cmd\ba.doc ==> D:\doc2any_cmd\ba.emf, result=OK

TickCount = 1125ms(1.13s), Result = 1

(note: <space> represent to click “space”; the bold fonts stand for the steps in turns in the command prompt window)

To know more parameters for DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please log on the official website of DOC to Any Converter Command Line at: Also, you can find more information of DOC to Any Converter Command Line there.

Any questions about DOC to Any Converter Command Line or about this conversion from Word to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please give us a instant feedback, and we will try our best to help you. Thank you for your support!

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert MS Office 2010 xlsx to emf and edit emf width?

XLSX is the format of MS Excel 2010, which is a kind of the spreadsheet formats. And the xlsx file can be opened and edited in MS Excel 2007 and 2010 for Windows systems, and also then can be opened and edited in OpenOffice.Org. And to use Office 2010 xlsx file to obtain other kinds of files, it is not a problem with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. With DOC to Any Converter Command Line, users can convert Office and OpenOffice files to any other kinds of files very conveniently, for DOC to Any Converter Command Line can work on the command lines, which also can help users edit the properties of the emf files, such as the width of the targeting files. More knowledge of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can click the following link to log on its official website:

And the following part is the method to convert Office 2007 xlsx to emf and edit the emf width with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

1. Open the command prompt window for running DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

Click “start” to launch the start menu, and click “Run” to get the dialog box of “Run”, and then type “cmd” in the edit-box of “Run”, and click “ok”, then the command prompt window can be opened, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line of Windows platforms.

2. Prepare for the conversion from Office 2007 xlsx to emf and editing the emf width:

In this step, you should get the preparation done, and the following is the precedure:

  • drag and drop the program of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line
  • type the parameter of “-width <int>” in the command prompt window in order to set the width of the emf files, where “<int>” can be any value depending on you, for instance, 789
  • input the objective path to edit the targeting folder and the objective file name with the file extension

3. At last, after the preparation, please get one click to convert MS Office 2010 xlsx to emf: click “enter”.

And to make you understand the entire conversion with the exact format and the strict precedure, please see the example below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space>

–width<space>789<space> D:\er.xlsx<space>D:\er.emf<enter>

Thank you for choosing our product.

(note: the bold fonts represent the steps users need to follow with the command lines; <space> and <enter> stand for the click on “space” button and “enter” button)

By now, it is the end of this article about how to edit the emf width during the conversion from MS Office 2010 xlsx to emf----Office 2007 xlsx to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

If you consider DOC to Any Converter Command Line is not bad, here is the chance for your try: click the following link: , DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be yours, and of course as you wish, it is totally free! So please feel free to get it right now! At last, any questions about this article and about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please give us a quick response, it is a pleasure to help you solve your problems! Thank you for reading this article!

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert MS Office 2010 pptx to emf?

The format of MS Office PowerPoint 2010 is pptx, which is also the format of MS Office PowerPoint 2007 for Windows systems.  This article aims to tell you how to obtain the emf files from the pptx files, and the main tool that can help you is DOC to Any Converter  Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a professional tool that has been designed to help users convert Office files and OpenOffice files to other kinds of files, which can also help you set the properties of the objective files. More info about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:, and here is the method to convert pptx to emf below.

1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line at this link: by clicking it, then you can save the program of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and then after you release the folder of “doc2any_cmd” to your computer, you can double-click the program of “doc2any.exe” to install DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

2. Click “Windows+R” hotkey to launch the dialog box of “Run”, then type “cmd.exe” in the edit-box of “Run” and click “ok” to open the command prompt window, and this command prompt window is the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows systems.

3. Input the command lines. After you open the command prompt window, you can input the command lines in it. And the precedure is as follows:

input the path of “doc2any.exe” in order to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line>input the parameters in order to set the properties of the emf files>input the objective path in order to set the targeting file type and the objective folder>click “enter” to convert Office 2010 pptx to emf----Office 2007 pptx to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

conversion from Office 2010 pptx to emf

In the example above, “-rotate 270” is the parameter to help you get a rotation of 270 degree on the emf files. Also you can input other parameters according to your requirement, and to know more parameters, you can log on the website of DOC to Any Converter Command Line at this link:

This is the end of this article about how to convert Office 2010 pptx to emf---Office 2007 pptx to emf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Any questions, please let us know, and we will trace your questions with our pleasure. Thank you for your share here!