A way to convert PowerPoint to wmf with some specific properties
WMF is a proprietary Windows graphic format developed by Microsoft, whose files can contain a series of drawing operations, including commands for drawing lines, circles, and rectangles. Also WMF files may also contain the bitmap drawing operations, which could be used primarily for the vector images including the raster graphics.
And DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you make the wmf files from the PowerPoint files singly or in batches, which has been designed to help users convert Office files to other popular files mainly, also with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, users can edit the objective properties accordingly in the single conversion or the batch process. And to know how to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert PowerPoint to wmf with some specific properties, please read the following paragraphs.
Open the command prompt window
For Windows systems, the command prompt window is the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And to open it, please click “start”, then select “Run” on start menu, then a dialog box can be opened, then input “cmd” and click “ok” in the dialog box, automatically, the command prompt window can be popup, and below is the current directory in the command prompt window:
C:\Documents and Settings\admin>
Use the command lines to process the task
In the command prompt window, please type the path of “doc2any.exe” to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line, or just you can drag the program of “doc2any.exe” and and drop it into the command prompt window. Then you should input the parameters to edit the objective properties, then add the source file by inputting its path and assign a targeting folder by typing the objective path. Finally, please click “enter” to start the conversion. To know more details, please see the following example:
g:\input\in. ppt<space>g:\output\out. wmf<enter>
<> stands for the essential part in the command lines; <space> and <enter> mean the clicks on “space” and “enter”; “d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe” is the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to open DOC to Any Converter Command Line; “–rotate 90” is the parameter, which can help you rotate the objective files by 90 degree together; “g:\input\ab.ppt” is the path of the ppt file; “g:\output\ab.wmf” is the objective path.
Here is the end to convert PowerPoint to wmf with some specific properties, and if you would like to know more real parameters, please log on the webpage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line at this link: https://www.verydoc.com/doc-to-any-options.html, and also cllick the following link, the trial version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be yours: https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip, finally, thank you for reading this article about how to convert PowerPoint to wmf with some specific properties with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.