How to convert MS Office 2010 docx to pdf using virtual printer from each page of docx?
The docx file can be opened and edited in MS Word 2007 and 2010 for Windows systems, thus, it is the same to convert Office 2010 docx to pdf and to convert Office 2007 docx to pdf. However, how to convert docx to pdf with the virtual printer from each page of docx? DOC to Any Converter Command Line can support this conversion, and if you want to know more, please read the following part of this article.
After you download DOC to Any Converter Command Line and install it in your computer, you also need to install a virtual printer in your computer. And here is the link of the virtual printer “docprint pro”:, you can press it to download docprint pro and install it in your computer, then please set the virtual printer of docprint pro as your default printer.
Then you can open the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line by clicking “Windows + R” to input “cmd.exe” and click “ok” in the dialog box of “Run”. And here is the current directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\admin>
Then, at the current directory, you can run DOC to Any Converter Command Line by typing the path of “doc2any.exe”, or just drag and drop the program of “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window. After you run the main tool in the command prompt window, please set the objective options by the way of inputting the relative parameters, then add the docx file by the way of typing the source path of the docx file. To save the objective pdf file, you can input the targeting path, and to process the docx file from each page of the docx file, you can add the character “%” in the objective name of pdf. At last, please click “enter” to process the task from Office 2010 docx to pdf-----Office 2007 docx to pdf:
f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -useprinter g:\in\abcd.docx d:\output\abcd%.pdf<enter>
- f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe”
- -useprinter is to use the virtual printer
- g:\in\abcd.docx is the source path
- d:\output\abcd%.pdf is the objective path to set the destination folder and get the pdf files from each page of the docx file
- <enter> is to click “enter” to process the task with the virtual printer
If you want to just process the task singly, you can refer to the following command line:
f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -useprinter g:\in\abcd.docx d:\output\abcd.pdf<enter>
And there are many kinds of the parameters for you to choose to process the task from Office 2010 docx to pdf----Office 2007 docx to pdf with the virtual printer, and if you want to know more about them and more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can visit the home page of DOC to Any Converter Command Line from this link:, if you want to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line right now, please click this link: Thank you for joining here!