DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert xls to bmp and set color depth

It is easy to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert xls to bmp and set image bit-count of bmp files, which can be accomplished within one process with the command line in Windows systems computer.

For raster images, image bit-count is equal with color depth, which can decide the quality and the size of bitmap images. Usually,  the higher image bit-count is, the clearer raster images are, and the smaller sizes of raster images are.

If you want to know the method to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert xls file to bmp file and set image bit-count of bmp files, the following paragraphs can tell you more.

Step1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line

If you have no DOC to Any Converter Command Line installed in your computer, please firstly download DOC to Any Converter Command Line by the way of clicking this link: Then unzip the download to your computer.

Step2. Run “cmd.exe” in your computer

In Windows systems, you need to run “cmd.exe” to open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is the command prompt window. Thus, to run “cmd.exe”, please click “start” on your screen, then select “Run” to open the dialog box “Run”, and in this dialog box, please type “cmd.exe” or “cmd” and press “ok”, and along with the running of “cmd.exe”, the command prompt window can be run quickly.

Step3. Launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line

In the command prompt window, you can find a current directory, which is as follow:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

At this current directory, if you want to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the command prompt window, you can type the path of “doc2any.exe” directly, or you can use an easier way to run it, too, which is to drag and drop the installer “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window.

Step4. Get the basic work done

After DOC to Any Converter Command Line is run, you need to get the basic prepared work done, which are set color depth of bmp files, add the source file, and assign a targeting folder for bmp images in turns. To set image bit-count of bmp images, you can input a parameter in the command prompt window, which is “-bitcount <int>”, where “<int>” can be 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32; to add the source file, you can drag and drop xls file into the command prompt window; to assign a targeting folder for bmp files, please input the objective path into the command prompt window. Here is the relative command line below:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –bitcount 8 g:\abcd\me.xls g:\abcd\me.bmp

(note: “-bitcount 8” can help you set image bit-count as “8”, which leads to grayscale bmp images)

Step5. One click to start this process

When you finish all the basic work in the command prompt window, please click “enter” to make DOC to Any Converter Command Line start to process this task of xls to bmp. Then, if you type “-bitcount 8”, bmp image of grayscale can be produced into your targeting folder automatically.

When this article nearly come to an end, you can click this link of to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line and more parameters compatible with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. If you have questions about this process that is from xls to bmp and edit color depth of bmp, please drop your comments here, thanks!

DOC to Any Converter

A way to convert ppt to bmp and set color depth

Do you want to convert ppt to bmp and set color depth of bmp with the command line? If you are interested in this way, you can read the following paragraphs, which are about how to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to process this task in Windows platforms, for DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been designed to help users create any kinds of files from Office files singly and in batches.

1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line

Before you install DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you need to have its installer, thus, if you want to download it, you can click this link:, then the relative download about DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be downloaded quickly. Then you need to unzip them to your computer, and then you can call it later.

2. Launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line

After DOC to Any Converter Command Line is installed in your computer, you need to think about how to open DOC to Any Converter Command Line. However, for DOC to Any Converter Command Line, to launch it, you need to run “cmd.exe” to start its running environment in your computer of Windows systems. And the details are as follows:

press “start” > click “Run” > type “cmd.exe” > press “ok”, or click “Windows + R” > input “cmd” > click “ok”

Then, at the current directory in the command prompt window, please type the path of “doc2any.exe” to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

3. Set color depth, add the ppt file and save bmp files

When you complete to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you need to set color depth firstly. To realize in the command prompt window, please type a parameter “-bitcount <int>”, where “<int>” can be 1,4,8,16,24,32, because different int values of them can lead to different size, clearness of raster images, bmp for example. Then you need to add the ppt file through inputting its path in the command prompt window. Next, to save bmp files, which can be converted from each slide of single ppt file, please type a targeting path in the command prompt window. Here is an example about this process below, which is about a conversion from ppt to bmp:

g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –bitcount 24 f:\input\a.ppt f:\output\a.bmp

(note: for raster images, image bit-count is same with the depth of color, and bmp images are raster images)

To make DOC to Any Converter Command Line process this task, please click “enter” in the command prompt window.

This is the end of this article, if you want to know more parameters and more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: And if you have any questions about this article, which is about how to convert ppt to bmp and set color depth of bmp, please leave your comment here.

DOC to Any Converter

An easy way to convert doc to jpg and set color depth

This article aims to tell you how to use an easier way to convert doc to jpg and set its color depth flexibly with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Moreover, with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can accomplish this mission in only one process. If you would like to know more about this process, you can continue to read this article.

Step1. Launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line

Before running DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer of Windows systems, firstly, please make sure DOC to Any Converter Command Line is installed in your computer, if you have it, please directly open DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer, after you open its running environment; if you do not have DOC to Any Converter Command Line installed in your computer, you can click this link of to download it directly, then unzip the download to your computer. Then you can open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer, for Windows systems, it is the command prompt window.

Thus, to run the command prompt window, you need to click “Windows + R” to get the dialog box of “Run” firstly, then type “cmd.exe” and press “ok” to run “cmd.exe” in your computer, then you can have the command prompt window opened on your screen.

And after the command prompt window is opened, please type the path of “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window, which is to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the command prompt window.

Step2. Type the command line and one click to process the task

After the path of ‘doc2any.exe’ is typed, you need to type the command line to get the prepared work done. To realize it in the command prompt window, you may need to refer to the following, where “8” in “-bitcount 8” is an example int value:

doc2any.exe –bitcount 8 f:\doc2any\in.doc f:\doc2any\out.jpg

  • doc2any.exe stands for the path of “doc2any.exe”, when you input the path, you need to type the entire path of “doc2any.exe”
  • –bitcount 8 is a parameter to set bit-count of jpg images, and “8” can help you get grayscale jpg files, for jpg images support the grayscale pattern, and by the way, for raster images, the bit-count is equal with the color depth
  • f:\doc2any\in.doc is the source path of the doc file
  • f:\doc2any\out.jpg is the objective path, which helps you save jpg files and name them together

When you process your own task, which is from doc to jpg with the specific image bit-count, you can change the relative directory and the paths, also you can change other relative int values (such as “1, 4, 16, 24, 32”) to use “-bitcount x” (“x” can be 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32).

To realize one click to process the task, please press “enter” in the command prompt window, then your jpg images with different image bit-count can be produced into your targeting folder.

By now, if you want to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can press this link to enter into the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: Here is the end of this article, which is about how to convert doc to jpg with specific color depth, thank you for joining here!

DOC to Any Converter

A convenient way to convert PowerPoint to fax in batches

In you daily work, you may meet this kinds of problems: you need to save your precious time in the batch conversion of PowerPoint to fax----PowerPoint to tiff, and do not know how to deal with it currently. Then, please do not worry about this kind of problems anymore, for DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you solve them very quickly so that you can enhance your working efficiency to do something else about work! Yes, moreover, with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can also edit the compression mode of tiff fax files flexibly during the batch process, and if you want to know more, please follow me in this article.

1. Download and install DOC to Any Converter Command Line

Here is the download link of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:, which you can click to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer. Then to install DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please unzip the download about DOC to Any Converter Command Line to your computer, then you can call "doc2any.exe" directly later.

2. Run “cmd.exe” to start the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer

In Windows systems, to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you need to open its operating environment firstly. And the command prompt window is the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows platforms, then to open it, you need to run “cmd.exe” in your computer. And to reach it, please click “start” > select “Run” > type “cmd.exe” in the dialog box of “Run” > press “ok” to run “cmd.exe” in your computer, in the end, the command prompt window can be popped out automatically.

3. Input the command line to process the task from PowerPoint to fax

To process the task in the command prompt window, you need to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line in it, which needs you to input the path of the installer “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window. Then, you need to refer to the following to type other command line in the command prompt window:

set objective properties > add your source file > save your fax files

Thus, after the path of “doc2any.exe” is typed into the command prompt window, please input a parameter to let DOC to Any Converter Command Line know you want to produce ClassF Fax tiff files, and choose a compression mode of tiff, and this requirement needs you to type only one parameter, which can help you solve such problems together. By the way, there are several parameters to help you get ClassF Fax tiff files and set compression mode of tiff, and here I use “-compression 88881” to help you, whose meaning is as follow:

-compression 88881 : Compress TIFF to G4 ClassF TIFF in 204x196

Then, after the parameter, to process the batch task in one process, please type an uniform source path to represent all source files, and here the character “*” can help you, which you can use to take the place of the source name in the source path. Likely, you can use this character to take the place of the objective name in the objective path, which can be used to save your fax files together in the command prompt window. And the following command line can show you more information about the conversion from PowerPoint to tiff:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –compression 88881 f:\inout\*.ppt f:\inout\*.tif

After all the prepared work is done sufficiently, please click “enter” to process the task to produce tiff fax files in batches. Then, based on the command line above, the tiff fax files can be produced into the folder “inout”.

Anyway, by now, if you have any questions about this process, which is from PowerPoint to fax with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please let us know them asap, and if you want to know more process besides the process from PowerPoint to tiff, you may click this link to go to the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line here :, where more of DOC to Any Converter Command Line and more parameters can be found conveniently, too.

DOC to Any Converter

A convenient way to convert Excel to fax

In this article, you can obtain a convenient way to convert Excel to fax----Excel to tiff with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. In addition, it is also easy to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert Excel file to fax files with other properties. The following paragraphs can tell you more about this conversion with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

1. Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line

To run DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you need to start the command prompt window firstly, because the command prompt window is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows systems. Thus, if you want to open it in your computer of Windows systems, please press “Windows + R” on your screen, then type “cmd.exe” in the edit-box of “Run” dialog box, then click “ok” in it to run “cmd.exe” in your computer, then the command prompt window can be opened automatically, which is as below:

command prompt window

And at the current directory in the command prompt window, you can launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line through inputting the path of “doc2any.exe” in it:

launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line

2. Set your tiff files as ClassF Fax tiff files, add your Excel file and save fax files

After you launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you need to make DOC to Any Converter Command Line know you want to produce ClassF Fax tiff files and select a compression mode of tiff, thus, to realize it in the command prompt window, you can type a relative parameter in the command prompt window. Then, you need to add the Excel file by the way of typing its path into the command prompt window in turns, then likely, please input a targeting path in the command prompt window in order to name fax tiff files and save them in your computer. Then, to process this task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is about a conversion from Excel to fax---Excel to tiff, please press “enter” in the command prompt window. If you feel confused, please refer to the following command line, which is with the exact format below:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -compression 88880 D:\ab\abc.xls d:\abc2.tif

(note: -compression 88880 is to compress tiff to G4 ClassF Fax tiff in 204x98)

Here is the screen snapshot below:

command prompt window for conversion of Excel to fax 

By now, after you know the process from Excel to fax---Excel to tiff, if you want to obtain DOC to Any Converter Command Line right now, please click this link:, which can lead to a trial version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line; if you want to know more of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and obtain more parameters for this process, please click this link to go to the official website of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: