DOC to Any Converter

Convert MS Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to pdf and edit pdf creator in batches

To fulfill the concise process including converting Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to pdf and edit pdf creator in batches, DOC to Any Converter Command Line is your best choice for Windows platforms. For more details about this easy process, you can keep reading this article.

To use DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows systems, there are 2 premises needed to be complete, which are DOC to Any Converter Command Line should be in your computer, and the operating environment should be opened in your computer. Fortunately, it is easy to realize them following the steps below right now:

  • here is the download link which you can click:, then, a zip file can be downloaded, and you need to extract the content there to your computer, then from the moment you own “doc2any.exe”, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be owned by you
  • click “Windows + R” – type “cmd.exe” – click “OK”, then the command prompt window can be popped on the screen, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line

As everything about premises is ready, you need to refer to the following command line to convert Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to pdf and edit pdf creator in batches:

f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –creator “docx to pdf” d:\origin\*.docx g:\goal\*.pdf<enter>


  • f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to call “doc2any.exe” in order to make main tool serve users
  • –creator “docx to pdf” is the parameter typed to set creator of pdf as “docx to pdf”, also this “docx to pdf” can be changed by another string, for “-creator <string>” is the standard format
  • d:\origin\*.docx is the original uniform path, which is used to add all docx files in folder “origin” for this process
  • g:\goal\*.pdf is the objective universe path inputted for the purpose of naming and saving targeting pdf files
  • <enter> is a representative to make you click “enter” in the command prompt window, which is essential to produce pdf file with “<>” marked, and you do not need to type it into the command prompt window, all you need to do in this step is one click on “enter”

Thus, after the illustration above,you may know the key point to process the batch tasks is replacing the source and the objective filenames in source and targeting paths with this wildcard character “*”. And based on the command line above, pdf files can be produced into the folder “goal”, from all of docx files in folder “origin”. 

When you read here, it is nearly an end for this article. I hope the entire illustration about how to convert Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to pdf and editing pdf creator in batches can make you know better. Anyway, if you have any problems about this process by yourself, you can drop your comment here. And if you would like to know more parameters and more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can click the following link to go to the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

DOC to Any Converter

Convert text to pdf and edit pdf creator

Have you ever tried to convert text to pdf and edit pdf creator with command line before? Have you ever wanted to fulfilled this series of processing during one process? If all is yes, maybe you can try to read the following paragraphs to find the answer there.

First, DOC to Any Converter Command Line is the main tool for this task in Windows platforms. Thus, if you do not own it in your computer, please click the following link to save a zip file firstly:

Then, after you unzip it to your computer, please follow the steps below to open the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line-----the command prompt window in Windows systems:

hit “Windows + R” – type “cmd.exe” – click “ok” in dialog box of “Run”, or click “start” – hit “Run” on start menu – input “cmd” – click “ok”

After that, please refer to the following command line to process your task from text to pdf and editing pdf creator in the command prompt window:

g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –creator “Kungfu Panda” d:\sources\a.txt d:\sources\a.pdf<enter>

thereinto, g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to call “doc2any.exe” in order to make DOC to Any Converter Command Line serve you later; –creator “Kungfu Panda” is the parameter used to edit creator of pdf as “Kungfu Panda”; d:\sources\a.txt is the source path of text file, which is used for adding source file; d:\sources\a.pdf is the objective path used to save pdf file and name it; <enter> is used to mark it is essential to click “enter” in the command prompt window so that DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you generate pdf file automatically.

After you know all the steps above, if you still do not want to input the boring paths, you can copy and paste the command line above to your command prompt window, then change the paths accordingly to the real ones, then click “enter”, too.

If you want to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:

If you have any concerns on this conversion, which is about a process of text to pdf and editing pdf creator, please add your comments here.

DOC to Any Converter

Convert txt to pdf and edit pdf creator

It is not a problem at all to convert txt to pdf and edit pdf creator in one process and in a few seconds with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. It you do not think it is a truth, maybe you need to read the following paragraphs.

Step1. Run “cmd.exe” in your computer

After the folder “doc2any_cmd” containing “doc2any.exe” is extracted to your computer with the help of this link:, you need to run “cmd.exe” to open the command prompt window in your computer. And you can do the followings to realize its running in your computer:

hit “Windows + R” > input “cmd.exe” and click “ok” in dialog box “Run”

Step2. Type the command line to produce pdf file

After the command prompt window is opened, please type the command line and produce pdf file with one click in the command prompt window like this:

  1. input the path of “doc2any.exe” in order to call “doc2any.exe” to make DOC to Any Converter Command Line serve you
  2. type the parameter “-creator <string>” in order to edit creator of pdf as an essential string, “Robert Jr”, for example
  3. drag and drop the source txt file into the command prompt window, which helps you add this file for this process
  4. input the targeting path into the command prompt window, which is used to save objective pdf file
  5. finally, to produce pdf file, please click “enter” in the command prompt window

However, if the illustration above can not make you understand this process from txt to pdf and to edit pdf creator, please refer to the following examples to process your own task in the command prompt window:

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –creator “Robert Jr” F:\examples\in.txt F:\examples\target1.pdf

G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –creator “Phillips Collins” D:\inputs\in2.txt F:\examples\target2.pdf

E:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –creator “Catherine Zoter Jones” E:\INs\input1.txt F:\examples\example1.pdf


  • D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe, G:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe, E:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe are the paths of “doc2any.exe”
  • –creator “Robert Jr”, –creator “Phillips Collins”, –creator “Catherine Zoter Jones” are the parameters used to edit creator of pdf as “Robert Jr”, “Phillips Collins” and “Catherine Zoter Jones” separately
  • F:\examples\in.txt, D:\inputs\in2.txt, E:\INs\input1.txt are the source paths
  • F:\examples\target1.pdf, F:\examples\target2.pdf, F:\examples\example1.pdf are the targeting paths

If you have any doubts about this conversion, which is from txt to pdf and editing pdf creator, please drop your comments here; to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line and more parameters, please visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line at this link:

DOC to Any Converter

Convert rtf to pdf and edit pdf creator

If you would like to know how to convert rtf to pdf and edit pdf creator during one process, maybe you can read this article.

Here is the method to accomplish this process in Windows platforms:

1. Please download DOC to Any Converter Command Line

DOC to Any Converter Command Line is the main tool in this process. So we need to click the following link to download a zip file firstly: Then, extract the folder “doc2any_cmd” to your computer, for “doc2any.exe” is in this folder, which is the key program to call “doc2any.exe” later.

2. Please open the command prompt window in your computer

You need to open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer of Windows systems. And the command prompt window is the right one for Windows systems. It can be run by the way of getting the following done one by one:

click “start” –> select “Run” –> type “cmd” or “cmd.exe” in dialog box “Run” –> hit “ok”

3. Please input the command line to process the task

After the operating environment is popped out on your screen, please type the command line by the way of referring to the following command line, which is an example to convert rtf to pdf and edit pdf creator:

g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –creator “” d:\examples\in1.rtf f:\outputs\in1.pdf<enter>

(Note: “<enter>” stands for one essential click on “enter”, which helps users produce pdf file)


  • g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe” used to call “doc2any.exe”
  • –creator “” is a parameter used to edit creator of pdf as “”
  • d:\examples\in1.rtf is the source path used to add rtf file for this process
  • f:\outputs\in1.pdf is the targeting path used to save pdf file

Like what mentioned in “Note”, at last, please click “enter” in the command prompt window so that your pdf file can be added into the targeting folder.

To know more information of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link to go to the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: For any concerns about the process from rtf to pdf and to edit pdf creator, you can add your comments here, we promise we will solve your problems as best as we can!

DOC to Any Converter

Convert xls to pdf and edit pdf creator

There are 2 ways to convert xls to pdf and edit pdf creator with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is a flexible converting tool based on the command line. Here are the details about 2 ways below:


Firstly, please open the command prompt window by clicking “start” on your screen > hit “Run” on start menu > type “cmd.exe” or “cmd” and click “ok” in dialog box of “Run”.

Secondly, please type the command line in this command prompt window step by step like below:

  • type the path of “doc2any.exe” in order to call “doc2any.exe”, which make DOC to Any Converter Command Line serve you later
  • type the parameter “-creator <string>” to edit creator of pdf, where “<string>” means an essential string
  • input the source path of the xls file that is used to add the source file for this conversion
  • input the targeting path into the command prompt window, which is used to save your pdf file and name it

Finally, please hit “enter” in the command prompt window, after you accomplish all the prepared work like above. Then, the conversion from xls to pdf and editing pdf creator is fulfilled in the command prompt window, and you can find your pdf file in the targeting folder.

Here is an example with Way1:

f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –creator “Nicole Kidman” g:\source8\input.xls d:\target8\output.pdf



After you follow the steps above to open the command prompt window, you also can input the command line like this to avoid typing the complicated and boring paths, whose premise is your source file needs to be in the same folder with “doc2any.exe”:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>F:<enter>

F:\>cd doc2any_cmd<enter>

F:\doc2any_cmd>doc2any –creator “Nicole Kidman” input.xls output.pdf<enter>


  • F:<enter> aims to enter F disc, which includes the program “doc2any.exe”
  • cd doc2any_cmd<enter> aim to change directory, then access to folder “doc2any_cmd”, which contains “doc2any.exe”
  • doc2any –creator “Nicole Kidman” input.xls output.pdf<enter> aim to call “doc2any.exe”, edit creator of pdf as “Nicole Kidman”, add source file with filename and file extension, save and name targeting pdf with filename and file extension, and at last, click “enter” in the command prompt window in turns

However, you can use one of the ways above to convert xls to pdf and edit pdf creator with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And you can try DOC to Any Converter Command Line freely if you can’t help owning it right now, please click the following link:; if you would like to know more about this fantastic tool, please click this link: