@VeryDOC Promotion

10 ways to launch the Command Prompt in Windows

Geeks and IT professionals love the Command Prompt and for good reason - it allows you to do many administrative tasks with ease. But what are all the possible ways to launch it? Have you thought about that? Some people have, us included, so we thought it would be a good idea to make a list with all the methods available for starting this tool. Read on and see them all:

1. Launch the Command Prompt using search (in Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1)

In Windows 10, one of the fastest ways to launch Command Prompt is to use search. Inside the search field from your taskbar, enter command or cmd. Then, click or tap on the Command Prompt result.


If you want to launch Command Prompt as administrator, right-click (or tap and hold, if you use a touchscreen) on the Command Prompt search result, and then click/tap on “Run as administrator.”


Search is also very helpful in Windows 7. In this operating system, open the Start Menu, type command or cmd in the search field, and then press Enter or click on the Command Prompt shortcut.


To run Command Prompt as administrator, right-click on it and then click on the “Run as administrator” option from the contextual menu.


In Windows 8.1, switch to the Start screen and start typing command or cmd. Then, once the search results are displayed, press Enter on your keyboard or click/tap on the Command Prompt shortcut.


To run Command Prompt as administrator, right-click on its shortcut and then click/tap on “Run as administrator”.


2. Launch the Command Prompt using Cortana (Windows 10 only)

If you use Windows 10 and you have a microphone installed on your computer or device, you can also tell Cortana what you want to do. Say “Hey Cortana” if you enabled her to answer you anytime you call for her, or click/tap on the microphone icon from the search field on your taskbar. Then, ask Cortana to “launch Command Prompt.”


In just a moment, Cortana understands what you want and immediately launches the Command Prompt. Unfortunately, there is no command you could use to ask Cortana to launch Command Prompt as administrator.

3. Launch the Command Prompt using the Run window (in Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1)

One of the quickest ways to launch the Command Prompt, in any modern version of Windows, is to use the Run window. A fast way to launch this window is to press the Win + R keys on your keyboard. Then, type cmd or cmd.exe and press Enter or click/tap OK.


4. Launch the Command Prompt from the Start Menu (in Windows 10 and Windows 7) or from the Start Screen (in Windows 8.1)

In Windows 10, open the Start Menu and go to the Windows System shortcuts folder. There, you can find a shortcut for Command Prompt.


If you want to run Command Prompt as administrator, right-click (or tap and hold, if you have a touchscreen) on its shortcut, then open the More sub-menu and finally, click or tap on “Run as administrator.”


If you are using Windows 7, open the Start Menu and go to All Programs. Then, open Accessories and click the Command Prompt shortcut.


To run it as administrator, right-click on its shortcut and then click the “Run as administrator” option.


In Windows 8.1, go to the Start screen. Click or tap on All apps and scroll right, until you find the Windows System folder. There, click or tap the Command Prompt shortcut.


If you want to run Command Prompt with administrative privileges, right-click (or tap and hold on it) and then click/tap on the “Run as administrator” option.


Read the second page of this article to learn more ways of opening the Command Prompt in any modern version of Windows.

5. Create a shortcut for the Command Prompt on your desktop (in Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1)

If you prefer using your own shortcuts, then do not hesitate to create a shortcut to the Command Prompt.


Alternatively, you can download our collection of shortcuts and use what we have created: Download the biggest library of Windows shortcuts. In this pack, there are also plenty other useful shortcuts to download and use.

If you want to run the shortcut as administrator, right-click (or tap and hold on it, if you use a touchscreen), and then click or tap on the “Run as administrator” option from the contextual menu.


6. Pin Command Prompt to your taskbar, Start Menu or Start Screen (in Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1)

If you would rather have a clean desktop, you might prefer to pin the Command Prompt to the taskbar, the Start Menu (in Windows 10 & Windows 7) or the Start Screen (in Windows 8.1).


Also, if you want to run Command Prompt as administrator, use the right-click menu on the shortcut pinned on your Start Menu, Start Screen or taskbar, and click/tap the “Run as administrator” option from it.


7. Launch the Command Prompt using the power user menu (in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1)

Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 include a hidden menu for power users which you can access from the desktop. The quickest way to launch it is to press the Win + X keys on your keyboard, but you can also do it with right-click (or tap and hold) on Windows logo from the bottom-left corner of your desktop.

In Windows 8.1 and early versions of Windows 10, this menu includes two shortcuts for the Command Prompt, one to run it as a normal user and one to run it as an administrator.


After the Creators Update was released, Windows 10 replaced the Command Prompt shortcuts with Powershell shortcuts. However, you can configure Windows 10 to go back to showing Command Prompt shortcuts in its power user menu.


8. Launch the Command Prompt using File Explorer (in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1) or Windows Explorer (in Windows 7)

You can also open Command Prompt using the address bar from File Explorer (in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1) or Windows Explorer (in Windows 7). All you have to do is type cmd in the address bar and press Enter. Then, a Command Prompt instance opens immediately, using the path of the folder you were in.


Unfortunately, you cannot open a Command Prompt as an administrator using this method.

9. Launch the Command Prompt using its executable file (in Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1)

You can also open File Explorer (in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1) or Windows Explorer (in Windows 7). Go to the partition where Windows is installed, open the Windows folder and then System32. There you will find cmd.exe - the executable file used by Command Prompt.


Also, the easiest way to open it as an administrator is to right-click (or tap and hold it, if you have a touchscreen) and then click/tap on the “Run as administrator” option from the contextual menu.


10. Launch the Command Prompt using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer (in Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1)

A somewhat cumbersome but workable method to launch Command Prompt in Windows is to use one of Microsoft’s web browsers to do it: Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. Use any of them to enter this command in the address bar: file://C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe. Press Enter and then, in the dialog that opens, click or tap on the Run button.


This method only opens Command Prompt windows with standard user rights, not administrative privileges.


These are all the ways we know for launching Command Prompt in Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1. If you know of others, do not hesitate to share them in a comment below. Also, if you are looking for some good articles on how to use the Command Prompt, do not hesitate to read our recommendations below.

DOC to Any Converter

Command Line RTF to PDF Converter


I am not sure which of your products would be right for our needs. We have a MS Access based application that creates RTF files that need to be converted to PDF so that they can be sent out via E-mail. The RTF files include non-standard fonts (a barcode font "IDAutomationHC39M Free Version.ttf" that I have attached). I have tried your HTMLTools command line converter which works perfectly except for the barcode font.

Which of your products would be able to convert these RTF files to PDF by a command line or other non-GUI interface that we could call from the Access program.

Thank you,
VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line software will work better for you, it can embed non-standard fonts into PDF file directly, you may download DOC to Any Converter Command Line software from this web page to try,


Thank you for the response. I have downloaded and expanded the zip file,
but when I try to run the exe I get the following error:

"The application has failed to start because cimage.dll was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

I have tried to register the cimage.dll file via dragging it to regsvr32.exe
but get an error:

".... \cimage.dll was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not
found. This file can not be registered."

Any suggestions?

Thank you,
cimage.dll in the "doc2any_cmd" folder also, please look at attached screenshot, can you see it?

Command Line RTF to PDF Converter

btw, you may also download a latest version of doc2any Command Line version from this web page, we hope this version will work fine for you too,


Well that got me past the cimage.dll problem, but the PDF file says it is corrupt after conversion. I have attached the file to be converted along with the font that is required for the barcode included in the document.

Any suggestions on how to get this working?

Please look at following screenshot,

Command Line RTF to PDF Converter

this PDF file was created by following command line,

doc2any.exe D:\downloads\DeliveryDocs.rtf D:\downloads\DeliveryDocs.pdf

the barcode texts are look fine in this PDF file.

I suggest you may run above command line in your system to try again, will you able to get a better PDF file with correct barcodes?


PDF to PDF/A Converter

I need to convert around 2000 PDF files into PDF/A files, can we batch convert from PDF files to PDF/A files?

Hi Team,

For one of my requirement of pdf to pdf/a conversion, I found your product is very useful.

I have some queries as below:-

1) Instead of converting one by one pdf to pdf/a, can we make it for bulk of pdfs? I need to convert around 2000 PDF files into PDF/A files.

2) If i bought your product, so is there any limit for conversion of pdf files?

Awaiting for your reply.

I need to convert around 2000 PDF files into PDF/A files, can we batch convert from PDF files to PDF/A files?
>>1) Instead of converting one by one pdf to pdf/a, can we make it for bulk of pdfs? I need to convert around 2000 PDF files into PDF/A files.

Yes, of course, you can convert any number of PDF files to PDF/A files at one time.

The first, you may download VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line from this web page,


after you download and unzip it to a folder, you may run following command lines to batch convert all of your PDF files to PDF/A files,

#1: Convert all PDF files to PDF/A files in D:\temp folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do "C:\VeryDOC\pdf2pdfa.exe" -mode 2 "%F" "C:\test\%~nxF.pdf"

#2: Convert all PDF files to PDF/A files in D:\temp folder and sub-folders (recursion),

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do "C:\VeryDOC\pdf2pdfa.exe" -mode 2 "%F" "C:\test\%~nxF.pdf"

//You can do same thing in .bat file, but you need use "%%" to instead of "%" in .bat file,

for %%F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do "C:\VeryDOC\pdf2pdfa.exe" -mode 2 "%%F" "C:\test\%%~nxF.pdf"

for /r D:\temp %%F in (*.pdf) do "C:\VeryDOC\pdf2pdfa.exe" -mode 2 "%%F" "C:\test\%%~nxF.pdf"

>>2) If i bought your product, so is there any limit for conversion of pdf files?

After you bought the VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line software, you can use it without any restrictions, you can convert any number of PDF files at you want.


PDF to PDF/A Converter

Converting to PDF/A Format, create and sign a PDF/A from a PDF source

In PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line tool which is the difference for -mode 0, 1, 2, 4, etc.?


My university requires submitted PDF files to be in PDF/A format.

I tried to find a converter, but they are all very complicated.

How do I convert my existing PDF file into a PDF/A?

Thank you very much!
PDF/A is an international ISO standard for archiving PDFs. The standard requests strict compliance to its set of rules (like: "embed all fonts", "don't use transparencies", "don't use JavaScript", "no encryption",...).

VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter. Convert existing normal or image PDF files into fully searchable ISO 19005-1 and ISO 19005-2 compliant achievable documents.


Converting to PDF/A Format, create and sign a PDF/A from a PDF source

pdf2pdfa.exe supports more modes to convert a normal PDF file to PDF/A file, the -mode 0, 1, 2, 4, etc. modes are using different technologies to convert from a PDF file to PDF/A file, in general, "-mode 2" is best, you can always use "-mode 2" to convert a normal PDF file to PDF/A file.


You can use "-mode 2" parameter in "VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line product" to convert normal PDF files to PDF/A files quickly, "-mode 2" parameter will analyze all objects in PDF file, it will check and repair all objects in PDF file and arrange them to comply with the PDF/A compliance, this parameter is great to process various kinds of PDF files over the world, you can use this parameter like below,

pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample1.pdf" "_sample1-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample2.pdf" "_sample2-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample3.pdf" "_sample3-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample4.pdf" "_sample4-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample5.pdf" "_sample5-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample6.pdf" "_sample6-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample7.pdf" "_sample7-pdfa.pdf"

"-mode 2" parameter can also keep "searchable ability" in output PDF file, you may give it a try, if you encounter any problem, please send to us your sample PDF file in question, after we checked your PDF file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.


PDF to Vector Converter

How to call pdf2vec.exe from C# source code to convert from PDF files to SVG files?

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm writing because I need a software to convert from PDF to SVG, and I found VeryDoc really valuable, especially because I need to call its commands inside a C# .NET project. However I've a problem with registering and using the pdf2vec.dll. I've downloaded EXESHELL and follow the guide, successfully registering the dll. But How am I supposed to use the pdf2vec.exe command and where can I find it?

Thank you in advance.

How to call pdf2vec.exe from C# source code to convert from PDF files to SVG files?
Thanks for your message, you can download "PDF to Vector Converter Command Line" from this web page,


after you download it, you can run following command line to convert from a PDF file to SVG file,

pdf2vec.exe D:\test.pdf D:\out.svg

You can also call pdf2vec.exe from your C# code to convert a PDF file to SVG file easily, for example,

using System.Diagnostics;

// Prepare the process to run
ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();
// Enter in the command line arguments, everything you would enter after the executable name itself
start.Arguments = "D:\test.pdf D:\out.svg";
// Enter the executable to run, including the complete path
start.FileName = "D:\VeryPDF\pdf2vec.exe";
// Do you want to show a console window?
start.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
start.CreateNoWindow = true;
int exitCode;

// Run the external process & wait for it to finish
using (Process proc = Process.Start(start))

     // Retrieve the app's exit code
     exitCode = proc.ExitCode;

If you encounter any problem with pdf2vec.exe application, please feel free to let us know.