Convert txt to pdf and edit pdf subject simply
Converting pdf and edit pdf subject simply is not a problem at all since you own DOC to Any Converter Command Line. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a multi-functional tool, which has been designed to help users convert Office and OpenOffice files to other files singly and in batches. And in this article, you can know how to convert txt files to pdf files singly and in batches in Windows platforms.
To convert txt files to pdf files, firstly, you need to open the command prompt window--- the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line for Windows systems following the steps below:
click “start” –> hit “Run” on start menu –> type “cmd.exe” –> click “ok” in dialog box “Run”
Here is the picture of the command prompt window below:
At the current directory like the one in the picture above, please follow the steps below to accomplish the conversion from txt to pdf and editing pdf subject:
- call “doc2any.exe” by inputting the path of “doc2any.exe”, and then DOC to Any Converter Command Line can serve you later
- input this parameter “-subject <string>”, where “<string>” should be a real string, which is a parameter to help you set subject of pdf
- type the path of txt file, which is used to add the source file for this conversion
- save pdf file and name it through inputting a targeting path into the command prompt window
- to make DOC to Any Converter Command Line starts to process this task, please click “enter” in the command prompt window
For more doubts, you can refer to the following examples about this conversion:
g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –subject “Vivian” “d:\souce and in\text.txt” “d:\target and out\text.pdf”
g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –subject “Victoria Secret” d:\souce\text1.txt d:\out\text1.pdf
Here is the pictures about these two command lines above:
Also, during your own process of txt to pdf and setting pdf subject, you can set subject of pdf as other strings. For any concerns about DOC to Any Converter Command Line and this article, you can separately visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line here:, and leave your precious opinions here; and in case you want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, here is a chance to obtain the trial version:, thank you for your support!