DOC to Any Converter

Convert txt to pdf and edit pdf author

You can convert txt to pdf and edit pdf author with command line in Windows platforms. Without GUI interface, this process can be accomplished very easily. If you would like to know more, please read the following paragraphs.

1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line

You can click the following link to download a zip file firstly, then, please extract its content to your computer, then you can own DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which can be used later.

2. Run “cmd.exe” to get the running environment

In Windows platforms, you can run “cmd.exe” in your computer so that the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be opened. And the followings are about the steps:

click “start” – click “Run” on start menu – type “cmd.exe” in dialog box “Run” – click “OK”

3. Start DOC to Any Converter Command Line

At the current directory of command prompt window, to start DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can call “doc2any.exe” by typing the path of “doc2any.exe” into command prompt window, then click “space” so that other command can be typed there.

4. Get the basic work done in command prompt window

After the running of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please do the followings to prepare for the production of pdf file:

edit author of pdf > add the source file > select a destination folder and name pdf file > produce pdf file

Here is an example to convert txt to pdf and edit pdf author below:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –author “Nike” f:\originals\begin.txt f:\terminals\begin.pdf


  • d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe” used to call “doc2any.exe”
  • –author “Nike” is a parameter to edit author of pdf as “Nike”, which should be a real string as author of pdf file
  • f:\originals\begin.txt is the source path of txt file, which is typed for adding txt file
  • f:\terminals\begin.pdf is the targeting path of pdf file, which is inputted to save pdf file and name it

After the command line like above is typed into your command prompt window, you need to click “enter” in command prompt window, then your pdf file can be produced within several seconds.

If you want to know more conversions besides this one, which is from txt to pdf and editing pdf author, please click this link:; to know more parameters, please click this link:

DOC to Any Converter

Convert rtf to pdf and edit pdf author

Here is a method to convert rtf to pdf and edit pdf author below, if you are interested in it, you can keep reading this article:

First, you need to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line from this link: After you own a zip file from that link, you need to extract its content to your computer, for it can guarantee the calling on the program “doc2any.exe” in the next steps.

Second, as its name mentioned, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can work based on command line in Windows platforms. It is essential to run its operating environment in your computer, which can be realized by the following steps:

click “start” to get start menu, then hit “Run” on start menu, and type “cmd.exe” in dialog box, then you can click “ok” of dialog box in order to run “cmd.exe” in your computer, then your operating environment can be displayed automatically.

Third, in command prompt window, you can start to type the command line to process your task from rtf to pdf and editing pdf author through the followings:

  1. start DOC to Any Converter Command Line by calling “doc2any.exe”
  2. edit author of pdf by typing the relative parameter
  3. add the source file for this conversion
  4. save your pdf file with new name defined
  5. one click leads to a quick production of pdf file

For the start of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please type the path of “doc2any.exe” to command prompt window, then click “space”; for editing the author of pdf file, you need to input this parameter “-author <string>” with true string as author of pdf file, then still, please click “space”; for saving pdf file and define its name, you should type a targeting path into command prompt window; then at the end of the prepared work like above, you can click “enter” in command prompt window, then the production of pdf can be started based on the process from rtf file to pdf file. Here is an example that can be referred to:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –author “Westlife” d:\example1\begin.rtf f:\answer1\end.pdf

With the help of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can not only process the task from rtf to pdf and setting pdf author, but also can process other conversions, e.g., doc to swf, odp to ps. And if you would like to know more of them, you can click this link:, then you will find more parameters, too, which is worth your try!

DOC to Any Converter

Convert xls to pdf and edit pdf author

There is an easy way to convert xls to pdf and edti pdf author in Windows platforms, and you can use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to solve this problem on your own.

Firstly, please start the command prompt window, which is the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows systems. And here are the steps to realize its running in computers:

click “start” , select “Run” , type “cmd” or “cmd.exe” to dialog box of “Run”, then you can click “ok”, then along with the running of “cmd.exe”, you can get a window popped out, and that is the command prompt window---- the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows systems.

command prompt window

After the operating of the command prompt window, please see the following command line firstly:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –author “Whiteney” f:\zero\example5.xls f:\final\example5.pdf<enter>

Maybe the command line above can not make you clear on our process of xls to pdf and setting pdf author, however, once you read the followings, you will think it is so easy to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to process the task:

  • d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is used to call “doc2any.exe” to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is the path of “doc2any.exe”
  • –author “Whiteney” is the parameter to edit author of pdf as “Whiteney”, whose original format is “-author <string>” where <string> should be a real string like “Whiteney”
  • f:\zero\example5.xls is typed to add xls file, which is the source path of xls file
  • f:\final\example5.pdf<enter> means you need to click “enter” after the targeting path used for saving pdf file, so your pdf file can be produced with one click on “enter” in command prompt window

 conversion from xls to pdf and setting pdf author

When you copy and paste the command line above except “<enter>”, you need to change the paths according to your situation, then click “enter” so that your pdf file can be added to your computer easily.

After you read the paragraphs above, would you mind if I ask you a question? Is that easy and clear to you? Well, you can click the following link to know more about this converter and more conversions besides this one, which is from xls to pdf and setting pdf author:

DOC to Any Converter

Convert ppt to pdf and edit pdf author

In this article, I will show you a way to convert ppt to pdf and edit pdf author with command line in Windows platforms. Here is an example below, which can tell you more info to process this task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

As mentioned above, DOC to Any Converter Command Line is the main tool for our conversion today, so you’ d better to download this tool in your computer firstly, which you can get through clicking this link: Then, you need to extract the content to your computer, which is one of the premises to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows platforms. And the other one is the operating of the command prompt window, for the command prompt window is the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows systems, which you can do the followings to realize its running in your computer:

hit “Windows + R” to open dialog box “Run”, then input “cmd.exe” or “cmd” in this dialog box, and then, to run “cmd.exe” or “cmd”, please click “OK” in dialog box.

Then, you can follow the steps below to type the command line and start the conversion from ppt to pdf and editing pdf author:

run DOC to Any Converter Command Line > edit author of pdf > add source file for conversion > save pdf and name pdf directly > start this process with one click in command prompt window

The command line below is an example to convert ppt file to pdf file:

g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –author “everyday” d:\begin\example8.ppt d:\target\example8.pdf


  • g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line by the way of calling “doc2any.exe” in command prompt window
  • –author “everyday” is used to help you edit author of pdf as “everyday”, whose format is “-author <string>”
  • d:\begin\example8.ppt is the path of the single ppt file, which helps you add this source file for this process directly
  • d:\target\example8.pdf is the targeting path, which is typed for saving targeting pdf file and name it directly

Although one click on “enter” is not shown in command line above, it is essential to take it so that your pdf file can be produced by DOC to Any Converter Command Line, from the process of ppt to pdf with pdf author edited.

At the end of this article, if you would like to know more of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, maybe you can click this link below to log on its official website, where you can find more and more conversions not just this one from ppt to pdf with pdf author set only:

DOC to Any Converter

Convert doc to pdf and edit pdf author singly and in batches

With DOC to Any Converter Command Line, in Windows platforms, you can easily realize the conversion from doc to pdf and editing pdf author singly and in batches. You can follow the steps below to process your own task in your computer:

Step1. After you download a zip file from this link:, please extract the content to your computer, then you can use DOC to Any Converter Command Line directly.

Step2. Run “cmd.exe” to start the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line

To run “cmd.exe”, please click “start” on your screen, then you can get a start menu, and in this menu, please hit “Run” to open dialog box of “Run”, then you should input “cmd.exe” or “cmd” in dialog box, finally, please click “ok” in dialog box, then the command prompt window can be popped out, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And the following picture is about this command prompt window:

command prompt window

Step3. Start to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line and finish the basic preparation for this process of doc to pdf with specific pdf author

To start DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can type the path of ‘doc2any.exe’ at current directory in command prompt window, then click “space” in order to give a ending signal on this command; then you need to get the prepared work done, which is as follows:

  • set author of pdf with the parameter “-author <string>” inputted, where “<string>” should be a real string there, then use one click on “space” to get an end on this typing
  • add the doc file for this process by the way of typing its path into command prompt window, and then please click “space”
  • save and name pdf file through inputting the targeting path, which can also help you name this pdf file

After all the prepared work is finished in command prompt window, please process this task with one click on “enter” button in command prompt window. Then, you can get your pdf file in destination folder.

Here is an example below in command prompt window:

conversion from doc to pdf and setting pdf author

If you want to convert all doc files in folder “doc2any_cmd” to pdf files in batches, based on the example above, you can make “*” as filenames in source and targeting path, which can lead to the uniform paths accordingly. You can get more information from the following example:

conversion from doc to pdf and editting pdf author in batches

Anyway, you can log on the website of DOC to Any Converter Command Line to get more parameters from this link:, by the way, there you can not only find more info of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, but also can get other conversions besides this one, which is from doc to pdf with specific pdf author singly and in batches.