DOC to Any Converter

Convert xls to pdf and edit pdf keywords

To convert xls to pdf and edit pdf keywords, please let DOC to Any Converter Command Line help you. DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a professional tool, which has been designed to create popular files from the files edited and opened in Office and OpenOffice in Windows platforms. You can know the method to convert xls file to pdf file and edit keywords of pdf in this article.

Here are the steps below:

Install DOC to Any Converter Command Line

The following is the download link of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which you can click to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line:, then please extract the content of this zip to your computer, which means DOC to Any Converter Command Line has already installed in your computer.

Convert xls to pdf and edit pdf keywords with DOC to Any Converter Command Line

First, you need to open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line following the steps below:

click “start” to open start menu, then click “Run” on start menu, then type “cmd” in dialog box “Run”, and click “ok”, and automatically, on your screen, there can be a window popped out, which is the operating environment --- the command prompt window.

Then, you need to refer to the followings to process your task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

  1. type the path of “doc2any.exe” into command prompt window to start to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line, then click “space” for other command
  2. type the parameter “-keywords <string>” where <string> needs to be a real string as keywords of pdf, then click “space” for keeping another command
  3. type the path of xls file in order to add this file for this process, then please click “space”
  4. type the targeting path in order to save pdf file
  5. click “enter”, then DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you process this task

Here is an example based on this process below:

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –keywords “abcdefg” F:\begin1\a.xls F:\over1\a.pdf


After the command line above, you also can know the method to process the batch task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line with this example:

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –keywords “abcdefg” F:\begin1\*.xls F:\over1\*.pdf

From the command line above, F:\begin1\*.xls is the uniform path of xls files in folder “begin1”, F:\over1\*.pdf is the targeting uniform path for saving pdf files in folder “over1”, where “*” is the key point to process the batch task, which needs to be as filename in source and targeting path.

If you would like to know more parameters, please click the following link to go to the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:, where you can not only find the example to convert xls to pdf and set pdf keywords, but other kinds of conversions.

DOC to Any Converter

Convert ppt to pdf and edit pdf keywords

This article aims to tell you how to convert ppt to pdf and edit pdf keywords with command line. Here are the details below:

1. Here is the download link of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is our main converter for this process, and click it, you can get its zip file, which needs you to extract the content from to your computer:

2. Then, you need to click “Windows + R” to start dialog box of “Run”, and input “cmd.exe” or “cmd” there, then please click “ok” so that the command prompt window can be opened, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

3. Refer to the following command line to process the task from ppt to pdf and setting pdf keywords

conversion of ppt to pdf and setting pdf keywords

The command prompt window is about a conversion from ppt file to pdf file with keywords of pdf edited, where you need to know the following things:

  • doc2any.exe is used to call “doc2any.exe”, which is essential to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in command prompt window
  • -keywords “John Smith” is used to set keywords of pdf as “John Smith”, whose origin is “-keywords <string>” where <string> should be a string keywords of pdf
  • d:\doc2any_cmd\AB.ppt is the ppt path, which is typed for adding it in this process
  • d:\doc2any_cmd\AB.pdf is the objective path used for saving your pdf file

Then, after you complete all the typing things like above, you need to click “enter” there, then along with the processing, your pdf file can be added to your targeting folder in your computer. If you would like to convert all ppt files in folder “doc2any_cmd” to pdf files, you can change the filenames in source and targeting paths to “*”, which is like the following example:

batch conversion from ppt to pdf and editing pdf keywords

For other processes besides this one from ppt to pdf and setting pdf keywords, please visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line at this link:

DOC to Any Converter

Convert doc to pdf and edit pdf keywords

With the help of this article, you will know how to convert doc to pdf and set pdf keywords directly with command line in Windows platforms. The followings are the details about this, I hope you can enjoy it!

First, please open the command prompt window in your computer, after you download DOC to Any Converter Command Line from this link: Here are 2 ways to open the command prompt window---- the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

  • click “Windows + R” > input “cmd” and click “ok” in dialog box of “Run”
  • click “start” > hit “Run” on start menu > type “cmd.exe” > click “ok”

Then, please refer to the following command lines to convert doc to pdf and edit pdf keywords:

doc2any.exe –keywords “” d:\sourcefiles\example2.doc d:\targetfiles\example2.pdf

doc2any.exe –keywords “” d:\begin\*.doc d:\end\*3.pdf

The first command line is about the single process, and the second command line is about the batch process with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, where:

  • doc2any.exe stands for the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line
  • –keywords “” is to edit keywords of pdf as “”, in another words, you can set <string> in “-keywords <string>” as real string as keywords of pdf
  • d:\sourcefiles\example2.doc is the path of the single doc file, which is typed for its adding
  • d:\targetfiles\example2.pdf is the targeting path typed for saving pdf file “example2.pdf”
  • d:\begin\*.doc is used to add dozens of doc files in folder “begin” for this conversion with “*” as filename
  • d:\end\*3.pdf is the uniform targeting path used for saving dozens of pdf files into folder “end”

At the end of the typing, please click “enter” in command prompt window so that all pdf files can be produced quickly.

Click the following link, you can get more conversions, not just only one like this process of doc to pdf and editing pdf keywords: Thank you for reading this article.

DOC to Any Converter

Convert PowerPoint to PDF and edit PDF author

In this article, you can use the following method to convert your own PowerPoint to PDF and edit PDF author:

1. Click the following link to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and then extract the folder “doc2any_cmd” to your computer:

2. Start the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line

To convert PowerPoint to PDF and edit PDF author with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you have to open its operating environment by the following way:

click “start” to open start menu, then select “Run” on start menu, and input “cmd.exe” and “cmd” in dialog box “Run”, then click “ok”, then a window named “command prompt window” can be opened on your screen.

Here is an example to process this task in command prompt window below:

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –author “Oasis” F:\sources\example9.ppt F:\results\example9.pdf

Thus, from the example above, you can see inputting the command line is next step.

3. Input command line

Firstly, you can directly input the path of “doc2any.exe” to call “doc2any.exe”, or drag and drop that program into command prompt window, both of these two ways can help you run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in command prompt window, whose example is “D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe” in command line above; then as you see, –author “Oasis” is the parameter to edit author of PDF as “Oasis”, where the author of PDF needs to be a string; and then please type the path of the source file for the adding of PowerPoint file for this process, whose example is F:\sources\example9.ppt; at last, you need to type the targeting path to save PDF file like the one in command line above: F:\results\example9.pdf

4. Produce PDF file

To produce PDF file with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can click “enter” in command prompt window.

If you want to know not only this conversion of PowerPoint to PDF and setting PDF author, but also other kinds of processes with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click the following link to log on the official website of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

DOC to Any Converter

Convert Excel to PDF and edit PDF author

It is very quick to convert Excel to PDF and edit PDF author with command line in Windows systems, and in this article, you can know a method to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to process this task.

Firstly, you should download the zip file about DOC to Any Converter Command Line by clicking the link below, and make the folder of “doc2any_cmd” located in your computer:

Then, you can begin to type the command line to process the task after you open the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To run the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can type “cmd.exe” or “cmd” and click “ok” in dialog box “Run” after you click “Windows + R” in your computer. Next, you need to type the command line in this command prompt window, which you can follow the steps below to realize:

1. Call the program of “doc2any.exe”

You need to call “doc2any.exe” to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and it is easy to drag and drop this program into command prompt window, then click “space” for typing other command there.

2. Edit author of PDF

To set author of PDF, please type this parameter with true string as author of PDF: –author <string>, then click “space” for the same reason.

3. Add the source file

You should type the path of the source file into command prompt window, or drag and drop this file into there so that this source file can be added for this process of Excel to PDF and setting PDF author, then click “space”.

4. Save PDF file and name PDF file

When the prepared work has nearly come to an end, please input the targeting path in order to save and name PDF file directly.

5. One click for starting the production

At last, you need to click “enter” in command prompt window so that DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you process this task. The following example is about the command line of this task:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –author “John Watson” d:\examples\abc.xls d:\examples\abc.pdf

For more doubts of this process, which is about the one of Excel to PDF and setting PDF author, please click the following links to visit the official website of DOC to Any Converter Command Line and our knowledge base:;