DOC to Any Converter

Convert ppt to bmp and add watermark with two ways

In this article, you can know 2 different ways to convert ppt to bmp and add watermark with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which are very flexible. And you can read the following paragraphs to know more.

After the extracting of the content in the downloaded zip file that is from this link of to your computer, you need to follow the steps below to open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line for the next processing on this conversion: click “start” > hit “Run” > type “cmd.exe” > click “OK”, then a window named “command prompt” can be popped on your screen, and this is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows platforms, which is like below:

command prompt window

And in command prompt window like above, you can use 2 different ways to convert ppt to bmp and add watermark on bmp files:


Please see the following example firstly:

conversion from ppt to bmp and add watermark on bmp

In the picture above, you need to know the followings:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe” used to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line; -wtext "" is a parameter to edit content of watermark as “”, which is originally from “-wtext <string>”;
-wtype 2 is a parameter to make watermark appear on footer of bmp page, which can be changed to 0 or 1 to make watermark appear in default location or on header of bmp file; -wa 45 is a parameter to rotate watermark by 45, which is originally from “-wa <int>”; -wf "Arial" is a parameter to edit font of watermark as “Arial”, which can be changed to another font type; -wh 100 is a parameter to set font size of watermark as 100; -wi is a parameter to make watermark italic; d:\doc2any_cmd\example.ppt is the source path of source ppt file typed for adding ppt file for this conversion; d:\doc2any_cmd\example3.bmp is the targeting path for assigning the objective folder for bmp files and name them one time.

At last, one click on “enter” can help you get the production of bmp files easily.


However, if you think the paths in command prompt window are too boring, and your source file is in the same folder with “doc2any.exe”, maybe you can try this method to avoid them during the conversion in command prompt window:

Convert ppt to bmp and add watermark with two ways

The picture above is about another method to process this task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And you need to know the followings:

  • d: is typed for entering D disc with one click on “enter”, for in this example, d disc contains the program of “doc2any.exe”
  • cd is typed for changing the current directory
  • doc2any_cmd is typed for entering folder “doc2any_cmd” containing “doc2any.exe” with one click on “enter”
  • doc2any is the name of “doc2any.exe” typed for using DOC to Any Converter Command Line
  • example.ppt stands for the source ppt file located in folder “doc2any_cmd” typed for adding this file for this process
  • example3.bmp represents the bmp files that can be produced from ppt file, which is typed for saving the targeting bmp files

After you follow the above to fulfill the command line like above, please click “enter”, then your bmp files can be produced within several seconds.

Besides the parameters used in the process to convert ppt to bmp and add watermark on bmp, there are many parameters which can be used to edit watermark. You can visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line to get them via this link:

DOC to Any Converter

Convert doc to jpg and add watermark

To convert doc to jpg and add watermark, you have a choice to choose DOC to Any Converter Command Line to help you. Anyway, you can read the following paragraphs to decide whether you need to use it.

Step1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line

Click the following link, you can get a zip file, and then you need to unzip this file to your computer so that the folder named “doc2any_cmd” containing “doc2any.exe” can be in your computer, as a matter of fact, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be installed in your computer from this moment on.

Step2. Open command prompt window

In Windows platforms, the command prompt window is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. You can click “Windows + R” hotkey to open dialog box of “Run” firstly, and type “cmd.exe” and click “OK” in dialog box of “Run” to open it in your computer.

Step3. Type command line to convert doc to jpg and add watermark on jpg

In command prompt window, please refer to command line to process your task:

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –wtext “Lady Antebellum” –wf “Arial” –wh 30 F:\sources\example.doc F:\ends\example.jpg

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe” used for running DOC to Any Converter Command Line in command prompt window; –wtext “Lady Antebellum” is a parameter to edit content of watermark as “Lady Antebellum”, which can be changed to another string; –wf “Arial” is a parameter edited for setting font type of watermark as “Arial”, which can be changed to another font type: –wh 30 is a parameter to help you edit font size of watermark as 30, which can be changed to another int value; F:\sources\example.doc is the source path used to add source file for this process; F:\ends\example.jpg is the targeting path typed for saving jpg files in folder “ends”.

After you know the exact purpose to input them like above, please copy and paste the command line above into command prompt window, and change the related paths accordingly, then click “enter” in command prompt window so that the production of jpg files can be started from each page of single doc file.

By now, if you want to type other parameters to edit watermark of jpg files during the conversion of doc to jpg and the process to add watermark on jpg files, please visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line at this link: Besides, you can click this link to download a zip file and then extract the content to your computer to own DOC to Any Converter Command Line right now:

DOC to Any Converter

Two ways to convert PowerPoint to PDF and add watermark

This article aims to tell you 2 ways to convert PowerPoint to PDF and add watermark on PDF file with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Here are the details below:

First of all, please extract the content of the zip file that can be downloaded from the following link to your computer:, then you can run DOC to Any Converter Command Line to process the task with 2 different ways after the opening of the command prompt window like below, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

click “Windows + R” > input “cmd.exe” or “cmd” in dialog box of “Run” > hit “OK”


First, please see an example to convert PowerPoint to PDF and add watermark on PDF:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>d:<enter>

D:\>cd doc2any_cmd<enter>

D:\doc2any_cmd>doc2any –wtext “xxyy” –wtype 2 example.ppt example5.pdf<enter>

Then, please allow me to illustrate it:

  • d:<enter> is to enter disc D with one click on “enter” after “d:” is typed in command prompt window
  • cd doc2any_cmd<enter> is to change directory with command “cd”, and enter to folder “doc2any_cmd” with one click on “enter” after the command “cd doc2any_cmd” is typed in command prompt window
  • doc2any is typed for launching DOC to Any Converter Command Line with the name of program “doc2any.exe”
  • –wtext “xxyy” is a parameter typed for edit the content of watermark of PDF as “xxyy”, which also can be changed to another string
  • –wtype 2 is a parameter that is used to make watermark appear on the footer of PDF page
  • example.ppt stands for the source file “example.ppt” added for this conversion
  • example5.pdf stands for the targeting PDF file that will be converted from this process
  • <enter> represents one click on “enter”, this last click is essential to produce PDF file

You can copy and paste the command line above and change the relative directories to process your own task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And the premise to use this way is the source file needs to be in the same folder with “doc2any.exe”.


In the command prompt window, you can type the command line to process this task referring to the following example:

doc2any.exe –wtext “xxyy” –wtype 2 d:\doc2any_cmd\example.ppt d:\doc2any_cmd\example5.pdf


doc2any.exe stands for the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line; d:\doc2any_cmd\example.ppt is the path of source PowerPoint file, which is typed for making this file added for this process; d:\doc2any_cmd\example5.pdf is the targeting path used for saving targeting PDF file.

Finally, one click on “enter” in command prompt window can still lead to the production of your PDF file

At last, if you have any questions on how to convert PowerPoint to PDF and add watermark on PDF, please leave your comment here, and thank you for joining here!

DOC to Any Converter

Convert Excel to PDF and add watermark in batches

This article is about how to convert Excel to PDF and add watermark in batches with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, if you are interested in it, please read the following paragraphs.

1. Download

You need to download a zip file firstly from this link, then extract its content to your computer for the usage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line later:

2. Type

After the download of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please open the command prompt window with the followings:

click “Windows + R” > input “cmd.exe” and click “OK” in dialog box of “Run”

Here is the screen snapshot of command prompt window below:

command prompt window

At the current directory in command prompt window like above, please refer to the following picture to convert Excel to PDF and add watermark on PDF in batches:

conversion from Excel to PDF in batches  and add watermark on PDF

In the picture above, d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe” used to launch DOC to Any Converter  Command Line; -wtext "YYYYYY" is typed for editing content of watermark as “YYYYYY”, which is based on this parameter “-wtext <string>”; -wtype 0 is used to make watermark as defaulted one in location; -wf "Arial" is a parameter inputted for setting font type of watermark as “Arial”; d:\doc2any_cmd\*.xls is an uniform source path typed for making these source files in folder “doc2any_cmd” added for this process; d:\doc2any_cmd\*.pdf is the uniform targeting path used to save all of PDF files in folder “doc2any_cmd”, and you can use the character “*” like above to input your own paths for batch process.

And after one click on “enter”, which is essential to get the production of PDF files, you can get the information like above: “result = OK”, then the program can jump back to the current directory, and you can type command line to process another task in command prompt window.

So far, it is nearly the end for this article. And you can visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line to know more compatible parameters for watermark of PDF and more conversions at this link: For any doubts about how to convert Excel to PDF and add watermark on PDF in batches, please leave your comment here.

DOC to Any Converter, Flash to Video Converter

Convert Word to PDF and add watermark

If you do not know how to add watermark on PDF during the conversion from Word to PDF, maybe you can refer to the following method with DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

1. Run “cmd.exe”

Running “cmd.exe” can help you open the command prompt window, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To run “cmd.exe” in your computer, please refer to the following:

click “start” –> hit “Run” on start menu –> input “cmd.exe” –> click “OK”

Then, the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be opened like below:

command prompt window

2. Convert Word to PDF and add watermark on PDF with command line

In the opened window like above, you can process your task through the steps below one by one:

  • launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line
  • edit watermark of PDF
  • add the source file for this process
  • name and save PDF file
  • get the production of PDF started

You can input the path of “doc2any.exe” to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line in command prompt window. Then, click “space”, and continue to edit watermark of PDF with the parameters typed:

  • -wtext <string>: set content of watermark
  • -wf <string>: edit font type of watermark
  • -wh <int>: edit font size of watermark
  • -wc <string>: set font color of watermark

Then, after one click on “space”, please type the path of the Word file into command prompt window for adding this file as source file for this process, then click “space”, and type the targeting path for saving PDF file in your computer; at last, please click “enter”, then the production of PDF can be started. Here is the relative picture below:

 Convert Word to PDF and add watermark

where -wc "FF0000" is typed to edit font color of PDF as red, where “FF0000” is a hexadecimal character.

And the above is about to convert Word to PDF and add watermark on PDF with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, for trying DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:; for any concerns about this process, please leave your comment here; for any questions about parameters used to edit watermark, please go to the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line from this link: