Convert MS Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to bmp and add watermark
It is easy to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert MS Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to bmp and add watermark on bmp in Windows platforms. More details are in the following paragraphs.
1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line
Click the following link to download a zip file firstly:, then, please extract the content to your computer, by now, DOC to Any Converter Command Line is installed in your computer.
2. Type command line to process this task in your computer
To type command line, you need to open the running environment of the command line in Windows platforms firstly. And you can click “start” > select “Run” > input “cmd.exe” > click “OK” in your computer, then the command prompt window can be opened on your screen like below:
You can type command line in this command prompt window at the current directory referring to the following example:
d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe” that is located in folder “doc2any_cmd”, which is typed for running DOC to Any Converter Command Line in command prompt window; -wtext "tomorrow" is the parameter to edit content of watermark as “tomorrow” based on the original parameter “-wtext <string>”; -wtype 1 is typed for making watermark appear in header of bmp; -wa 270 is inputted for rotating watermark with 270; d:\doc2any_cmd\example.docx is the path of this example docx, which is typed for adding this file for this process of Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to bmp and the process to add watermark on bmp; d:\doc2any_cmd\example7.bmp is the targeting path to name and save bmp files in your computer.
You need to type command line following the steps above in command prompt window, then please click “enter” in command prompt window so that the production of bmp files can be started in your computer, and you can find your bmp files in destination folder.
To know more parameters, which can be used in the conversion of Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to bmp besides the ones that help you add watermark and edit watermark, please log on the official website of DOC to Any Converter Command Line from this link: