Convert PowerPoint to PNG and edit watermark
To convert PowerPoint to PNG, you can choose DOC to Any Converter Command Line to solve this problem in Windows systems. Besides, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you edit watermark on PNG files, and if you want to know more details, please read the following paragraphs.
Step1. Open the command prompt window
The command prompt window is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and you need to do the followings to open it in your computer firstly:
click “Windows + R”, then there will be a dialog box popped out, which is named “Run”, and you need to input “cmd.exe” into it, then click “OK” there, then your command prompt window can be opened on your screen.
Step2. Realize the process to convert PowerPoint to PNG and edit watermark
The following is an example based on this process in command prompt window, which you can refer to:
F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –wtext “Misery” –wf “Arial” –walign 3 –wh 50 –wbox “0,660,770,80” D:\begins\ab.ppt D:\ends\ab.png
Based on the command line above, you need to know several things:
- F:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is typed for running DOC to Any Converter Command Line
- –wtext “Misery” is a parameter to edit content of watermark as “Misery” based on the original parameter “-wtext <string>” where <string> needs to be a real string, and this parameter is necessary to add watermark on PNG
- –wf “Arial” is the parameter to set font type of watermark as “Arial”, which is optional for watermark
- –walign 3 is a parameter used to set text align of watermark on right, which is connected with the parameter “-wbox <string>”
- –wh 50 is a parameter typed for editing font size of watermark as 50, which is optional to use
- –wbox “0,660,770,80” is a rectangle for outputting formatted text of watermark, which is only useful when “-walign <string>” is typed, and both of parameters are optional to use
- D:\begins\ab.ppt is the source path used for adding the source PowerPoint file for this process
- D:\ends\ab.png is the targeting path typed for storing the objective PNG file
At last, please click “enter”, then the production of PNG file can be realized with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.
If you want to get more parameters including the ones that help you edit watermark in process of PowerPoint to PNG, please visit the official website of DOC to Any Converter Command Line via this link: And if you want to try DOC to Any Converter Command Line right now, please click the following link: