PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to EMF by command line

If you want to find a command line application to quickly and accurately convert PDF to EMF, VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is a good solution.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is designed to help those who want to convert Acrobat PDF files to vector graphics formats like EMF, XPS, PCL, WMF, and SVG without Adobe environment or any other third party applications. You can download VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, decompress the file and then do as follows to Convert PDF to EMF by command line.

Firstly, please open Windows Command Prompt. The following is the most commonly used way to open the command prompt window:

  • Click Start in the down-left corner on the screen.
  • Click Run on the Start menu.
  • Type cmd in the Run dialog box and press the Enter key.

As soon as the command prompt window appears on the desktop, you can proceed to the next step.

Secondly, you should follow the usage below to type a command line as the example below:

Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

Example: C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe E:\source.pdf D:\output.emf

  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe pdf2vec.exe is the command line application, which is placed in the folder named pdf2vec_cmd on disk C.
  • E:\source.pdf—the input PDF file which is stored on disk E.
  • D:\output.emf—the output directory. If the original PDF file has multiple pages, the output file names will be based on the specified name. For instances, the names of the result EMF files will be output001, output002, and output003.

After typing a command line, please press Enter on your keyboard. The computer will prompt to convert PDF to EMF without delay.

This is how you can use a command line to convert PDF to EMF. In fact, you can also use VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter to convert PDF to other image files. If you want to get more information about this tool, please visit: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-vector.html.

PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to WMF by command line

There are multiple command line applications online that can help you convert PDF to WMF. VeryDOC PDF to Vector v2.0 is one of the best choices. You can use it to convert PDF to vector graphics formats such as WMF, EPF and SWF. Please free download VeryDOC PDF to Vector by clicking here. Then decompress the zip file and follow the steps below to convert PDF to WMF by command line.

First, you should open Windows Command Prompt. Supposing you are under Windows XP, you can open Windows Command Prompt as follow: click Start, click Run on the Start menu, type cmd in the Run dialog box, and press Enter.

Second, you should type a command line based on the following syntax:

pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

For example, supposing the input files is named source in the root folder on disk C, and you want to export the result files onto disk D, you can type a command line as the following one:

C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe C:\source.pdf D:\out.wmf

  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe represents the executable file of VeryDOC PDF to Vector.
  • C:\source.pdf is the input directory of the selected PDF file.
  • D:\out.wmf is the directory of the output file. If the original PDF file has multiple pages, the computer will automatically name the result WMF file by adding numbers to the specified output file name, like out001.wmf, out002.wmf, and out003.wmf.

Please type a command line as the example. Don’t forget to press Enter after typing a command line.

These are the two steps you need to take to use a command line to convert PDF to WMF. VeryDOC PDF to Vector also supports page range setting, password decryption, and other functions. If you want to get more information about this software, please visit the webpage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

Convert PDF to PDF/A by command line

If you want to save your documents for a long time and want them to be opened as the original formats, to convert PDF to PDF/A is a smart decision. Based on this problem, you can choose the command line application PDF to PDF/A Converter to help you.

PDF to PDF/A Converter allows you to convert the existing PDF documents (normal or scanned) into  PDF/A-compliant archivable documents. So when you need the document, you can open PDF/A document as the original format without any changes just by a PDF/A reader.By using PDF to PDF/A Converter, the output PDF/A document will be more reliable.

To use the command line application, you can try it by downloading a free trial version at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip. Please save and extract the ZIP file to some location of your computer. Then the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe which is the called program file in the conversion will be runnable instantly.

If you want to use all the functions of PDF to PDF/A Converter without any limitations, you need to buy the product at its homepage: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html. There are several licenses supplied for different users to meet different requirements and you can choose any one of them according to your needs.

In the following contents, you will see how to convert the document of PDF to PDF/A with three steps.

1. Please open MS-DOS interface at first. You should click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which you can input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. If you don’t like this way, you can use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box and then do the same work.

2. The command line to be inputted in MS-DOS interface contains the called program which is the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe mentioned above, source file which is the PDF document to be converted and the target file which is the PDF/A document to be created. Please see the following command line template:

pdf2pdfa.exe C:\B.pdf D:\B.pdf

In the command line,

pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program and you need to use its path when you write your command line.

C:\B.pdf is the path of source file.

D:\B.pdf is the name of the target file and it is the one should be specified by you.

When you need to input some long paths in MS-DOS interface, you can drag the file you need into the interface and the file will turn to file path itself, which is more convenient.

3. The last step is to run the conversion from PDF to PDF/A by clicking “Enter” button on the keyboard. Several seconds later, you will get your target file in specified location.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

Difference between PDF and PDF/A

Mentioned about the difference between the document of PDF and PDF/A, you should know what is PDF and PDF/A at first. In this article, you will also see how to convert the document of PDF to PDF/A with the command line application VeryDOC PDF to PDFA Converter in following contents.

What is PDF?

PDF is short for Portable Document Format which is designed by Adobe Systems in 1993. It allows you to read electronic documents, either on or off line. The PDF document rely on external information when storing documents such as font libraries. This may result in the problems for retrieval far in the future.

What is PDF/A?

PDF/A is a version of PDF. When you create a PDF/A document, all the information are embedded in PDF/A document and any readers can open and read the documents of PDF/A anytime and anywhere. So you can also understand the name “PDF/A” as archival PDF which means that the document suites for long-time storage.

Differences between PDF and PDF/A?

The most obvious difference between them is that PDF/A is suite for long-term storage but PDF is not. As time flies, PDF/A documents can store archiving digital documents without any changes. When you create a PDF/A documents, all the information needed for opening the documents are embedded in PDF/A document and you just need a PDF/A reader to read the document in the future. While the PDF document cannot do this.

How to convert PDF to PDF/A?

So converting PDF to PDF/A will be a smart choice for you if you want to save your PDF document for a long time. Then the command line application VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter will do you a great favor. Before using it, please download a free trial version at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip. You need to extract the ZIP file to the disk of your computer and then the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe will be runnable at once.

You just need to open MS-DOS prompt window to input the command line in it. You can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box. Then please click “OK” button. You can also use the combination “Window”+ “R” on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box.

The command line to be inputted in MS-DOS interface is consisted of called program which is the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe, source file which is the PDF document to be converted and the target file which is the PDF/A document which you want to get after the conversion. For your better understanding the command line, please see the following example:

pdf2pdfa.exe D:\IN.pdf D:\OUT.pdf

In the command line, you should use the paths of each file.

For running the conversion from the document of PDF to PDF/A, please hit “Enter” button on the keyboard. If you want to learn more information about the command line application VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter, please click here.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

What is PDF/A?

In this article, you will see a new application which is designed for converting the document of PDF to PDF/Adocument and the method for using the application.

You may have never heard of the document of PDF/A before. In fact, it is a version of PDF document based on PDF 1.4 version. PDF/A doesn’t require external information when preserving electronic documents.

Maybe you know that the PDF document doesn’t suite for long-time preserving because PDF document rely on some external information. But thanks for PDF/A, all the information are embedded in PDF/A document and any readers can open and read the documents of PDF/A anytime and anywhere. So you can also understand the name “PDF/A” as archival PDF which means that the document suites for long-time storage.

In PDF/A documents, some elements are not compatible. For example, audio and video content are forbidden, it can not be encrypted for protecting the contents, Java script and executable file launches are prohibited, etc.

The application used for converting the document of PDF to PDF/A is named as PDF to PDF/A Converter which is a command line application. By using it, you can finish the conversion easily and fast.

To use the application, you should download a free trial version at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip and you just need to unzip the ZIP file to your computer and you should use the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe as the called program in the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. If you want to buy the product, you can enter its homepage at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html to choose a suitable license to purchase.

Please open MS-DOS interface for it is a MS-DOS oriented application. You can click “Start”—“Run” or use the combination “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box and then please type “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button.

You should input the command line in popup MS-DOS interface for converting the document of PDF to PDF/A. The command line includes called program, source file and target file just like the following example:

pdf2pdfa.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

In the command line, pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program and you should use its path when you call it in the command line window. C:\in.pdf stands for the path of source file and C:\out.pdf stands for the path of target file.

At last please click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. When the conversion is over, you will be read the target file with some kind of PDF reader installed on you computer.