PDF to PDF/A Converter

Change PDF to PDF/A and set color space

To save your archival documents for long time, you’d better convert the original document of PDF to PDF/A document which is independent of external information. There is a special application designed for converting PDF to PDF/A named as PDF to PDF/A Converter. It also supports to set several parameters for the target file. For example, if you want to set color space for output PDF/A document, it can help you.

The color space plays an important role in people’s daily life. The printer may use a combination of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black ink, all of which are also called as CMYK when it prints documents or images. Digital cameras and computer monitors need to use Red, Green and Blue light, all of which are also short as RGB that you hear of often.

The command line application PDF to PDF/A Converter supports three kinds of color space: RGB, CMYK and GRAY. In this article, you will see how to set color space in a command line and you just need to input the commands in MS-DOS prompt window.

At first, you should download the command line application at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip for getting the free trial version. You need to unzip the file to the disk of your computer and then the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe will be available at once.

The whole conversion is consisted of three steps and please see the following contents about it.

The first step is to open MS-DOS interface for inputting the command line in it. There are two ways to open the interface. The first one is to click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box. Then please click “OK” button. The second way is to use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box.

The second step is to input the command line. The command line includes called program, parameter for setting color space, source file and target file. If you want to know it clearly, please see the following example:

pdf2pdfa.exe –cl 0 C:\input.pdf C:\output.pdf

In the command line,

pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program and you need to use its path in the command line.

–cl 0 is for using RGB ICC profile for device-specific color spaces. The number can also be changed as “1” or “2”, which are to use CMYK ICC profile or GRAY ICC profile for device-specific color spaces.

C:\input.pdf stands for the path of source file.

C:\output.pdf stands for the path of target file.

In the end of the conversion from PDF to PDF/A, you need to click “Enter” button to run the conversion.

If you want to buy the application, you can visit its homepage: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html where there are more information about PDF to PDF/A Converter.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

Converter PDF to PDF/A in batches

When using the command line application PDF to PDF/A converter, you are allowed to convert the document of PDF to PDF/A in batches. Just with some batch script commands, you can realize this work. Before the conversion, please learn something about the application you will use.

PDF to PDF/A Converter allows you to convert your normal or scanned existing PDF documents into ISO 19005-1 PDF/A-compliant archivable documents. This helps to ensure that you can find the right document when you need it, and that it will appear the same way it did when you archived it.

Using PDF to PDF/A Converter to convert your PDF files to PDF/A helps to ensure that your documents will be archivable and display reliably anytime and anywhere as long as you have a PDF/A reader.

To try the application, you can download the free trial version at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip. You need to unzip the ZIP file to your computer and you should use the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe in the package as the called program in the conversion.

Now please see the specific conversion steps in the following contents. If you are being puzzled by this problem, you will get some useful information about it.

Firstly, please open the conversion platform which is the MS-DOS interface. You should click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box. Then please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box and click “OK” button. The other way to open “Run” dialog box is to use the hot key “Window”+ “R”.

Secondly, you need to input the batch script commands in MS-DOS interface for converting PDF to PDF/A in batches. It is a for statement.

for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do "C:\Program Files\pdf2pdfa_cmd\pdf2pdfa.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

The commands means the called program pdf2pdfa.exe will convert all PDF documents in D:\temp\ to PDF/A documents and save them in D:\temp\.

Then please click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion.

You may need different licenses of PDF to PDF/A Converter and you can buy any one of them in the homepage of the application at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

How to convert PDF to PDF/A?

In this article, you will see a new application named as PDF to PDF/A converter which is specially designed for converting the document of PDF to PDF/A. It is a command line application, for using it, you should open the MS-DOS interface to input the command line in it.

You may ask why convert the document of PDF to PDF/A. Actually, people often use PDF document to save their contents for it is more saver than word, txt or other formats document. But PDF document relies on external information when you open and read it. So as time flies, there may come to some problems with the PDF documents if the external conditions are changes.

So PDF document is not suitable to save contents for long time. But PDF/A document can do a better job about this problem. When you create a PDF/A document, all the information needed to open or read the document are embedded in PDF/A document and you can read it anytime and anywhere independent external information.

Then the command line application PDF to PDF/A converter plays an important role in the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. You should download a free trial version of it to experience at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip. Please extract the ZIP file to your computer and the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe will be runnable at once. It is the called program in the conversion.

There are three steps in the conversion from PDF to PDF/A in total. Please see the following contents.

The first step is to open MS-DOS interface for inputting the command line in it. You can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which you can type “cmd” in “Open” combo box of the dialog box. Then click “OK” button. If you want to use other way to open “Run” dialog box, please press “Window”+ “R” on the keyboard, which is the hot key method.

The second step is to input the command line in popup MS-DOS interface. The command line is made up of called program which is the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe mentioned above, source file which is the PDF document needed to be converted and the target file which is the PDF/A document you wan to get.

Know little about the command line, please see the following example:

pdf2pdfa.exe C:\INPUT.pdf C:\OUTPUT.pdf

In the command line,

pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program and you need to use its path when call it in MS-DOS interface.

C:\INPUT.pdf  stands for the path of source file.

C:\OUTPUT.pdf  is the name of target file.

At last, for running the conversion from PDF to PDF/A, please click “Enter” button on the keyboard and you should find the target file in specified location after the conversion.

If you want to learn more information about the application PDF to PDF/A converter or buy any licenses it supplies, please visit its homepage: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html.

PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to PS by command line

With the help of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, you can quickly convert PDF to PS by command line.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is a stand-alone application, and it does not require third party applications like Adobe Acrobat or Adobe reader. You only need to download VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter and decompress the file. Then follow the steps below to use a single command line to convert PDF to PS.

Firstly, you need to open the command prompt window. If you are under Windows XP, you can click Start to open the Start menu.> Click Run on the menu to open the Run dialog box. > Type cmd in the dialog box and press Enter. Then, the command prompt window will pops out.

Secondly, you should follow the syntax as below to type a command line on the command prompt window.

pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

For instance, assuming you want to convert a PDF file named org on disk C to PS and to place the result PS file on disk D, you can type a command line like the following one:

C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe C:\org.pdf D:\out.ps

  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe represents the command line application. The executable file pdf2vec is stored in the folder named pdf2vec_cmd on disk C.
  • C:\org.pdf presents the input PDF file, which is named org on disk C.
  • D:\out.ps stands for the output PS files which should be placed on disk D and be named as out.

Please press Enter after you type a command line according to your own computer and your requirements.

This is the method you can use to convert PDF to PS via a single command line. Don’t you think it is easy! If you want to get more information about VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter or purchase it, you are welcome to visit https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-vector.html. Thanks for reading.

PowerPoint Converter

How to register PPT Converter software in windows server 2008 and 2003

Q:I have the registered the component using pptconv -$ SERIAL_NUMBER from the command line.
When we call the pptconv.exe from our application on a Windows Server 2008 machine, the attached warning gets displayed every time, prompting for the license key to be inputted.

OS:Windows Server 2008


A:Use administrator privilege to register it please.
1.Left click "start" menu.
2.Right click "command prompt" program.
4.Use administrator privilege to run command prompt program.
3. Register program.For example:
pptconv -$ SERIAL_NUMBER

Parameter -$ XXXXXXXX (registration code).
The code will be sent to your email box automatically after you pay for it on its website.