Convert PDF to EPS by command line
If you want to convert PDF to EPS by command line, you can try VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter. As a command line application, it can help you convert multiple PDF to EPS very quickly. Developers can access the converter via any programming or scripting language.
You can download VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter by clicking here. Decompress the zip file and then, you can do as follows to quickly convert PDF to EPS, no matter how many the original files are.
Firstly, please open the command prompt window. According to different versions of Windows Operating systems, you can use different ways to open the command prompt window. For example, if you are a Windows XP user, please click Start, > All Programs, > Run, > type cmd and press Enter.
Secondly, please type a command line on the bases of the usage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter. You can type the directory of the executable file and press Enter on the command prompt window to see the usage or just take a look at the following one.
Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>
To help you better understand what should be included in a command line, this article gives two examples:
C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe C:\*.pdf D:\*.eps
C:\pdf2vec_cmd \pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf D:\out.eps
The first example is for batch conversion, and the second example is for single conversion. In the first example, C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe stands for the command line application, C:\*.pdf stands for input files, and D:\*.eps stands for output files. Please press Enter after typing a command line.
You can also use VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter to convert PDF to other vector image formats such as EMF, SWFM SVG, PCL, etc. If you want to get more information or purchase this document converter, please go to visit: . Thanks for reading. I hope this article is helpful!