PDF to PDF/A Converter

Set PDF Open Action

If you want to save the contents in PDF document for a long time, the standard PDF document may not be able to do this work because PDF document rely on external information when saving contents. So there may be some problems if the external conditions change when you open the document. But the development of PDF/A resolves this kind of problem well because it is able to protect the contents for a long-term independent the external conditions. So converting the document of PDF to PDF/A is a good choice if you want to save the archival documents for a long time.

The application PDF to PDF/A Converter can help you do this kind of work. It is an application that specially designed for make this kind of conversion. You can also use the application to set different parameters for the target file in the conversion process. For example, if you want to set PDF Open Action, one easy command will be enough.

There are several parameters about PDF Open Action such as FitR, FitB, FitBH and FitBV, etc. If you don’t understand them, please see the following contents:

FitR means to display the PDF page with its contents magnified just enough to fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and top entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically.

FitB means to display the PDF page with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically.

FitBH means to display the PDF page with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window.

FitBV means to display PDF page with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window.

Please download the application at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip and extract the ZIP file to some disk of your computer. Then the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe can be runnable instantly. Please see the conversion steps in the following contents.

The first step is to open MS-DOS interface in which you can input the command line. Please click “Start”—“Run” or use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box. Then please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button.

The second step is to input the command line in MS-DOS interface. The command line contains called program, parameter for setting PDF Open Action, source file and target file. Please see the following command line example:

pdf2pdfa.exe -openaction “FitBH” C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

In the command line,

pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program.

-openaction “FitBH” for setting PDF Open Action as “FitBH” mode.

C:\in.pdf stands for the path of source file.

C:\out.pdf stands for the name of the target file.

Please remember to use the paths of each file appearing in the command line. At last, please click “Enter” button on your keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to PDF/A.

If you want to learn more information about the application PDF to PDF/A Converter, please enter its homepage at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

Change PDF to PDF/A and edit PDF author name

A command line application will be introduced in this article because it has the ability to convert the document of PDF to PDF/A and set parameters for the target file such as editing PDF author name. The application to be used is named as PDF to PDF/A Converter.

PDF to PDF/A Converter allows you to convert your existing normal or scanned PDF documents into ISO 19005-1 PDF/A-compliant archivable documents, which helps to ensure that you can find the right document when you need it, and the document will appear the same way as it did when you archived it.

By using PDF to PDF/A Converter to convert your PDF files to PDF/A , you will find that your documents will be archivable and display reliably.

If you want to try the application, you are recommended to download the free trial version of the application at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip and extract it to your computer. Then you should use the executable file pdf2pdfa.ex as the called program.

The specific conversion steps are as follows:

Step1. Please open the conversion platform which means MS-DOS interface for PDF to PDF/A is a MS-DOS oriented application. Just click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box. Then please click “OK” button. If you don’t like this way, you can also use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box.

Step2. You need to input the command line in MS-DOS interface. The command line contains called program, parameter for editing PDF author name, source file and target file. The following command line is an example for your reference:

pdf2pdfa.exe –author “Nancy” D:\In.pdf D:\Out.pdf


  • pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program.
  • –author “Nancy” is for setting PDF author name as “Nancy”.
  • D:\In.pdf  is the path of source file.
  • D:\Out.pdf  is the name of target file.

When you write the command line, please pay attention to the following points:

  • Remember to use the path of the file used in the command line.
  • If the file path is too long and you don’t want to input it word by word, you can copy and paste the path in the command line window or just drag the file you need into the window directly. Then the path of the file will come out.

Step3. Please click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. More information about PDF to PDF/A Converter is at its homepage, by clicking the link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html, you can also purchase the application.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

Save PDF to PDF/A and edit PDF title

If you want to save the document of PDF to PDF/A format and edit PDF title, please use the command line application PDF to PDF/A Converter as your assistant. With the help of it, you can make the conversion more easily only by three steps. This article will act as a guide to show you all the details about the conversion.

The application PDF to PDF/A Converter allows you to convert your existing PDF documents (normal or scanned) into ISO 19005-1 PDF/A-compliant archivable documents. For PDF/A document doesn’t rely on external information when being opened or browsed, it is more suitable for long-term storage.

Please download the free trial version of the application at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip. From the link you can see that it is a ZIP file. To smoothly use the application, you need to unzip it to some location of your computer and the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe in the package is the called program in this conversion.

If you want to use all functions of the command line application with no limitations, please buy the product at its homepage: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html and there are several kinds of licenses for different usages. You can choose any one of them according to your needs.

Then please see the conversion steps below.

1. Please open MS-DOS prompt window. You need to press “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then please click “OK” button. To open “Run” dialog box, you can also use the regular way by clicking “Start”—“Run”.

2. Then please input the command line in popup MS-DOS interface. The command line is a combination of called program, parameter for setting PDF title, source file and target file. If you cannot understand, please see the following example:

pdf2pdfa.exe –title “converter” D:\File-in.pdf D:\File-out.pdf


  • pdf2pdfa.exe is the called program. You need to use its path in the command line.
  • –title “converter” is for editing the PDF title as “converter” for output document.
  • D:\File-in.pdf  is the path of source file.
  • D:\File-out.pdf is the name of the target file.

3. For running the conversion from PDF to PDF/A, please hit the “Enter” button on the keyboard, which is the easiest step in this conversion. Then please find the target file in the specified location to whether it is perfect or not.

If you still have any questions about the conversion, you can leave a reply and we will resolve the problems for you as soon as possible.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

Make PDF to PDF/A and edit PDF subject

For the purpose of converting the document of PDF to PDF/A document and set PDF subject for the output file, you’d better choose the command line application PDF to PDF/A Converter which is specially designed for converting the standard (normal or scanned) PDF document to archival PDF document which is suite for long-time storage.

There are only three steps in this conversion. You just need to open MS-DOS interface which is the conversion platform for inputting the command line, type command line in MS-DOS interface and run the conversion at last.

You’d better download the command line application to experience it at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip. This is a ZIP file when just been downloading to your computer and please extract it to some disk. Then you will be use the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe as the called program for the conversion.

It is good for you to following the contents below for learning how to convert PDF to PDF/A step by step and you will get more useful information than just reading the contents without any operations.

The first step—Open MS-DOS interface

For opening MS-DOS interface, please click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box. Then please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button of “Run” dialog box. If you love to use the hot key usually, please press “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box.

The second step—Input the command line

The command line for converting PDF to PDF/A contains called program, parameter for editing PDF subject, source file and target file. For your better understanding the command line, please see the following example and there are the specific explanation for the command line after that.

pdf2pdfa.exe –subject “Information” C:\INPUT.pdf C:\OUTPUT.pdf

In the command line,

pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program. When you input the command line, please use the path of it for calling the file.

–subject “Information” is for editing PDF subject as “Information”.

C:\INPUT.pdf  is the path of source file.

C:\OUTPUT.pdf is for specifying the name of the target file.

If the file paths in the command line are too long to input, you can drag the file you need from the folder they location into MS-DOS interface to get the path directly, which is more convenient for your work.

At last, please click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. You will get the target file in a couple seconds. If you want to buy PDF to PDF/A Converter, please visit its homepage at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html.

PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to SVG by command line

With the help of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, you only need to use a single command line to convert a large amount of PDF files in real-time. PDF to Vector Converter can help developers to access the converter via any programming or scripting languages, such as C/C++, Visual Basic, PHP, Delphi, C#, .NET and ASP.

If you are common users, you can also use this tool to convert single or multiple PDF to SVG very easily. Please free download and decompress the zip file of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter at first, then, do as follows:

Firstly, supposing you are a Windows XP user, please run Windows Command Prompt by clicking Start, All Programs, Run; typing cmd in the Run dialog box and pressing Enter on the keyboard. Then, you will find the command prompt window on your desktop.

Secondly, please type a command line in the command prompt window and press Enter on the keyboard. According to the usage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, the command line you are going to type may like the following examples:

C:\pdf2vec_cmd \pdf2vec.exe C:\source.pdf D:\targe.svg

C:\pdf2vec_cmd \pdf2vec.exe C:\*.pdf D:\*.svg

The first example can convert a single PDF to SVG. The second example can convert multiple PDF to SVG in a batch. If the input files and output files are in the same directory as the executable file, you can change the directory to be the same as the folder containing the executable file at first, and then type a command line as the following one:

pdf2vec.exe source.pdf targe.svg

Please press Enter on our keyboard after typing a command line to meet your requirements.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter can help you quickly convert PDF to SVG. You can try the application for multiple times. But the trial version has some limitations. If you want to purchase this product, please visit the following website: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-vector.html