How to convert PDF to SWF with command line?
If you would like to convert PDF to SWF with command line on your computer of Windows systems, maybe you can like the following method.
However, once you determine to use command line to process your task here, you need to download your main tool firstly. And in this article, the main tool is PDF to Flash Converter, and you can download the zip file of PDF to Flash Converter firstly at this link: Then, please extract its content to your computer so that you can call “pdftoflash.exe” directly in order to use PDF to Flash Converter later.
After that, please open your command prompt window on your computer, for it is the operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter in Windows platforms. And you can do the followings to open it on your screen:
click hotkey of “Windows + R” > type “cmd” in dialog box of “Run” > click “OK”
After the command prompt window is opened on your screen, please do the followings to type command line to convert PDF to SWF step by step:
- type the path of “pdftoflash.exe” into command prompt window, or drag and drop “pdftoflash.exe” into command prompt window, then its path can display there, which is the method to call “pdftoflash.exe” in command prompt window
- after one click on “space”, please continue to type the path of source PDF file, which is used for adding PDF file for your process in command prompt window
- after one click on “space”, please input a targeting path so that your SWF file can be saved in a destination folder and of course its name can be customized flexibly
- at last, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then the conversion from PDF to SWF can be started, and later on, your SWF file can be added into targeting folder automatically
If you feel confused, I think you can refer to the following command line, which is an example to convert PDF to SWF with PDF to Flash Converter:
pdftoflash.exe d:\input\example.pdf d:\output\example.swf<enter>
There are several things you need to know in command line above:
- pdftoflash.exe is the representative of path of “pdftoflash.exe”, which needs to be typed for calling “pdftoflash.exe” to run PDF to Flash Converter
- d:\input\example.pdf is the source path of PDF file, which is typed for adding PDF file for this process
- d:\output\example.swf is the targeting path, which is inputted for saving and naming your SWF file flexibly and directly in command prompt window
- <enter> stands for one click on “enter”, which do not need to be typed when you type command line for processing your task, and one click on “enter” can make PDF to Flash Converter convert PDF to SWF immediately
By now, when you have already known the method to convert PDF to SWF with PDF to Flash Converter, if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter, please click this link for entering the homepage of PDF to Flash Converter: And for any concerns on the method to convert PDF to SWF, please drop your opinion here, at last, thank you for reading this article.