PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert PDF to SWF with command line?

If you would like to convert PDF to SWF with command line on your computer of Windows systems, maybe you can like the following method.

However, once you determine to use command line to process your task here, you need to download your main tool firstly. And in this article, the main tool is PDF to Flash Converter, and you can download the zip file of PDF to Flash Converter firstly at this link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdftoflash_cmd.zip. Then, please extract its content to your computer so that you can call “pdftoflash.exe” directly in order to use PDF to Flash Converter later.

After that, please open your command prompt window on your computer, for it is the operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter in Windows platforms. And you can do the followings to open it on your screen:

click hotkey of “Windows + R” > type “cmd” in dialog box of “Run” > click “OK”

After the command prompt window is opened on your screen, please do the followings to type command line to convert PDF to SWF step by step:

  • type the path of “pdftoflash.exe” into command prompt window, or drag and drop “pdftoflash.exe” into command prompt window, then its path can display there, which is the method to call “pdftoflash.exe” in command prompt window
  • after one click on “space”, please continue to type the path of source PDF file, which is used for adding PDF file for your process in command prompt window
  • after one click on “space”, please input a targeting path so that your SWF file can be saved in a destination folder and of course its name can be customized flexibly
  • at last, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then the conversion from PDF to SWF can be started, and later on, your SWF file can be added into targeting folder automatically

If you feel confused, I think you can refer to the following command line, which is an example to convert PDF to SWF with PDF to Flash Converter:

pdftoflash.exe d:\input\example.pdf d:\output\example.swf<enter>

There are several things you need to know in command line above:

  1. pdftoflash.exe is the representative of path of “pdftoflash.exe”, which needs to be typed for calling “pdftoflash.exe” to run PDF to Flash Converter
  2. d:\input\example.pdf is the source path of PDF file, which is typed for adding PDF file for this process
  3. d:\output\example.swf is the targeting path, which is inputted for saving and naming your SWF file flexibly and directly in command prompt window
  4. <enter> stands for one click on “enter”, which do not need to be typed when you type command line for processing your task, and one click on “enter” can make PDF to Flash Converter convert PDF to SWF immediately

By now, when you have already known the method to convert PDF to SWF with PDF to Flash Converter, if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter, please click this link for entering the homepage of PDF to Flash Converter: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-flash.html. And for any concerns on the method to convert PDF to SWF, please drop your opinion here, at last, thank you for reading this article.

PDF to Flash Converter

A way to convert PDF to Flash

This article aims to show you a method to convert PDF to Flash with command line in Windows platforms. Here are more details below:

Firstly, please download PDF to Flash Converter on your computer via this link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdftoflash_cmd.zip. Then, you need to unzip this file to your computer, then PDF to Flash Converter can be installed on your computer successfully.

Then, please follow the steps below to open command prompt window, which is the running environment of PDF to Flash Converter in Windows platforms:

click “Start” > select “Run” > type “cmd.exe” in dialog box of ‘Run’ > click “OK”

After you get command prompt window opened on your screen, please type the path of “pdftoflash.exe” into command prompt window, then click “space” for other command typed there. Next, please type the path of your source PDF file in order to add it for this process, then click “space” and continue to type the targeting path in order to save your Flash file and name it in command prompt window. At last, please click “enter” in command prompt window so that conversion from PDF to Flash can be started quickly. Then, you Flash file can be produced into destination folder. And it can be previewed in web browser flexibly, where you can adjust your PDF angle etc. according to your will.

If you do not get the illustration like above clear, you can refer to the command line below, which is an example to make you understand it better:

pdftoflash.exe C:\input1.pdf C:\output1.swf<enter>


  • pdftoflash.exe stands for the path of “pdftoflash.exe”, which is typed for calling “pdftoflash.exe” for running PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window
  • C:\input1.pdf is the path of source PDF file, which is used for adding PDF file for this process
  • C:\output1.swf is the targeting path used to save and name your Flash file in command prompt window
  • <enter> stands for one click on “enter”, which you do not need to type when you input command line, for it is a click on “enter” in order to start the process in command prompt window finally

At last, if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter right now, after you know the method to convert PDF to Flash with command line, please click this link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-flash.html. For any concerns on this process from PDF to Flash, please leave your opinions or comment here. Thank you for your support.

PDF to DWG Converter

Import PDF to AutoCAD

One day you may need to import the engineering drawing in PDF to AutoCAD file such as DWG or DXF to edit them in AutoCAD program. So you need to choose an application which supports this kind of functions to help you. The command line application PDF to DWG Converter can make it perfectly.

You can use the command line application to convert PDF to AutoCAD file of different versions such as 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14 etc. versions. You can also set different parameters for the target file via using different commands. For using the application, you just need to download the application at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2dwg.zip and extract this ZIP file to your computer. Please use the executable file pdf2dwg.exe as the called program when you import PDF to AutoCAD file.

The command line supplies two kinds of licenses—Server license and developer license. If you want to run the application on a server, please choose the server license. If you want to embed or redistribute the command line application to your developed applications, please choose the developer license. For purchasing any one of the licenses, please enter its homepage at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-dwg-dxf.html.

Then please see the following contents for converting importing PDF to AutoCAD. There are three steps that you need to follow.

Step1. Please open MS-DOS interface for inputting the command line at first. You can press and hold “Window” and press “R” button on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box. Then please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. You can also click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box.

Step2. The command line to be inputted into MS-DOS interface is a combination of called program, source file and target file. If you want to edit the target file, you can also add some commands to the command line. Please see the following template for your better understanding.

pdf2dwg.exe -ptl C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf

In the command line

pdf2dwg.exe stands for the called program.

-ptl is for using LINE instead of POLYLINE in DWG or DXF format.

C:\test.pdf stands for the path of source file.

C:\out.dxf stands for the path and name of the target file.

Please use the path of each file used in the command line so they can be called smoothly.

Step3. Click “Enter” button to import PDF to AutoCAD file. The conversion will come to the end after several seconds and you will get the target file in the location that you have set.

PDF to DWG Converter

Edit PDF in CAD software

If you need to edit PDF in CAD software such as scale, rotate, etc. it, you can use the command line application PDF to DWG Converter to help you for it is able to convert PDF document to DWG or DXF format file and supports to set different parameters for the target file.

PDF to DWG Converter is a stand-alone application which doesn’t need any other CAD or PDF programs installed on your computer. But if you want to browse the input PDF document or output CAD drawings, PDF and CAD software are necessary. The command line application supports AutoCAD 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14 etc. versions. So you can create the CAD files which suites for different versions of CAD program on your computer.

For using the command line application, you can download the evaluation version at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2dwg.zip for experiencing. There is no need to install PDF to DWG Converter on your computer because it is a ZIP file and you just need to unzip to some disk and then the executable file pdf2dwg.exe which is the called program to edit PDF in CAD software is runnable at once.

1. Please open MS-DOS prompt window at first in which you are allowed to input the command line. There are two ways here to open the prompt window and you can use any one of them. You can also take your own way of course. The first one is to click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. The second one is to press “Window”+ “R” combination for opening “Run” dialog box.

2. To input the command line in MS-DOS prompt window is the most important step for editing PDF in CAD software. You can use different commands for editing the input PDF files freely. Please see the following command line sample:

pdf2dwg.exe -page 3 –rotate 90 –xscale 1.8 C:\test.pdf C:\out.dwg


  • pdf2dwg.exe stands for the called program. The path of it must be used in the command line for accurately calling the called program.
  • -page 3 is for extracting the third page of PDF to CAD drawing. If you change the number as “0”, it means to extract all pages.
  • –rotate 90 is to rotate the PDF document by 90 degree. You can change the degree from 0-360.
  • –xscale 1.8 is for setting scaling factor for PDF document in X-direction. So the command “-yscale” is for scaling a factor for PDF document in Y-direction.
  • C:\test.pdf  stands for the path of source file.
  • C:\out.dwg  stands for the name of target file.

3. Please click “Enter” button to edit PDF in CAD software at last and you can find the target file in the specified location to check it whether it is perfect enough. If you want to buy PDF to DWG Converter, please enter the homepage of it at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-dwg-dxf.html and there are two kinds of licenses developed of server and developer. You can choose any one according to your requirements.

PDF to DWG Converter

Convert PDF to CAD drawing

There is a specially designed application for converting PDF to CAD drawing named as VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter which can convert the document of PDF to DWG or DXF format of CAD program. This command line application doesn’t rely on any other CAD program or PDF program in the conversion process. So it is a stand-alone application.

PDF to DWG Converter supports to create output files of AutoCAD 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14 etc. versions. In the conversion, you can also set several parameters for the target CAD drawing such as rotate, scale page and so on. There are only three steps for you to fulfill the task and you need to see the following contents.

Before the conversion from PDF to CAD, please download the command line application at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2dwg.zip. From the link you can see it is a ZIP file which needs to be unzipped to some disk of your computer and then you will be use it instantly. The called program in the conversion is pdf2dwg.exe in the extracted package.

The first step in the conversion is opening MS-DOS interface which is the conversion plat form for inputting the command line. Please click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box. You need to input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button in “Run” dialog box. You can also press “Window”+ “R” on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box, which is the quick way.

The second step is inputting command line in MS-DOS interface. The command line includes three necessary parts: called program, source file and target file. You can also add some other parameters for realizing some functions you need. Please see the following command line example:

pdf2dwg.exe -rotate 45 C:\input.pdf C:\output.dxf

pdf2dwg.exe -xscale 0.5 -yscale 0.5 C:\test.pdf C:\out.dwg

You can follow the two commands above to write your own one.

In the command line,

pdf2dwg.exe notifies the called program. Please use its path in the command line for calling the file.

-rotate 45 is the parameter for rotating PDF document. You can rotate the document by any degree from 0-360.

-xscale 0.5 scales the PDF document by the factor 0.5 in X-direction.

-yscale 1.5 scales PDF document by the factor 1.5 in Y-direction.

C:\input.pdf stands for the path of input file.

C:\output.dxf is the name of output file.

NOTE: DWG and DXF are the file formats of CAD program and DWG can be opened by any CAD program while DXF is the unique file of AutoCAD.

The last step in the conversion from PDF to CAD is clicking “Enter” button to run the conversion.

If you want to learn more commands about the command line PDF to DWG Converter, please visit its homepage: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-dwg-dxf.html where you can also buy the application.