Convert PDF to DWG by command line
You just need three steps to convert PDF to DWG format file via using the command line application VeryDOC PDF to DWG converter. The application PDF to DWG Converter can convert PDF document to DWG which is CAD compatible or DXF format file which is AutoCAD compatible.
PDF to DWG Converter is a stand-alone application which doesn’t rely on any PDF or CAD programs when being used in the conversion. But if you want to browse the input or output file, PDF reader or CAD program is necessary. The command line application supports to create the target file of AutoCAD 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14 etc. versions.
You can download the free trial version of PDF to DWG at From the URL you can find that it is a ZIP file which needs to be unzipped to your computer. Then the executable file named as pdf2dwg.exe which is the called program in this conversion is the called program.
For the command line application is a MS-DOS oriented one and you need to open MS-DOS interface for calling the application and inputting the command line before the conversion.
You can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box. Then please input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box and click “OK” button. You will be able to see MS-DOS interface on the screen. Or you can use the hot key “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box.
In MS-DOS interface, the command line can be inputted and you need to refer to the following example to write your command line:
pdf2dwg.exe –rotate 90 –mm C:\input.pdf C:\output.dwg
In the command line, you can also use some commands to set parameters for the target file. For example, you can use the option “-rotate” to rotate the document by 90 degree. The number can be changed by any one from 0 to 360. The option “-mm” is for using mm coordinates instead of points in CAD file.
pdf2dwg.exe stands for the called program. Please input the path of it when you call it in MS-DOS interface.
C:\input.pdf notifies the path of source file.
C:\output.dwg stands for the name of target file.
Then please click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to DWG and you just need to wait for several seconds before the conversion comes to the end. If you want to see more commands used in the application, please click the following URL: