PDF to Flash Converter

Do you know an easy way to convert encrypted PDF to SWF?

Yes, I do. I know one software named PDF to Flash Converter can help you solve this kind of problems in Windows platforms within a few seconds. Here are more details below:

Step 1. Download a zip file from this link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdftoflash_cmd.zip. After this download, please open your zip file and extract its content -- “pdftoflash_cmd” folder to your computer. Then, from this moment on, you can use PDF to Flash Converter conveniently on your computer.

Step 2. Click hotkey of “Windows + P” > type “cmd.exe” or “cmd” in dialog box of “Run” > click “OK” in dialog box of “Run”, then your operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter can be opened on your screen, which is named for command prompt window in Windows platforms.

Step 3. Refer to the followings to convert encrypted PDF to SWF in command prompt window with PDF to Flash Converter

Firstly, please see the following examples about this process:

d:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2ropw 135790 d:\source\example3.pdf f:\target\example3.swf

d:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 246801 d:\source\input1.pdf f:\target\output1.swf

In command lines above, there are several things you need to know:

  • d:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe is the path of “pdftoflash.exe”, which is typed to launch PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window
  • –pv2ropw 135790 is the parameter with string 135790, which is typed for helping you process your owner password protected PDF file without PDF opened;
  • –pv2rupw 246801 is the parameter with string 246801, which is inputted for helping you process your user password protected PDF file without PDF opened;
  • d:\source\example3.pdf , d:\source\input1.pdf  is the path of source PDF file, which is used to add this PDF file for this process;
  • f:\target\example3.swf , f:\target\output1.swf is the objective path used for saving and naming your SWF file directly in command prompt window.

When all the basic work is done well like above, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then your PDF file can be converted into SWF file easily without PDF opened on your screen. And also your SWF file can be previewed and adjusted in web browser on your computer.

By now, if you have more questions on PDF to Flash Converter, you can click the following link in order to go to its main website: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-flash.html. And for any concerns about the process to convert encrypted PDF to SWF, please leave your comment here, then we will give you a perfect answer as best as we can!

PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert password protected pdf to flash?

When you encounter a password protected pdf, and in case you want to convert this pdf file to flash file for more vivid visual effect, you can choose PDF to Flash Converter to help you in Windows platforms.

Here is the method to convert password protected pdf to flash with PDF to Flash Converter below:

1. Download zip file from this link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdftoflash_cmd.zip, then please extract its content to your computer so that you can use PDF to Flash Converter by calling program of “pdftoflash.exe” later on your computer.

2. Click hotkey of “Windows + P” > input “cmd.exe” in dialog box of “Run” > click “OK”, then command prompt window can be opened on your screen, which is the operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter in Windows platforms.

3. Input command line to convert password protected pdf to flash with PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window:

Here is an example about this process below, please see it firstly:

f:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2ropw 123456 –pv2rupw 654321 d:\input2\ab.pdf e:\output2\ab.swf


  • f:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe is the path of “pdftoflash.exe”, which is typed for calling “pdftoflash.exe” directly for running PDF to Flash Converter
  • –pv2ropw 123456 is the parameter used to help you process pdf file with owner password 123456 and without pdf opened
  • –pv2rupw 654321 is the parameter used to help you process pdf file with user password 654321 without pdf opened
  • d:\input2\ab.pdf is the path of source pdf file, which is typed for adding this pdf file for this process
  • e:\output2\ab.swf is the targeting path used for saving and naming your flash file directly

By the way, if your PDF file does not contain open or owner password, you can omit relative parameter in command prompt window. At last, after all the basic work is done, please get one click on “enter” in command prompt window, correspondingly, your pdf file can be converted to flash file easily on your computer without your pdf file opened.

After the illustration to convert password protected pdf to flash with PDF to Flash Converter, if you need to know more information about PDF to Flash Converter, please click this link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-flash.html. If you want to solve your problems on process to convert password protected pdf to flash, please drop your opinions here, thank you for reading this article.

PDF to DWG Converter

Convert PDF to DXF in batches

For converting the document of PDF to DXF which is a kind of file AutoCAD compatible, please choose the command line application VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter as your tool because it can convert many PDF documents to DXF or DWG files only by three steps. The stand-alone command line application doesn’t rely on any other Acrobat PDF or CAD programs when you make conversion.

For using the command line application, you can download it at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2dwg.zip and unzip it to some disk of your computer. In the extracted package, you can use the executable file pdf2dwg.exe as the called program in the batch conversion. Just call it in MS-DOS interface.

There are two available licenses of PDF to DXF Converter. If you want to use the command line on a server, please use the server license. If you want to embed or redistribute the application to your developed software for implementing the function of converting PDF to CAD files, please choose the developer license. For purchasing any license of this command line, please enter its homepage at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-dwg-dxf.html.

The first step—Open MS-DOS interface

You can use one of the following given ways to open MS-DOS interface for in it you can input the command line.

  1. You can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box. Then click “OK” button.
  2. Use the hot key “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box and do the same work like the first way.

The second step—Input command line

The command line contains called program, source files and target files. The called program is the executable file pdf2dwg.exe, the source files are the PDF documents that you want to convert and the target file are the DXF files that you will get. The command line is like the following one:

pdf2dwg.exe D:\*.pdf D:\*.dxf


pdf2dwg.exe stands for the called program.

D:\*.pdf stands for all the PDF documents to be converted in D:\.

D:\*.dxf stands for the path of target DXF files, which is specified as D:\, too.

Please remember to use the paths of each file appearing in the command line for accurately calling them.

The last step—Run the conversion

You need to hit “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to DXF. You can browse all the target files with some kind of CAD program such as AutoCAD in the specified location when the conversion comes to the end.

PDF to Flash Converter

A way to convert specified page of PDF to flash?

In Windows systems, PDF to Flash Converter can help you convert specified page of PDF to SWF with command line. With the help of PDF to Flash Converter, you can realize this process easily without PDF reader or editor in Windows platforms.

Here are the steps below:

1. Install PDF to Flash Converter on your computer

Please download a zip file from this link firstly: https://www.verydoc.com/pdftoflash_cmd.zip. Then, please open this zip file, and extract its content to your computer so that “pdftoflash.exe” can be called in conversion later.

2. Open running environment of PDF to Flash Converter on your computer

The operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter is the command prompt window. And it can be opened through running “cmd.exe” on your computer, and you can realize the running of “cmd.exe” with this way:

click “start” on your computer > select “Run” by clicking it on start menu > type “cmd.exe” in dialog box of “Run” > click “OK”

3. Type command line to convert specified page of PDF to SWF on your computer

After the command prompt window is opened on your screen, please see the following command line firstly:

pdftoflash.exe -pagerange "6,7" f:\input\example3.pdf d:\output\example3.swf

In the command line above, you may need to know several tips below:

pdftoflash.exe stands for path of “pdftoflash.exe” used to run PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window, and you need to type the real path of “pdftoflash.exe” in order to call “pdftoflash.exe” for running PDF to Flash Converter; -pagerange "6,7" is a parameter with value to set converting page range of PDF, which means the sixth and seventh pages of PDF can be converted later; f:\input\example3.pdf is the source path of PDF file, which is inputted for adding this PDF file for this process; d:\output\example3.swf is the objective path used to save and name your Flash file in command prompt window directly.

When you want to accomplish this task in command prompt window, you can copy and paste the command line above to your command prompt window, then change relative directories there to make this command line be yours. At last, when you finish the typing like above, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then your PDF to Flash Converter can help you convert sixth page and seven page of PDF file into one flash file.

When you finish reading the paragraphs above, which are about how to convert specified page of PDF to flash with PDF to Flash Converter, if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter, please go to its homepage at this link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-flash.html, where there can be many parameters used with PDF to Flash Converter, At last, thank you for reading this article.

PDF to DWG Converter

Convert PDF to DWG in batches

VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter can be used to convert PDF files to DWG or DXF files in batches within three main steps. It is a particular application which is designed for converting PDF to CAD files. If you want to convert PDF to DWG in batches, the following contents of this article will be useful to you.

The command line application PDF to DWG Converter is a stand-alone program that needn't of AutoCAD and Adobe Acrobat products. It supports AutoCAD 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14 etc. versions. VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter does convert all vector objects and text objects to DWG or DXF files on the fly.

If you have no hand you can't make a fist. So please get the tool you will use in the conversion. For downloading the command line application, please click the following link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2dwg.zip. Then please extract the ZIP file to some disk of your computer. Then the executable file pdf2dwg.exe in the package will be runnable at once and it is the called program of the conversion from PDF to DWG in batches.

In the conversion, you need to click MS-DOS prompt window where you can input the command line and call the program you need to use. Please press “Window”+ “R” on your keyboard at the same time to open “Run” dialog box in which you can input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. You can also take the regular way—Clicking “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box.

In opened MS-DOS prompt window, you can input the command line which contains called program, source files and target files. For your better understanding the command line, please see the following example:

pdf2dwg.exe C:\*.pdf C:\*.dwg

In the command line,

pdf2dwg.exe stands for the called program.

C:\*.pdf stands for the path of all the source files to be converted, which means when the conversion starts, the called program will search for each PDF document in C:\ and convert them to DWG format one by one.

C:\*.dwg is the path of target file. The name of target file will adopt to the source file and the extension name will be changes as dwg.

Then please hit “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to DWG in batches.

There are two kinds of licenses of PDF to DWG Converter—server license which can be used on a server and developer license which can be used by developers to develop software. If you need any one of them, please enter its homepage https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-dwg-dxf.html to buy.