HTML Print

How to print colorful html pages?

This article will say something about how to print colorful html pages by VeryDOC HTMLPrint Command Line. If you use the IE browser as default, you need to make it in the following three steps.

First, you need to set options in IE browser. Please follow those steps in Tool Menu.

TOOL -> Internet options -> Advanced -> Printing -> Print background colors and images


Second, you need to set options in File menu option under IE browser.

File -> Print preview -> Page Setup -> Print Background Colors and Images


Third, the parameter -printbgcolor <int> in VeryDOC HTMLPrint Command Line can enable or disable print background color and images. Hoping the following example can help you in this matter.

htmlprint.exe -printbgcolor 0

htmlprint.exe -printbgcolor 1

-printbgcolor <int>: enable or disable print background color and images

0: disable print background color and images

1: enable print background color and images

PDF to DWG Converter

Save PDF to DWG by command line

There is a command line application named as VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter which can be used to save PDF files to DWG or DXF files. It is a stand-alone program that needn't of AutoCAD and Adobe Acrobat products. This powerful program will help you convert your PDF files to usable and editable DWG or DXF files quickly and easily.

Only three steps will be enough in this conversion and you just need to open MS-DOS interface, input the command line and run the conversion at last. All the operations are simply easy for you to learn and you need to download the tool you use at first.

Via clicking the following URL, you can get the free evaluation version of the command line application. Please extract the ZIP file to some disk of your computer, then you will be able to use the executable file pdf2dwg.exe in the package as called program.

The first step—Open MS-DOS interface

MS-DOS interface is the conversion platform in which you need to input the command line for saving PDF to DWG. By using the quick way, you can click the shortcut key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box. Then please click “OK” button. By using the regular way, you can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box.

The second step—Input command line

In the opened MS-DOS interface, please input the command line which contains called program, source file and target file. If you don’t understand it, the following command line template will be a good explanation.

pdf2dwg.exe “D:\My Document\file1.pdf” “D:\My Document\file1.dwg” 

In the command line,

pdf2dwg.exe notifies the called program and you need to use the path of it when calling it in MS-DOS interface.

“D:\My Document\file1.pdf” is for showing the path of source file.

“D:\My Document\file1.dwg” is for naming and saving the target file.

The last step—Save PDF to DWG

Just by one click on the button “Enter” on your computer, you will be able to run the conversion for saving PDF to DWG and the target file will be saved in the specified location when the conversion is over several seconds later.

For learning more information about PDF to DWG Converter, you can visit its homepage: You can also leave a reply or come to our live chat or you can submit a ticket if you have any questions about the application or the conversion.

PDF to DWG Converter

Save PDF to DXF by command line

DXF is a kind of CAD program file which is only compatible with the program AutoCAD. For the purpose of saving PDF to DXF format file, you’d better choose VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter as your tool. This command line application is specially designed for saving PDF document to CAD files such as DXF or DWG.

When using the command line application, you need to open MS-DOS command prompt window in which you are able to input the command line to run the conversion. On the other hand, PDF to DWG Converter is a MS-DOS oriented application, too.

For using the application, please download it via clicking the link:, from where you can find that the file is a ZIP one. If you want to use it, please extract this zip file to your computer. Then the called program which is the executable file pdf2dwg.exe will be available in the extracted package and you can call it in MS-DOS prompt window anytime.

The conversion steps about PDF to DXF are listed below and please see the following contents:

  • The first step is to open MS-DOS command prompt window. Through one of the following supplied ways, you can open the window at once. The first one is to press the keyboard shortcuts “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box in which you can input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button of “Run” dialog box. The second one is to use the regular way—clicking “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and the following work are the same like them in the first way.
  • The second step is to input the command line in popup MS-DOS command  prompt window. Please remember that the command line contains called program, source file and target file. If you want to realize some other kinds of functions to the target file, you can add the parameters in the command line. In the following contents, there is a command line sample for your reference to type your command line.
  • The last step is to click “Enter” button to save PDF to DXF. To see the quality of target file, you can use the program AutoCAD to view the target DXF file.

Please see the following command line sample for your better understanding:

pdf2dwg.exe C:\input-file.pdf D:\output-file.dxf

In the command line,

  • pdf2dwg.exe stands for the called program. Just use its path for calling the file in the command line.
  • C:\input-file.pdf stands for the source file and you also need to use its path in the command line.
  • D:\output-file.dxf is the path and name of target file, which should be specified by yourself.

If the path of the file used in the command line is too long, you can straightforward drag the file you need to the prompt window for getting its path. If there is space in the path of the file, please use a double quotes to enclose the whole path.

For getting more information about the command line such as features, functions and more commands, please click the following link to enter its homepage:

PDF to DWG Converter

How to convert PDF to DWG and rotate page?

When you convert PDF document to DWG format file which is the compatible file of CAD program, you may want to rotate page for the output file by different degrees. Based on this problem, you’d better choose the command line application VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter to help you which will fulfill the task well only by three steps. This article is the guide for the conversion via using the command line application.

PDF to DWG Converter is a powerful command line application which doesn’t rely on any PDF and CAD programs when you convert PDF document to DWG format file. So it is a stand-alone one. But if you want to browse the input PDF document or output DWG file, you need PDF or CAD programs installed on your computer. This command line application supports to create AutoCAD 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14 etc. versions’ output file.

For using the application, you can download a free evaluation version of it at For it is a ZIP file and there is no need of any installation steps. Please just extract the ZIP file to some disk of your computer and then the executable file pdf2dwg.exe which is the called program in the conversion will be runnable at once.

Please open MS-DOS interface at first for the command line application is a MS-DOS oriented application and you need to input the command line in MS-DOS interface, too. Please click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. The shortcut key “Window”+ “R” can also help you open “Run” dialog box.

Then please input the command line in popup MS-DOS interface. The command line contains called program, parameter for rotating page, source file and target file. You can see the following command line example for your reference when you write your own one:

pdf2dwg.exe –rotate 45 D:\IN.pdf D:\OUT.dwg

In the command line, pdf2dwg.exe stands for the called program, –rotate 45 stands for the parameter for rotating the output file by 45 degree, D:\IN.pdf stands for the source file and D:\OUT.dwg stands for the target file. You need to use the path of the file you called in the command line. The path and name of the target file must be set by yourself.

At last, please click “Enter” button on your keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to DWG and rotate page. There are also some useful information and features about the command line application PDF to DWG Converter on its homepage: where you can also purchase the application.

PDF to Flash Converter

A fabulous way to convert pdf to electronic magazine !

Do you want to make an electronic magazine from PDF file? If this question get your point, maybe you can continue to read this article to know more about how to convert pdf to electronic magazine of SWF file.

First of all, please download a zip file from this link: Then, please open this zip file, and extract the content of this zip file to your computer. By now, PDF to Flash Converter can be used later on your computer.

Next, please open the running environment of PDF to Flash Converter in Windows systems:

click “start” on your screen > click “Run” on start menu > input “cmd.exe” or “cmd” in dialog box of “Run” > click “OK” in dialog box of “Run”. Then, your command prompt window can be opened on your screen quickly, where you can follow the steps below to convert PDF to electronic magazine:

Firstly, please see the following command line:

d:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfopt –t f:\input3\example3.pdf g:\output3\example3.swf

The command line above is about how to convert pdf file to electronic magazine with command line, where you need to know several things below:

  • d:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe is the path of “pdftoflash.exe”, which is typed for launching your PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window on your computer
  • –swfopt is the parameter for PDF to Flash Converter to help you set SWF options directly with different string as details
  • –t is a string of parameter “-swfopt” for PDF to Flash Converter, which is typed for inserting a command making SWF file stop after each page so that SWF file can not turn pages automatically, and if you want to turn page of SWF file, you need to turn pages manually
  • f:\input3\example3.pdf is the source path of pdf file, which is inputted for adding this pdf file for this process
  • g:\output3\example3.swf is the targeting path used for saving and naming your SWF file

After you type command line like above, if you want to get your conversion started in command prompt window, please click “enter” there, then your electronic magazine of SWF file can be made successfully. Then, you can release it on the web according to your will.

Besides this parameter used in the command line to convert pdf to electronic magazine, there are many parameters which can help you edit options of SWF file based on conversion of PDF to SWF, and you can get them on the official website of PDF to Flash Converter at this link: However, if you have any questions on this process, please leave your comment here. Thank you for your support.