How to convert PDF to SWF and set quality of embedded jpeg pictures there?
With PDF to Flash Converter, the conversion from PDF to SWF can be fulfilled easily, and besides that, you can set quality of embedded jpeg pictures in Windows platforms. To know more details, you can keep reading this article.
Step1. Before this process, you need to have PDF to Flash Converter installed on your computer:
- First, please download zip file from here on your computer
- Open this zip file > extract folder of “pdftoflash_cmd” to your computer, then PDF to Flash Converter can be installed on your computer successfully
Step2. Follow steps below to open operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter on your computer of Windows systems:
- Click “start” button in order to get its menu popped on your screen
- Click “Run” on start menu in order to get dialog box of “Run”
- Input “cmd.exe” in edit box of “Run” and click “OK”, the command prompt window, which is the running environment of PDF to Flash Converter can be opened on your computer
Step3. Convert PDF to SWF and set quality of embedded jpeg pictures there
Please see the following example about this process firstly:
f:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfopt “-j 100” d:\sources\a.pdf d:\targets\a.swf<enter>
- f:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe is the path of “pdftoflash.exe”, which is essential to use PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window, which is the first step you need to take in command prompt window
- –swfopt “-j 100” is a parameter to set quality of embedded jpeg images as best quality as far as PDF to Flash Converter can offers. Here int of “-swfopt “-j <int>” can be any int between 0 and 100, and along with the growing of int, the quality of embedded jpeg images can be larger with the bigger size gradually. However, if you do not set quality of embedded jpeg images, int of default is 85
- d:\sources\a.pdf is the path of source PDF file, which is typed for adding this PDF file for this process
- d:\targets\a.swf is the targeting path used for saving and naming SWF file
Finally, please do not get one click on “enter” button in command prompt window, which is essential to produce SWF file with PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window.
After the illustration about converting PDF to SWF and setting quality of embedded jpeg pictures, if you have some questions on PDF to Flash Converter and this process, please go to homepage of PDF to Flash Converter and leave your comment here, thank you for your support here. Have a nice day.