DOC to Any Converter

What DOC to Any Converter can do for you?

A letter from our customer.


Our company is looking for a PDF creation tool that can be integrated into our (server-side) web-based application. Specifically we would like to use our current upload processes and once uploaded to our server to take the file and convert it into a PDF file. The conversion automation could be accomplished via an interface call (using C#) or through a command line call made from the server side code. Ideally we would like the PDF conversion software to be self- hosted (within our server) without going to an external server for the conversion.

We expect to support the following file types and would need to convert them to a PDF file: .xls .docx .jpeg .jpg .jpg3 .tiff .gif .png .bmp .pdf .doc. If you have such a product we would be interested in evaluating it to see if it would meet our needs. We are in a hurry to implement your solution into our in-house product so time is of the essence. Thanks in advance for supplying us with this information.


According to the requests of this customer, there is one software which can not be too good for him. It is VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter which can help you convert convert DOC, DOCX, DOCM, RTF, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, OpenOffice ODT, HTML, MHTML files to PDF, Postscript, PS, EPS, SVG, SWF, XPS, PCL, HPGL, HTML, MHTML, RTF, Text, XML, JPG, TIFF, EMF, WMF, BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, etc.

Its server version can be called from ASP/PHP/C#/.NET/... etc. server side applications easily. Here are some examples for your reference: If you use the SDK version, it allows you to integrate this app to your own software and you can distribute it freely.

More to let you feel excited is that you can try this software many times before you pay for it. And if you have any question, we can fix for you in a short time. It is notable that all the benefits I talked above is totally free. If you meet the same problem, please do not hesitate to  have a free trail. Here is the link for you:

PDF to Flash Converter

How to create transparent SWF file from PDF file?

I think you can use PDF to Flash Converter to help you create transparent SWF file from PDF file. And if you would like to know more details, you can go on reading this article.

First of all, please download zip file of PDF to Flash Converter, then open this zip file on your computer, and extract the content of this zip file to your computer so that you can use PDF to Flash Converter on your computer directly.

Then, please click hotkey of “Windows + R” on your computer, then input “cmd.exe” in dialog box “Run”, then click “OK” there, finally, command prompt window can be popped on your screen, which is the operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter in Windows systems.

Next, please input command line with example referred to so that you can fulfill your process from PDF to SWF and get transparent SWF file successfully on your computer:

f:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –transparent d:\source\in.pdf d:\target\out.swf

You need to know followings from the command line above:

1. f:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe is the path of “pdftoflash.exe” typed for using PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window.

2. –transparent is a parameter to assist PDF to Flash Converter produce a transparent SWF file later.

3. d:\source\in.pdf is the source path of PDF file, which is to add this PDF file for this process.

4. d:\target\out.swf is the targeting path typed for naming and saving SWF file on your computer.

After you type command line like above accurately in command prompt window, you need to take the last step, which is to click “enter” button in command prompt window so that PDF to Flash Converter can help you produce transparent SWF file.

I think you can get the method to convert PDF to SWF and get transparent SWF with PDF to Flash Converter by now. So if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter for the illutration of this process above, you can definitely go to homepage of PDF to Flash Converter.

PDF to Flash Converter

How to merge vector graphics into background during conversion from PDF to SWF?

This article can offer you a method to merge vector graphics of PDF into background during conversion from PDF to SWF on your computer of Windows systems. If your PDF file contains vector graphics, maybe you can try this way to merge them into background of SWF file on your computer.

Here is the method below:

1. Extract folder of “pdftoflash_cmd” to your computer after you download zip file of PDF to Flash Converter. Then, PDF to Flash Converter can be used later.

2. Open command prompt window by the following way:

Click hotkey of “Windows + R” > input “cmd.exe” in edit box of “Run” > click “OK”, then running environment of PDF to Flash Converter can be opened automatically, which is the command prompt window.

3. In command prompt window, you can refer to the followings to convert PDF to SWF and merge vector graphics into background:

Here is an example about this process below, which you can refer to process your own one:

E:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –enablepv2r D:\sources\example.pdf D:\targets\example.swf

E:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe is the path of “pdftoflash.exe”, which is typed for starting to use PDF to Flash Converter; –enablepv2r is the parameter to help you merge vector graphics of PDF into background during conversion of PDF file to SWF file; D:\sources\example.pdf is the path of source PDF file, which is used for adding it for this process; D:\targets\example.swf is the targeting path for saving and naming SWF file on your computer.

At last, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then PDF to Flash Converter can help you accomplish this conversion and get SWF file with vector graphics merged into background within several seconds.

For more questions on process from PDF to SWF and merging vector graphics into background of SWF, you can choose to leave your comments here. For more information of PDF to Flash Converter, please visit the official website of PDF to Flash Converter.

PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert PDF to SWF and make images of SWF clearer?

PDF to Flash Converter can not only help you convert PDF to SWF, but also can help you make images of SWF clearer on your computer of Windows systems. Here are more details below:

You need to install PDF to Flash Converter on your computer firstly:

1. Get zip file of PDF to Flash Converter from here

2. Open this zip file and get the content extracted on your computer

Then, PDF to Flash Converter can be used later directly on your computer.

Next, please click “Windows + R” hotkey in order to get dialog box of “Run” popped on your screen, then type “cmd.exe” there and click “OK” so that the operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter can be opened automatically, which is command prompt window in Windows systems. Then, please do the followings to convert PDF to SWF and make images of SWF clearer:

1. Type the path of “pdftoflash.exe” into command prompt window, which is used to launch PDF to Flash Converter there.

2. After one click on “space”, please type this parameter with true value “-swfimagezoom <int>” in order to adjust resolution of images in SWF files with multiple, where “<int>” can be 0, 1, 2 or 4 accordingly, and here are the difference below:

  • 0 : resolution is same as original PDF file
  • 1 : resolution is 1x original resolution, quality of images is worst and size of images is small
  • 2 : resolution to 2x original resolution, quality of images is better than 1
  • 4 : resolution to 4x original resolution, quality of images is better than 2

After that, please click “space” in command prompt window.

3. Input the source path of PDF file in order to add this PDF file for this process in command prompt window, then get one click on “space” in command prompt window.

4. Type the objective path in order to assign a targeting folder and name your SWF file in command prompt window directly.

Finally, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then PDF to Flash Converter can help you process your task quickly, and later on, you can find your clearer SWF file in destination folder on your computer.

Here is the relative example below:

d:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfimagezoom 2 f:\examples\source.pdf f:\examples\target.swf

By now, if you have some questions on process to convert PDF to SWF and make images of SWF clearer, you can drop your comments here, we will help you as soon as possible. Of course, if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter, please go to official website of PDF to Flash Converter.

PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert PDF to SWF and set resolution of SWF flexibly?

To convert PDF to SWF and set resolution of SWF flexibly, you can use PDF to Flash Converter in Windows platforms. With PDF to Flash Converter, Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat does not need to be installed on your computer at all! More information, please continue to read this article.

After you get Zip file of PDF to Flash Converter, please open it and extract folder “pdftoflash_cmd” to your computer so that PDF to Flash Converter can be used later on your computer.

Then, please do the followings to run “cmd.exe” so that running environment of PDF to Flash Converter can be opened:

click “start” > click “Run” on start menu > type “cmd.exe” or “cmd” in edit box of “Run” > click “OK”, then command prompt window can be popped on your screen, which is the operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter.

After that, please refer to the following example to convert PDF to SWF and edit resolution of SWF flexibly in command prompt window:

g:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe -swfopt "-s zoom=200" d:\source\example.pdf f:\target\example.swf

There are some tips you need to know in command line above:

1. g:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe is the essential path of “pdftoflash.exe” used for using PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window

2. -swfopt "-s zoom=200" is a parameter to set resolution of SWF file as 200 DPI, which is from this original parameter “-swfopt “-s zoom = factor””, where “factor” needs to be int, and default resolution is 72 DPI in the condition of no setting on resolution

3. d:\source\example.pdf is the source path of PDF file, which is used to add this PDF file for this process

4. f:\target\example.swf is the objective path typed for naming and saving SWF file later

When you finish your typing like above in turns in command prompt window, please click “enter”, then PDF to Flash Converter can help you process this task on your computer, and you will get your SWF file in targeting folder with resolution of 200 DPI.

The above is the illustration about how to convert PDF to SWF and edit resolution of SWF with PDF to Flash Converter, which is very simple and convenient as you see. However, if you have any questions on PDF to Flash Converter, please log on official website of PDF to Flash Converter, and for any doubts on this process, please add your comments here, then you will get a quick reply, have a nice day!