DOC to Any Converter

We are running the command below to convert an excel file to a pdf from Task Scheduler. The command is in a batch file.

Hi - We are running the command below to convert an excel file to a pdf. The command is in a batch file. If we execute the batch file directly it works fine, but if we try to use Task Scheduler to execute the batch file it hangs.

Is there something special about using the office option that we need to have setup? We do have Microsoft Excel installed.

REM --> Convert the Consolidated Bill .xlsx to .pdf file
doc2any -useoffice 1 -useprinter -log log.txt "C:\EBICustom\Test\Server\PDF Invoice\SpaceX\SpaceXTemp\SpaceX_Output.xlsx" "C:\EBICustom\Test\Server\PDF Invoice\SpaceX\SpaceXTemp\ConsolidatedBill.pdf"

This seems to also only happen if we try to use Office. Below is a sample of the command in a batch file that runs fine from the Task Scheduler.

REM --> Convert the Consolidated Bill .xlsx to .pdf file
doc2any.exe -nooffice -useprinter "C:\EBICustom\Test\Server\PDF Invoice\SpaceX\SpaceXTemp\SpaceX_Output.xlsx" "C:\EBICustom\Test\Server\PDF Invoice\SpaceX\SpaceXTemp\ConsolidatedBill.pdf"

Thank you

Ashley Ryum
IT Business Analyst

We are running the command below to convert an excel file to a pdf from Task Scheduler. The command is in a batch file.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, because MS Office can't be run from a System or Local System user account, so you need run MS Office from an interactive user account to convert office files to PDF files.

Please look at following web pages we hope these web pages will useful to you,

You can also use "-nooffice" option to convert from Office documents to PDF files from Task Scheduler directly, please look at following web page for more information,


PDF to DWG Converter, Raster to Vector Converter

Pdf2dwg is an important part of the automation (hence we need command line version) of our processing which needs to be included in the testing


We already have 2 licensed instances of this product and it is excellent.

My I.T. section want me to test our production process on a virtual server for a couple of weeks.

Pdf2dwg is an important part of the automation (hence we need command line version) of our processing which needs to be included in the testing

I it possible to get a trial license for such.

If so what information (server ID, etc.) would you need.


Pdf2dwg is an important part of the automation (hence we need command line version) of our processing which needs to be included in the testing
Thanks for your message, you may download and test the trial version of "PDF to DWG Converter Command Line" from this web page,

after you download it, you can run following command lines to convert from PDF files to DWG and DXF files easily,

    pdf2dwg.exe C:\*.pdf C:\*.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe C:\*.pdf C:\*.dwg
    pdf2dwg.exe C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -drawtext 1 C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -xscale 0.5 -yscale 0.5 C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -page 3 C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -rotate 45 C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -mm -ctl C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -mm -ctl C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -ptl C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -spline 1 C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -spline 2 C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe C:\test.dxf C:\test.dwg
    pdf2dwg.exe -ver 10 C:\test.dwg C:\test.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -ver 16 C:\test.dwg C:\test.dwg

Please notice, "VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter Command Line" is can only convert from vector PDF files to vector DWG and DXF files, if your PDF files were created from scanner or camera, you need use "VeryPDF Raster to Vector Converter Command Line" software, this software does convert from scanned PDF files to vector DXF and DWG files,

Please refer to more information about "VeryPDF Raster to Vector Converter Command Line" software at below,

Convert image files and PDF files to smooth and scalable vector formats.
Input formats: pdf, jpg, gif, png, tif, tga, pcx, pnm (pbm, pgm, ppm), bmp
Output formats: eps, postscript, ps, pdf, svg, dxf, pgm, emf
-pagesize parameter is support A4, A3, A5, B5, Letter, Legal, Tabloid, Statement
, Executive, Folio, Quarto, 10x14. Format names are case insensitive.
-width and -height dimensions can have optional units, e.g. 6.5in, 15cm, 100pt.
Default is inches (or pixels for pgm, dxf).

Usage: RasterToVector [options] <in-file> [<out-file>]
  -pagesize <string>   : set page size (default is letter)
  -width <string>      : width of output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  -height <string>     : height of output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  -res <string>        : resolution (in dpi)
  -rotate <string>     : rotate counterclockwise by angle
  -margin <string>     : set margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  -lmargin <string>    : set left margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  -rmargin <string>    : set right margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  -tmargin <string>    : set top margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  -bmargin <string>    : set bottom margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  -tight               : remove whitespace around the input image
  -linecolor <string>  : set line color #rrggbb (default black)
  -fillcolor <string>  : set fill color #rrggbb (default transparent)
  -opaque              : make white shapes opaque
  -speckle <int>       : suppress speckles of up to this size (default 2)
  -invert              : invert color for input image
  -svggroup            : group related paths together
  -svgflat             : whole image as a single path
  -bwthreshold <int>   : set threshold value for color image to BW conversion, default is 240
  -method2             : use second method to convert raster to vector format
  -centerline          : trace a character's centerline, rather than its outline
  -pdfres <int>        : resolution to render PDF pages, default is 150 DPI
  -addcmd <string>     : Reserved parameter
  -v                   : Print copyright and version info
  -h                   : Print usage information
  -help                : Print usage information
  --help               : Print usage information
  -?                   : Print usage information
  -$ <string>          : Input registration key
   Raster2Vector.exe C:\*.tif C:\*.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.eps
   Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\
   Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.svg
   Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.pgm
   Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.dxf
   Raster2Vector.exe -method2 C:\in.tif C:\out.emf
   Raster2Vector.exe -width 595pt -height 842pt C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -pagesize a4 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -width 8.5 -height 11 C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -res 300 C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -margin 30pt C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -lmargin 10pt -tmargin 10pt -rmargin 10pt -bmargin 10pt C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -tight C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -linecolor #FF0000 C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -fillcolor #FF0000 C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -opaque C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -speckle 10 C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -invert C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
   Raster2Vector.exe -svggroup C:\in.png C:\out.svg
   Raster2Vector.exe -svgflat C:\in.png C:\out.svg
   Raster2Vector.exe -bwthreshold 240 C:\color.png C:\out.eps
   Raster2Vector.exe -method2 -centerline C:\color.png C:\out.eps
   Raster2Vector.exe -pdfres 300 C:\color.pdf C:\out.eps

PDF Compressor

Questions about PDF Compressor. Is there a way to compresses/convert color PDF files to black and white PDF files?

We are looking at PDF Compressor and trying to figure out whether we need the command line version or the SDK version.

1) Do you have any documentation regarding the SDK and how it works?
2) Is the SDK compatible with VBA (MS Access)?

Any information you can provide regarding the SDK version would be helpful.

Also, we have tested the command line version with fairly good results. However, I do have two questions:

1. Is there a way to compresses/convert color PDF to B/W ?

2. Is there a way to skip already compressed files. When we try to compress a PDF that is already compressed using JPX, it comes out unreadable.


Questions about PDF Compressor. Is there a way to compresses/convert color PDF files to black and white PDF files?
>>1) Do you have any documentation regarding the SDK and how it works?

The SDK package contains the examples, you can compile and run these examples easily, you may download the trial version of PDF Compressor SDK from this web page to try,

>>2) Is the SDK compatible with VBA (MS Access) ?

Yes, the SDK does compatible with VBA (MS Access).

>>Any information you can provide regarding the SDK version would be helpful.

You can call PDFCompressCom.exe COM component from your VB, VC, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Delphi, etc. source code easily.

In order to use PDFCompressCom.exe COM component, you need register it into your system first. You can launch a CMD window by administrator privilege, and run following command line to register PDFCompressCom.exe COM into your system,

PDFCompressCom.exe /regserver

then you can compile and run VB, VC, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, etc. projects to test PDF Compression function, please refer to a VB.NET example at below,

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strFolderDir As String = Application.StartupPath()
Dim strInFile As String = strFolderDir & "\sample\test-color-image.pdf"
Dim strOutFile As String = strFolderDir & "\sample\test-color-image_out.pdf"
Dim strLicenseKey As String = "-$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
Dim strCmd As String = "-ci jpx -cidown -cidownres 150 -gi jpx -gidown -gidownres 150 -mi jbig2 -midown -midownres 150 " & strLicenseKey & " """ & strInFile & """ """ & strOutFile & """"

Dim VeryPDFCom As Object = CreateObject("VeryPDF.PDFCompressCom")
Dim strReturn As String = VeryPDFCom.PDFCompressor(strCmd)
End Sub
End Class

The more command line options can be found on this web page,

>>Also, we have tested the command line version with fairly good results. However, I do have two questions:
>>1. Is there a way to compresses/convert color PDF to B/W ?

Sorry, PDF Compressor Command Line and SDK can't convert from color PDF files to B/W PDF files, it will keep the same color depth from source PDF files to compressed PDF files.

However, if you wish to converted from color PDF files to B/W PDF files, we can add this function to you at additional development cost, if you are interest in this function, please feel free to let us know.

>>2. Is there a way to skip already compressed files. When we try to compress a PDF that is already compressed using JPX, it comes out unreadable.

Sorry, PDF Compressor Command Line and SDK can't skip already compressed files yet, however, if this function is important to you, we can add this function to you at additional development cost, if you are interest in this function, please feel free to let us know.

PCL to PDF and Image Converter, PCL, PS, PDF Page Counter, PDF to PDF/A Converter

How to convert from PCL files to PDF/A files?


We are planning to convert a huge archive of PCL files to PDF/A. Do your company offer any products that may help transforming the PCL files to PDF/A ?

Kind Regards

How to convert from PCL files to PDF/A files?
Thanks for your message, we haven't a PCL to PDF/A Converter software yet, however, we suggest you may by following steps to convert from PCL files to PDF/A files,

1. You can use "VeryPDF PCL Converter" software to convert from PCL files to normal PDF files,

You can run following command line to convert from PCL files to PDF files,

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VeryPDF PCL Converter v3.0\pcltool.exe" C:\in.pcl C:\out.pdf

2. You can use VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line to convert from normal PDF files to PDF/A files, you may download VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line from this web page,

You can run following command line to convert from normal PDF file to PDF/A file,

pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample1.pdf" "_sample1-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample2.pdf" "_sample2-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample3.pdf" "_sample3-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample4.pdf" "_sample4-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample5.pdf" "_sample5-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample6.pdf" "_sample6-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample7.pdf" "_sample7-pdfa.pdf"

We hope above two software will work fine to you, you may download and use them to convert from PCL files to PDF/A files easily.


DWG to Image Converter, DWG to PDF Converter, DWG to Vector Converter

dwf, dwg, dwfx to swf file conversion – solution required, AutoCAD DWG to Flash Converter


In one of my web application I want to view files with extension .dwf, .dwg and .dwfx in browser. Please let me know if you offer a solution for it.

Also I want to know if you can provide a solution to convert .dwf, .dwg and .dwfx files to .swf file.

I went through your following blog post and thought you can offer the solution.

Kind Regards,

dwf, dwg, dwfx to swf file conversion - solution required, AutoCAD DWG to Flash Converter
Thanks for your message, we suggest you may download "DWG to Vector Converter Command Line" from this web page to try,

You can use "DWG to Vector Converter Command Line" to convert from DWG and DXF files to PDF files first, and then use "PDF to Flash Converter Command Line" to convert from PDF files to Flash SWF files, you may download "PDF to Flash Converter Command Line" from this web page to try,

here are some command lines for you reference,

dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.pdf
dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dxf C:\out.pdf

pdftoflash.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf
pdftoflash.exe -swfburst2 -swfmaxopt -mapfont C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf
pdftoflash.exe -mapfont -swfburst2 -swfflatten -swfmaxopt -swfimagequality 70 -swfimagezoom 1 C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf

If you encounter any problem with above command lines, please feel free to let us know.


Light bulb VeryDOC DWG to Flash Converter, Faster than ever!

DWG to Flash Converter is to create animation of DWG/DXF files. DWG to Flash converter makes it easy to share and publish AutoCAD drawings on web. AutoCAD version from R9 to 2018 is supported.

Key features:

  • Convert DWG/DXF to Flash
  • Additional viewer or plug-in is not needed to view Flash.
  • This converter remains vector image, details of drawing are well-preserved.
  • Designed for sharing and publishing AutoCAD DWG files online.
  • A Flash mapping tool for authors.

What is generating Flash files for?

You can generate SWF file with DWG to Flash converter for:
1. Desktop publishing.
2. Remain vector image, details of drawing are well-preserved.
3. Easier publishing online than PDF, DWF and image file, for image cannot be resized, PDF requires Adobe Reader and DWF is introduced by Autodesk for which DWF viewer is needed.

Stand-alone utility - AutoCAD NOT required

DWG to Flash converter is for DWG/DXF to Flash conversion and easy to use.
It is a stand-alone converter and requires no Autodesk software.

School See Also:

VeryPDF Cloud Raster to Vector Converter

Stand-alone Raster to Vector Converter Desktop GUI and Raster to Vector Converter Command Line applications to convert bitmap images to vector images offline. Supports all functions in the online version, plus AI and DXF output. Works seamlessly with Illustrator, Corel, and others.

Cloud Image to Vector Converter: Convert raster images like PNGs, BMPs and JPEGs to scalable vector graphics (SVG, PDF, DXF, EPS, PS).
Input formats: PDF (Scanned PDF and Vector PDF), BMP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TGA, PCX, TIF, TIFF, DCX, EPS, PS, ICO, MNG, PPM, PNM, PGM, PBM, PSD.
Output formats: SVG, PDF, EPS, PS, DXF.